What is the single best bicep exercise. i want 18 inch pipes

what is the single best bicep exercise. i want 18 inch pipes

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Heavy chin ups
Cheat barbell curls
Incline curls
Concentration curls

Is that you? You'd probably benefit from some bicep curls.

You do it for strength, not volume. You do it for yourself, not others. Volume and girls are bonus

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>cheat barbell curls
i don't cheat at anything . incline curls are based af though

Any triceps exercise with the arm extended overhead. This hits the long head of the triceps, which is the thickest part of your upper arm.

this but before doing that, do close grip bench or heavy dips to stimulate type II muscle fibers as over 65% of your triceps consist of these and respond to heavier movements.

how the fuck is an overhead tricep extension the best bicep workout

If you want big arms you need to work your tricep. Familiarize yourself with your anatomy.

OP wants big pipes, but he was too retarded to know he was asking the wrong question. Your upper arm thickness is about 1/3 bicep and 2/3 tricep.

>t. retard

my triceps aren't lagging. i just want the best bicep isolation movement cause i want to grow my biceps. thought that was pretty clear.

It was, but you said you wanted 18 inch pipes, which threw people off from your bicep question since your triceps are the majority of your 'pipes'.

Train tris if you want big pipes, its a much larger muscle group, contributes more to the arm.

>Is that you?
Please tell me this is a serious question.

Can’t be. You and I just got trolled bruh.

Look at those chicken legs LMAO.

if you don't cheat you aren't getting those last reps

Cheating gets a bad name. You're stronger on the negative, so you can do more reps there. You get better stimulation if you start cheating a couple of reps in the end, provided you control the negatives. Also, don't count those reps for whatever calculations you do, they're a bonus

For biceps there is no single best exercise, what you need is variation. First and foremost build the brachialis with hammer curls, that will also give you nice meaty arms when they are relaxed and push the biceps up more. When it comes to most curl variations low weight, maximum isolation, focus on peak contraction and constant tension work best for me - however I also throw in heavy curls, cheat curls and heavy negatives. So while I would say you can build big arms with laughably low weight, it's still best to give them all kinds of different stimuli. You'll plateau quickly if you keep doing the same shit.

Weighted dips, weighted pullups, don't forget triceps bro it's two thirds of your arm

here's what you do OP

do a bicep exercise for 3 sets
measure pump

rest for a day

do another bicep exercise for 3 sets
measure pump

then pick the exercise that gives you the best pump
for me, pullups give me the exact same bicep pumps as barbell/dumbbell curls

I do one heavy curl and one concentration curl every back day for 3-4 sets. And then cross-chest hammer curls and wrist curls in both directions. Seems to give me enough of a pump, but I'm not sure if I'm getting enough gains.

No I don't. I do it for physique.

You could do some pyramid sets or 21s. Also when I do db curls I often go beyond failure and help with my other arm on the way up, then control the eccentric. You could also go to failure, then pick up a barbell and underhand row or drag curl. Just some things you can try.