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Fitness #517
This is the ideal female body. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
Who did you lift for today Jow Forums?
Getting open surgery to repair an inguinal hernia i have in a couple of days...
Why do Americans think being fat is masculine?
Hi there! I am one of the cheapest nutrient dense foods you will ever eat! Lets be friends and get some mad gains...
Be me
How do I make chicken breast taste good?
Confess: Redux Edition
What is Jow Forums's opinion on the rapidly growing number of vegans in the developed world?
Thoughts on calisthenics?
Jow Forums hairstyle thread
Why bother lifting when girls just want some skinny scene boy?
I weight 135 kg and since I have agoraphobia I can't really go outside and walk anymore, so I plan to buy a treadmill...
Have to submit my phd thesis tomorrow
The recommended amount of fiber per day for men is 38g
Which region of the United States has the tallest people?
/QTDDTOT/ - Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread
I'm sick of seeing people here jerk off to this pop interpretation
Zyzz is the most overrated member of the fit community. Prove me wrong faggot
Ok, who of you is doing this? Why are you still teasing blaha?
Planning on going full on gym autist for the school year. I want to go 5, possibly 6 days a week...
"why do i feel gayer after i started lifting?"
Realistically is it possible for someone to be this ripped at 19 without roids?
Why do you work out?
Any of you guys work out in the park?
Why do so many girls do this?
Refute this claim
ITT: post god tier bulking foods
Snapped my shit up: Impingiment
Tyler1 is cleaning 315 and he plays videogames all day
What is the absolute natty limit?
Are carbs with fat bad?? I put like 2 heaping spoons of pb into my shake with oats and banana
L lift for my waifu
The friends you've made along the way
Why YES i DO eat meat, how could you tell?
Obviously lifting for 3D women is a clear case of ngmi, but what 2D goddess do you lift for?
YoU NeeD tO SQuaT to gEt BIg LeGs
How name to put this lift ? balkanrows or chadpulls ?
Redpill me on collagen
I was wondering guys, that if you exervise 5-6 days a week, do your cardio and shit...
Name your favorite lift and your most dreaded lift
Is BMI a scam?
My mum won't let me use some shitty 5 KG dumbells we own because she thinks I'll get HERNIA on my BALLS!
Dry fasting
Cold showers
Pot of Protein allows me to draw two scoops from my tub. Now, I summon my Chicken Breast Magician to the field
Describe you're latest mire
Men don’t hit the wa-
The Reason to Lift
Groped at the gym
Used to have the perfect cardio bunny body
Be me
Is this Photoshop? Im calling bs on this...guy went to my elementary school a yr above me
Can I eat super market liver raw?
Daily reminder that fitness isn't just about keeping your body healthy
Lets get started
/fph/ fat people hate thread
Describe “that zoomer” at your gym
How tall is too tall for the gym?
Real men need no hair. Stop whining, keep lifting
Workout addiction
Is this the craziest 3 year natural transformation of all time?
Have sex they said. How do I cope from here? Will it affect my gains?
What's the point of even trying if you don't have a warrior skull
How the fuck do i eat 2700 calories every day? it is impossible unless you eat fast food all day
Don’t talk to me or my son ever again
Have you guys found any good ways of regrowing your hear line
Yes I'm a feminist, how did you know?
I get bigger and leaner every day
How do I achieve his mode bros?
Eek! It's that ugly creep user! Remember when you asked me out and I laughed about you on Instagram and Twitter to my...
Who /startedgymrecently/ here
Lads im close to getting mental. im withdrawing from so many substances...
Do you dress like a slut to show off your gains?
Jow Forums humor
How's this routine. I haven't lifted in about 2 years, should I take anything off?
Supplement thread
How do you know when to cut and when to bulk? Asking for myself
Have you ever felt like puking after DLs?
Ok, so, maybe a dumb question but in short:
I’ve noticed my cum isn’t thick and white like it used to be. Very watery...
Ideals thread, Jow Forums related edition
This guy hit me up on Grindr (har har faggot har har), and I noticed there's just something 'off' about his body...
Friendly reminder that for a recreational lifter...
Jow Forums i need your help, theres this qt 3.14 in my gym. What is a fit approved way to approach female in the gym?
Big lifts
/fat/ - Surpassing yourself edition
Fact is...
Day 7 of nofap
How long should you rest in between sets if you're training for hypertrophy?
How many pushups would you have to do in a day for it to equal 250 bench?
The image that killed Jow Forums
Jesus christ Jow Forums i had a dream that my father fucked my ex in front of me and i was beating the shit out of him...
