Ok fit, how many of you can actually L-sit for more than 5 seconds?
0.2 seconds, what do I get?
30 seconds. ez pz
5 seconds. I can do a planche and never trained the l-sit and now it's an issue.
I can do like half a minute with no problems whatsoever
30 secs last I did them.
I can, not w/ legs as straight as OP pic tho
that's pretty good. I'm surprised weightlifters have the flexibility and hip flexor strength for it.
I do cali mainly but my hamstrings were really tight back then so I stopped doing them. I should thank you for reminding me about l-sits actually.
people that cant do them wont reply
Barely over 5 seconds. Never done them before today though. Are they worth incorporating into my routine?
Why does he look so shit?
how to progress to OP?
easy, do it on your knuncles.
if i never done bodyweight stuff (only gym stuff) would i still be able to do this
lighting, body fuzz, stomach is contracted - not taut, can't see thigh radius, prob natty.
>you have the same hairline, don't you !
30 sec max. Am 62kg though.
Currently stuck at tucked planche
about 15 seconds on the ground, more if i'm hanging
You can't say this and not post body
20ish seconds but I do kickboxing and my hip flexors are pretty strong.
I used to be able to do a minute or so a few times a night. I have terrible hip problems now though so those are out for awhile.
It took me a few months to work up to some genuine time doing those.
After my hip scopes I’d be lucky to ever do an l sit again
I can do it, then go up to a handstand, back into the sit about 10 times without anything but my hands touching the floor
will you be my bf? no homo :)
I can barely do 1 l-sit to handstand but it's coming
No can do, as you could have guessed I'm already drowning in pussy and I have no time for any kind of extra commitment
I can't do it, how do I start? Also I want to learn how to do the Chinese get up
I did it for 0.1 seconds, then my quad started painfully cramping, then my neck started painfully cramping due to my grimacing from the leg pain
yeah I remember when I started doing l-sits that my quads were getting fired, it gets easier quick if you improve your overall fitness.
43 seconds. Those who can't prob are just bulkers
I hate them because they make me cum
Antranik unironically looks better than you in this pic
isnt this supposed to be easy? I remember doing this a lot in PE classes when we were sitting on the floor
care to explain please
I can do L sits on a counter or anything where there is no floor where my feet will fall.
I don’t think i can do them like OPs image though
the exercise puts a lot of pressure in my groin therefore in my prostate as well so if I sustain that position for long periods I end up cumming
I'm 5'7 so very easily like 30 seconds
>tfw short arms
>Can't even get my ass of the floor
Being short is suffering