srs what would you do if this happened to you
Srs what would you do if this happened to you
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Nothing because I don't want to get banned from the gym
1. Don't move;
2. Pic related;
3. Don't even touch the guy;
4. Say loudly "don't threaten me I am being threatened right now";
5. Go back to #2 when asked to move
6. Get shoved/hit
7. Sue the guy related
8. If I can't track him, file a lawsuit and subpoena gym for name of guy
9. collect settlement gibs
Uppercut as soon as I dropped the weight
People don't do shit like this to me because I'm 6'1 though
based resident Jow Forums jew
turn 360 pull down my pants and violently shart all over his legs
Some people need some behavior correction, but i'd probably be too angry to not reach for my cc piece.
This is the correct course of action. You either get him banned from the gym for fucking with your set if he doesn't fight you but it's still on camera, or he does attack you and you sue his ass.
I hope you are memeing because that would never stand up as self defense if you shot him
More like "You touch me you pay me"
you cc in the gym?
All of this is irrelevant because
1.I lift at the precinct
2.A little situational awareness goes a long way and I probably would've taken him down before he kicked the bar.:/
>Stay away o-or else! I mean it! :(
Maybe you can call this faggot
truly nigmode
what would u rather win
1. a fight
2. 5+ digit money for a minor inconvenience
You're a slimy Jew with no dignity, and you only exist because you are protected by the law
>situational awareness while heavy deadlifting the last rep
What are you lifting like 1pl8? lol
what was the outcome of this anyways? i remember this from last year
you might be retarded
Fuck yea nigga this is my b. Shit when I'm finna lift heavy at the gym
Are you the guy who did the kicking in the video? I know he's being sued for it, and it would explain why that bothers you so much.
Maybe an autistic post, but this is what you do in a fight
>Create space, know when you can and cannot be hit
>frame up, hands up
from there you can use striking or wrestling. Since the guy looks like he's just some sperg and alone, you could grapple.
how much did he deadlift?
Well, it would never happen because I'm twice the size of that raging boomer and I deadlift over 600lbs, but if it did happen I'd cave his skull in. Since he assaulted me first I wouldn't even get in trouble for it.
Man, americans are pathetic. No wonder nigger bully you people.
>get physically assaulted on camera
>defend yourself
>get banned
1. Do wrestling
2. Suplex this fucker on his head
Valid method because he deserves to be jewed.
Why didn't he deadlift him
Don’t get me wrong I’d love to kick him into a pulp and thermite his car engine. But that’s illegal and you’re getting into trouble for fucking some faggot up. Jewing him is fine in this case. If it was not in a public, camera-recording place I’d just have a go at the nigger
>it's illegal to defend yourself
I just saw it again; you’re right. I was under the impression he just kicked the weight, but he went full nigger. I rescind my statement, I would go ham
Even kicking the weight counts as assault. He could have caused him to tear bicep with that shit.
I agree but not sure if a normie court would recognize it as assault
This kid tried to lift too heavy, shit form, made a lot of noise.
I'd have done the same as that guy.
>too heavy
same. only way to get to the top of the mountain is kicking others down. i see this kid lifting a lot, I put a stop to it.