Milk is for babies
How many Jow Forums people does Jow Forums actually encounter IRL? Outside of random people I see on the street or gym...
How come they were able to achieve this in a time and country where steroids didn't exist yet Jow Forums is struggling...
Are smaller traps more aesthetic?
Post itt if you went to the gym today
Mfw my mom noticed my gains
Symmetric strength
Height thread
So you're telling me that if i simply workout, eat correctly, eliminate porn consumption...
Strongman has more of a reason to be in the olympics than actual olympic lifting
Gym Style
Is it acceptable to wear this at the gym?
Why doesn't he like rows?
Heavy weights vs light weights. Which is better?
Ok to wear this in the gym?
I have sort of a big ass for a guy and my gf always makes fun of me for it...
Is it true that northern European men aren't supposed to be low body fat?
Redpill me on what humans should be eating and what they should not
Is growing a beard to hide weak chins comparable to hiding your microdick with genital hair?
FannyButt users. What should I know about FannyButt? I'm planning on taking 3...
How can i get a better tan? I'm pale as paper
Fat wife
Finally benched lmao2plaet
Have you ever gotten into a fight over being Jow Forums?
How do you motivate yourselves to go lift on mondays after work?
Aging gracefully, Jow Forums?
What are some cringy/embarrassing experiences you had as a begginner...
Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian
What is stronger in your experience? Lifting for a qt girl who has shown interest in your or lifting for yourself?
Lets discuss how bad coffee is
Is there any PED that doesn't induce hair loss?
Is BCAA actually necessary for newbie?
I know you skipped leg day last week user. why would u do that?
Sad but true
Taking arimidex only
Lifting Natty is wasted time
What do SERMs do?
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
Cant stand this cunt
Jow Forums any Story’s of fat girl hookups ?
Hiking topless or using a boring machine at the gym?
Eating your bodyweight in grams of protein everyday has to be some pseudoscience exaggeration...
How does your gym compare Jow Forums
Why do zoomers dislike fitness?
Rate this PPL
Choose wisely
There's a lot of love for chicken on /ffit/ (which they deserve). But what about Pork? Good source of protein...
Have I made it yet
Before asking your stupid beginner questions (yes, they are stupid), make sure to read ALL OF the r/steroids wiki:
Be doing power cleans
This is what women want
Alcoholic Jow Forums
"Taking care of yourself" (diet/exercise) won't really prolong your life by much
Why do bodybuilders look weird?
Whats your favourite exercise, dubs gets a surprise
Weighted dips
Foam rolling and massage balls
If you cant even bench with 45's on each side do you have any business being in the gym?
It looks like he's farting on her lol
Calisthenics gang get in here
College gym
What are some audiobooks you listen while working out? I don't want to just listen to mustic...
Anyone ever drink this stuff routinely? Any noticeable difference day to day?
Wth is wrong with my lower abs, should I just focus more on crunches etc?
How come women never go full autismo in the gym like we do?
Friendly reminder massaging your scalp for 5 minutes every day promotes hair growth...
Motivation thread
Are "protein doubles" aka mcdoubles the best post workout meal? Tasty as fuck, good macros, readily available and cheap
Since we're not doing deadlifts (or "backsnaps" as I like to call them) anymore...
For the 3 fags who have went form virgin to not virgin on this board...
Need cardio at home recommendations
Redpill me on resistance bands
*clogs your arteries and eventually kills you via heart attack, CAD or stroke*
Have you taken the neck pill? it's objectively the MAIN FACTOR of aesthetics and mire farming...
Homeless gains
This is your bench after 3 years on SS
Weekly Asceticism Challenge
Fell far the flat barbell bench press meme
How do I get a better body Jow Forums? I'm 6.6 ft but incurred a sciatica deadlifting last year. Is it over for me...
Is Coffee bad? does it ruin your diet?
Desperate to get lean
Swimming Bros, does all the swimming affect your hair?
Yo what's up peasants bitches? Already hit the people's gym?
Mire Thread
What are some good sources of meat if you live in Sweden? Meat's so expensive here, just like in Denmark...
How the FUCK do you decide on an exercise program?
Yes I'm 18
Calories counts on most foods are inaccurate
Riding my bike out to the end of the cape this weekend as part of a large charity ride...
I've been working out for 1.5 years and I still can't bench 2 plate for more than 1 rep...
How did knights and shit train their bodies back in the middle ages...
Which is worse, ice cream or pizza?
Can you bulk on intermittent fasting?
