Does mewing actually do anything for your jaw or is it just bullshit pseudoscience waste of time?

Does mewing actually do anything for your jaw or is it just bullshit pseudoscience waste of time?

Attached: Guy with no jaw.jpg (470x626, 168K)


it tones and uplifts your face abit. been doing it for a year.

its bullshit.
it is possible to very slightly square up your jaw by making the muscles on the outside edge of your jaw bigger, but apart from that, no.

Seething jawlet

your not going to change facial structure considerably staying natty, just get cosmetic surgery and pay like 5k and then you will become chad with steel jaw

>just get cosmetic surgery and pay like 5k
its not about the money brainlet. many many things can go wrong with doing surgery

if you want better facial structure follow this Mewing is your best option only if you're poor or afraid from surgery / judgement. There is no reason not to have a good tongue posture tho.

i'd say you can enhance your jaw muscles, and that's pretty good and efficient, like the neck muscle when you actually make them work and there's huge improvements.

but if you have a fucked up jaw like pic related, go get cosmetic surgery. but i'm pretty sure there's nothing wrong with your jaw and you're cherrypicking on your appearance. your jaw is fine, don't fall for the chad meme

yeah maybe 20 years ago but things have improved heaps since then, just go to a surgeon that is highly regarded. But I guess you'd rather be Guy with no jaw.jpg all your life.

nothing can go wrong

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It does shit for you if you have bad jaw positioning, I've apprently always had teh newing tongue position so my jaw can't be any more corrected, but if you have a shitty bite it'll help you correct it.

Outside of that, get surgery.

>a good tongue posture
What orthodontists mean by good tongue posture is not the same what Mew means. Orthodontists suggest to put only tip of tongue to the roof of mouth, while Mew says you should press with the root of your tongue.

post X ray comparison

Yes. The effects happen instantaneously!

Attached: ydvVCUY.jpg (940x626, 84K)

>Merci, Docteur

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>the miracles of modern cosmetic surgery
simply amazing

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Looks better on the left desu

Yes and no.

Yes, it promotes good oral posture and positions your jaw where it would look best.

No, it doesnt actually change bone structure, just the muscles surrounding those bones.

So unless you have the fucking head structure of a minecraft villager, mewing will actually improve and define your jaw line and jaw shape.

I posted a little bit about this in a /pol thread but I’m an actual dentist and I’m telling you that orthotropics as you know it is unsupported by literature (it’s bullshit). Oral habits during growth periods do have huge effects on facial structure and position of teeth but once you’re an adult you’re wasting your time unless you’re literally sucking your thumb while you sleep like a fucking two year old.

can you please stop posting my picture? Thanks.

>I’m an actual dentist
any proof? (no offence, bro)

Can mewing fix my snoring (I'm not a fatty)?

I’m sitting at my desk between patients right now but I sure as shit ain’t gonna identify myself. Take it or leave it. Happy to answer questions for a bit.

No, it most likely will not. I’m not an apnea expert but I’m in great shape and have had snoring issues myself. Studies have proven the efficacy of CPAP therapy as well as mandibular advancement appliance therapy but both have their drawbacks. A good start would be to stop sleeping on your back.

Stupid question but how to explain success pictures?

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>countless number of variables may account for differences in photographic appearance
>assumes one of the least likely possibilities is the answer

Seriously do you not even know a single instathot irl? Photos don’t mean anything, especially when trying to cross over into real science.

anyone who says it’s complete bullshit is either lying or they grossly misunderstood what mewing is about....or they’re just jewish

mewing is about functionality not necessarily aesthetics. the correct posture will correct your breathing. once you start mewing without even realizing you’re doing it, that’s where the real face gains will come in

if i'm playing devil's advocate, lighting of the photos, angle from which it's taken, the way the person holds their head, growth during the time period (for example in the one you posted the guy looks young enough that adjusting proper posture could have an impact.)

OK bud. Can’t wait to see the peer-reviewed studies I’m sure you’re itching to post.

Here is the reality for anyone who is curious: I seriously don’t want to treat you. If there was some way to achieve the type of results we can get with orthognathics by simply changing tongue posture or other non-medical means, I would be all for it. I do plenty well enough doing dental work on people who actually need it to keep their teeth that the last thing I’d ever want to do it beg someone to undergo orthodontics when they’re skeptical or if there are less invasive options out there. The fact is that there is simply no evidence that I am aware of that validates anything orthotropics enthusiasts claim. Seriously, if you guys spent 1/10th of the time educating yourself on actual orthodontics/orthognathics that you spend in orthotropic fantasy land you might actually be able to make a difference in your health/appearance. Fact is that most of you are just too stupid/cheap to try and approach your oral health issues head on and seek shortcuts and snake oil instead. Take it or leave it.

Started a year ago, and i get a lot of comments on my look recently (even from people i don't know)

What do they say? "Mmm, nice jaw and cheeks, how did you get them?" or what?

>literal millimeters of extra bone
how does it feel you faggots when you know that literally what separates you from pussy is an extra mm or two

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Can my teeth become whiter if they are a bit far gone in terms of color if I do enough (multiple) whitening sessions? What's the best option for extreme yellow teeth?

Not a joke question.

>just get cosmetic surgery and pay like 5k and then you will become chad with steel jaw

you're looking at a figure more like 25k, and even then you're probably not going to end looking like "chad".

As someone who has had cosmetic surgery, the average person, but especially incels who want to "ascend", grossly overestimate the results of surgery. Dont even take my word for it, just look how often the exact same few examples are used. Theres a reason for this: selectively picking the really good outliers and ignoring the hundreds of completely underwhelming results.

5k wont get you shit. Maybe a sliding genioplasty, which does have a good impact but is a far cry from "chad" jawline.

What people fail to understand is chad has multiple things going on and some of them are impossible or extremely difficult to replicate with current surgical techniques. Its not as simple as simply slapping some silicone or titanium or medpor onto the jaw and calling it a day.

For starters, the soft tissue profile is never addressed and there exists almost no good surgical manipulations for this at the moment. This part is a huge reason why jaw augmentation is frequently underwhelming even when very large implants are used.

secondly chad's good facial development is often also a result of having a WIDE palate and zygos. Many average looking guys have small mouths with constricted/narrow dental arches. As an adult there is not much you can go for surgically that will rectify this. there is Distraction Osteogenesis, but I have literally never heard of a surgeon performing this for anyone but the most deformed people, and even then its usually only because they literally do not have enough bone volume to perform any kind of conventional surgery.

ffs that is an OBVIOUS photoshop. I hate the new internet, you kids are fucking dupes.

Conventional dental wisdom says that whitening will achieve a two shade difference at best. Google “vita shade guide” and look at the difference between A3 and A1 for reference.

This guy gets it. Study this post

he wasn't fully developed on the left, and he probably misaligned his jaw. On the right he's fully matured and not mis aligned.

Thanks mang, that's already a good help.

he chewed gum. a lot. to the point where it hurt him

Holy shit this is a big difference. I do not have this problem but seeing now how a strong jaw line can help appearance i think im gonna get surgery.

>thinking this is a typical outcome

Genioplasty here. It helped me a little because the voice that said "she's gonna reject you because of your side profile" basically went silent. Other than that, I look pretty much the same. I was surprised that people I knew very well (including some family members) couldn't tell that I had anything done.
Overall, still worth it.

>thinking this is an outcome at all
Maaaaaaybe Eppley could give you some cartoon-ass wrap around implant that would look similar. Aesthetically, no jaw surgeon would give you that much projection if you went that route (assuming you even had the money).

>That backofthenecktoplasty

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