I recently found out i have anterior pelvic tilt and i’ve found some exercises that can bring it back to nornal but i...

I recently found out i have anterior pelvic tilt and i’ve found some exercises that can bring it back to nornal but i don’t know how many times i have to do these exercises to fix it.

People that had anterior pelvic tilt,how many times did you exercise it to fix it?was it everyday or each gym session?

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Fixed mine with yoga and doing a kegel while breathing out, whenever i remebered. Went from trainwreck to meh, acceptable in six months or so.


Tighten your abs fgt

Pls consider kys

As gay as it sounds, the absolute best way to achieve good posture is yoga. I'm not talking about the stupid spiritual chi energy yoga, either. There are a lot of yoga programs, many of which you can watch for free online, that focus on structural rigidity and joint integrity throughout the body. You will develop a mind muscle connection with muscles you didn't even know you had and your ability to manipulate your body will be exponentially enhanced by regularly doing yoga.

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Do this twice every day. Completely fixed my shit posture.


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These are head tilt tho...

watch the video my man
it's your spine, which runs along your entire body
the head tilt is a byproduct of the anterior tilt, which is what is being resolved
the reason the video is titled that way is because most people have or notice the head posture, versus realizing their pelvic posture

Whats your reccomendation

Want to know as well

thirding this, plz impart your knowledge onto us

How the fuck do I squat while having anterior pelvic tilt? My butt wink is crazy


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Unironically, DDP Yoga.

Diamond Dallas Page destroyed his body with years of acrobatics in fake American wrestling in the 80s and 90s. He reluctantly tried yoga and it changed his life.

There are also a lot of good free ones on YouTube. Yoga with Adriene is surprisingly based.

i have apt as well and what i originally thought was buttwink was just my pelvis tilting back to its normal neutral position at the bottom of the squat.

Look up Egoscue exercises for hips. The best solution I've found.

Are there any alternatives to yoga? I'm catholic so I'm not touching that demon shit


Look up a dynamic stretching routine or maybe some tia chi.
God bless

Do you get an increase in height after fixing APT?