ITT we share our favorite test boosting music. Mine is pic related
Push-up thread
Dating fat chick becoming fit? Is it a thing I should waste my time with?
Why does everyone here hate tattoos?
How long til my muscles are perfect and it's just maintenance?
Is whole milk a good option to complete my macros?
Reminder that lifting is meaningless and inconsequential without the LORD
How much do I need to deadlift in order to escape the friendzone?
A buff guy can't open a bottle
Who do you lift for?
I can't believe there are still people who left for women on this board
Does jelqing work
What’s for breakfast
Would this work?
Yesterday, Jow Forums told me to stop consuming grains and dairy to stop growing bitch tits...
Body fat %
Humanity status: left behind
It's 32 degrees and we are at the beach, user. What's the problem, why won't you take your t-shirt off..?
Do you show off your gains on Tinder?
If deadlifts aren't worth doing, what should I be doing instead...
Is There Anything Lazier Than Prolonged ForcedFasting?
Just injected 300 mg of test
*saves his career*
We all mow how dumbbells are God-Tier for strength and hypertrophy development
Be me
Tfw too poor to eat enough food required to gain
Does anyone else feel weird eating low carb? Eating half meals and sandwich filings is pretty awkward when dining out
What do you guys think about that?
In this thread we laugh at the absolute embarrassment that is natties competing
What's the lowest-caloric way to get drunk?
Hit the gym 5 times a week
Jow Forums what is your opinion on tattoos? women or male
How do i inject "my vitamins" correctly?
What business do you have being in a gym if you cant even do 50 consecutive push ups?
How do you stay in shape after you hit 30?
Been together with my girl 6 years now, in the last 2 she's really let herself go in regards to her weight
All the girls love the bald head and beard, I mean they all usually turn me down... except for the ones with kids...
Slaps your gfs ass in front of you at the gym
Hey user, everyone says you go to the gym all the time. Lift up that Pepe shirt and show us those ripped abs
What exercises does a 31 year old man who missed out on young love need to do to bang 18-22 cuties?
Which ass do you prefer?
Lifting for girls
/fast/ - #471 - The Loneliness of the Long Distance Faster Edition
Going to start squatting for the first time tomorrow... any beginner tips?
My fit waifu inspired me to lift. Post your fit waifu
How does one escape this state of being?
How different is the body of someone got fit by doing physical labor vs the body of someone who got fit by going to the...
Not losing as much as I expected to
Why do a lot of fat people think they're muscular?
Athlean X Fullbody Routine
I love you fags
Someone do this pose
Is this really all you need to make it?
Gym bully thread
Has anyone actually tried this for 3 whole years...
My sleep schedule is completely fucked. I want to start waking up and falling asleep at the same times again...
Forearm thread
How the fuck am I supposed to eat 180g of protein in a day?
SS (symmetric strength)
The average woman
Just read on /b/ to never take this shit unless you want to be permanently irritable and full of anxiety without it and...
Martial Arts General - /mag/
What’s your goal?
How has fitness improved your life beyond fitness?
What is this mode called?
Help me get fit to get her back
How does alcohol fit into your Jow Forums lifestyle?
Name a better Jow Forumsness guru
Cat thread
What are some good Jow Forums approved podcasts?
Larry Wheels BTFO his EX
Push up thread cool kids edition
25 year old here
I can feel the gains of no fap, but my lust is at an all time high. How can I reduce this?
Larry Wheels response
Fit girls thread cont
What happens if you do these
*mogs all other foods*
Why is eating healthy so expensive bros?
Why do some fat people think they are muscular?
What does your diet look like?
You will now remember all those years you wasted playing videogames
Why is my gyno getting worse? Before I couldn't really tell if I had it, I thought it might've just been excess fat...
How do I talk to girls?
Started lifting halfway through the summer
How many calories do you eat per day Jow Forums?
QTDDTOTT- King Boomer edition
I want to do cardio but I already lift about 1 hour every day
Redpill me on cod liver oil / DHEA/ EPA
No cardio
I may not be the biggest in my gym but atleast im the tallest
What's the best number of reps just to get big muscles (not strength, not endurance, not fag stuff, just big muscle)
The best time to start diet and exercise was 20 years ago. The second best time is tomorrow
/fat/ - Growing stronger edition
Day 1 of couch to 5k
What is the best and cheapest source of fat?
How can I achieve this body?
I'll just leave this here
How much protein should I eat?
What do you tell yourself to stop from eating so much?
Why do I feel so much stronger when I'm lifting for someone?
Redpill me on cardio, Jow Forums
How to get rid of this shit?
