My dad on right doing Pahlevani and zoorkhaneh rituals in 1968. Absolute natty.
My dad on right doing Pahlevani and zoorkhaneh rituals in 1968. Absolute natty
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Now post body. You aren't a complete disappointment to your father are you?
I wont post body due to biometrics harvesting. I am on 100 lists.
>I am on 100 lists.
Imagine the smell. No haha though.
What kind of shitty third world monkey dump is this?
imagine your knowledge of the world and its cultures being so small that you can't even imagine a guess
Pahlevani was a bodybuilding method when disgusting white subhumans were living in caves in Europe LMAO
>mfw basedbois cant event lift mills
Sorry we don't care about your vaguely brown windmill country, europoor.
yeah you only care about nigger dicks and fries you fucking cuckold american small dicked obese bitch
lmao stay mad commie
yes, he does look natty.
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.
>functional strength
>>functional strength
>Pahlevani and zourkhaneh rituals is the name inscribed by UNESCO for varzesh-e pahlavāni (Persian: آیین پهلوانی و زورخانهای, "heroic sport")[1] or varzesh-e bāstāni (ورزش باستانی; varzeš-e bāstānī, "ancient sport"), a traditional system of athletics originally used to train warriors in Iran (Persia) and adjacent lands.
>Pahlevani was a bodybuilding method when disgusting white subhumans were living in caves in Europe LMAO
Then how come they lose to a bunch of half-naked spartans?
>shitty third world monkey dump
>Then how come they lose to a bunch of half-naked spartans?
>learning history from hollywood
Cope more
>Then how come they lose to a bunch of half-naked spartans?
A bunch of fuckers that are willing to die for their polis, selected (failing means death) raised to be warriors from pre-teen-age standing in a narrow place could make a difference, don't you think? And unless you, my burger-gobbling culturebringing freindo from the new world - and also unless me desu - soldiers at that time were not amateurs in matters of physical education, simply because it was for preparation of martial activity. I mean, look up the ancient olympic and other panhellenic games and their origins as well as the old indian martial arts.
>greek were slaves to persians for ages
seems like youre the one coping
>Implying it was the spartans who "won" that battle (they technically lost but bought time)
>Implying the thespians weren't vastly more important
God I hate that movie
Is that guy wrestling a table
Those are supposed to be metaphorical gates. Practicing to destroys gates of a castle.
Fine then. How come they got conquered by a bunch of Macedonian twinks?
fucking brainlet that whole story is made up
Actually it was the opposite. Greeks had Persian slaves while the latter do not.
>fucking brainlet that whole story is made up
>God I hate that movie
>Greeks had Persian slaves while the latter do not.
>making shit up because you lost the argument
Are you seriously claiming Alexander's conquest of Persia was made up?
>he thinks alexander was greek
moving goal posts now pathetic faggot
Your dad is at least 25 in that picture. Lets be generous and say he got you when he was 40. Which makes you 36.
What are you doing here grandpa? You gonna get hurt
Actually no, the Persian empire never practiced slavery unlike the Greeks, they outright outlawed them. Of course it would be ignorant to say there were no slaves but I would argue those are kept secret to others.
>Alexander III of Macedon (Greek: Αλέξανδρος Γ΄ ὁ Μαkεδών; 20/21 July 356 BC – 10/11 June 323 BC), commonly known as Alexander the Great (Ancient Greek: Ἀλέξανδρος ὁ Μέγας, romanized: Aléxandros ho Mégas), was a king (basileus) of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon[a] and a member of the Argead dynasty
A simple fact check already btfo you out.
>Your dad is at least 25 in that picture. Lets be generous and say he got you when he was 40. Which makes you 36
See and work on your reading comprehension.
Cool story bro
>the Persian empire never practiced slavery unlike the Greeks, they outright outlawed them.
Listen retard, Persians ruled over Greeks for ages they made Greeks their bitch now cry more LARPing cumskin.
Not the same guy, I'm the guy who posted the Alexander painting, and it's debatable if Macedonians counted as Greeks. Athenian, Spartans, etc didn't consider them Greek back before Phillip started kicking their asses. But after Alexander wrecked the Persians, all the other Greeks suddenly wanted to count him as one of them.
Persians only ruled over a handful of Greek colonies in Asia Minor. They never controlled mainland Greece.
Post body with face cropped out cunt
shut up, babby
>They never controlled mainland Greece.
Persians don't exist
They are all Arabs now
This is a warning to all Europeans
Spartans were the niggers of Greece. They made nothing, they were a bunch of cuckolds, literally older men would let "a man of good stock" fuck his wife in hopes of a strong son, and they had to spend the majority of their time watching for slave revolts and as such were chained to their homes and made their conquests limited at best. Athens is the city that was worth a damn, strong military, strong navy, and actually formed the base of Western Civilization and philosophy.
kike propaganda. iran has always been a multi-racial country there are more than 10 races inside iran and none of them look like arabs.
Underrated, kek
""Persians"" (Arabs with delusions of grandeur) are the most delusional and simple minded people in existence. Their entire world-view of based on false pro-""Persian"" propaganda
Their country is a shithole so their government has to do all it can to keep them rallying around the flag
Hopefully America will fuck them up again with Operation Praying Mantis: Volume 2
There is no country more cucked by Jews than Iran
Their government keeps them all living in their own filth while they steal their money to fund missile strikes at Jews lmao
>Their government keeps them all living in their own filth while they steal their money to fund missile strikes at Jews lmao
That's right because democracy is a kike thing and this happened once kikes dethroned the king and obliterated the monarchy in Iran. They did the same thing to Iraq and Afghanistan.
I wonder, who's behind that post, shilling another american engagement in the middle east?
Read a book, nigger. Persia invaded Greece twice, under Darius and Xerxes, and got their asses kicked back across the Hellspont both times. Greece invaded Persian once, under Alexander, and wrecked them so hard that all the Shahashahs for the next 300 years were from a Greek dynasty, the Seleucids.
Persian are still around. They’re every Iranian who was in the States or Europe when the revolution happened and is pissed they can never go home.
>as well as the old indian martial arts.
is that what it says on the shirts
what does it mean
Looks like Pakistan