What type of body do I have?
How often do you cope?
I go hard bros. Real talk
Best ways to cut? I'm finally getting back into shape but I'm 60 lbs over and like to cut down as quickly as I can...
Muh muh based gyms bro
Getting bodyweight in grams of protein is miserable. I feel sick after drinking 5 scoops of whey...
How many inches around should your biceps be before you can consider yourself not dyel?
I lift so I can be the jacked guy who watches cute anime
Hello Jow Forums I’m 19, unfit , and I have beef with my ex-girlfriend’s coke dealer boyfriend
/fit who is your favourite for the 2019 mr olympia
Fasting for three days
Gym cringe
Literally how do I stop being a skinnyfat twink? Do I embrace it and lean out, bulk harder, or just kill myself...
Jow Forums BTFO once again
How can I make my gf lose weight?
How do I get a body that looks like I got muscles from doing actual manual labor and not from working out in the gym?
Tfw can only bench 1pl8 after 2 years
Why do people push this shit?
Post recent PRs you made
Sup Jow Forums, chestbrah here with your daily reminder to always skip leg day
Anyone else have a gains angel?
Eating once a day. What do you think Jow Forums?
Imagine not getting 64g protein in a 512kcal breakfast
How bad is it?
Keto supposed to make bad poop
Waddap faggots. If 2000 high carb kcal make me morbidly obese but 2000+ keto kcal make me lose weight like crazy...
What's the point of deadlifts?
Jow Forums Elite Cup Day 6 Gamethread
Should I use rogaine or kirkland?
Tfw quit lifting because I got too distracted doing meth
Rhabdomyolysis - the death of gainz
Im 5'5", give me your most based exercises to grow taller, i really it frens
Is it possible to get a husband who looks like this when you're a trap top?
What is the cure for binge eating disorder?
Why do people consider these girl looking fags as men? Is this really the criteria for becoming a man in asia?
What are some cool things that you can do when you are very flexible Jow Forums? sorry if wrong board
Help /fit I just ate two of these (320 calories total) and I am strongly wanting a third or fourth...
Science is science Jow Forums
Send this photo?
24 Hour Fitness
So how many grams of carbs per day r/fit?
How to get rounder shoulders I can ohp 1 plate for 5 reps but my shoulders don’t seem to grow 6”2 175 lbs
Let's be honest, the only reason a man becomes a chiropractor is to sexually assault women
Do you have any scars or disfigurements?
How do you guys manage a cut?
Cope Motivation
How much I need to bench, run, eat
Buy into nofap meme
My bmi is 17.8 at 10% bf
What position do you sleep in?
He doesn't have a pair of dumbells at home to pump out some curls day or night to keep his biceps popping
Ask Natty Deer - Are we gonna make it edition
Who else’s family are anti-gains goblins?
Nattylets eternally btfod
Its over for you
Works out
Peak natty aesthetic after 3+ years of dedicated training looks like shit
This board is just Jow Forums with all of you investing your time into various athletic related pursuits...
I dont lift and if you arent lying to yourself you can tell by my facial features that i get more pussy in a year than...
Fuck with condom cant cum for 25 minutes
Heavy squats are better then sex
I lift for women
The hardest part of lifting is not lifting, that's the easy part, the hard part is eating enough
Can this be saved?
"manlet manlet manlet"
Why aren't you doing manual labor?
Where do young homosexual men exercise? Asking for myself
How do I increase grip?
Would you rather bang a 9/10 trans or a 3/10 roastie (if you had to pick one)
Bought coach cologne today, my first fragrance
Can i reach 1/2/3/4 with any routine?
Does Gymcelling even work?
Is casual sex immoral
How do you fix SS?
How does Jow Forums feel about rowing machines?
Is 1/2/3/4 enough for Hibiki?
What's the best way to react to someone shoulder checking you? this happened to me and i gently pushed the guy away...
Never gone to a gym, worked out, or played sports and I look like this, what's your excuse?
Anybody else /scoliosis/?
Lifting or Martial arts?
Gains goblin thread
Do you have any bad habits?
That guy who wears basketball shorts to the gym
What is the most optimal skincare routine to stop getting pimples on my back...
How do
I almost never heard of nofap until I came to Jow Forums
Yeah, i sleep next to my wifi router and leave it on, howd you know?
Sup Jow Forums
I miss being a kid
If you start working out later in your life, is there a catchup period?
Push Pull Legs
What's an easy to install pullup bar that I can have in my room/bathroom door?
Running at the park
CBT last one died edition
If you have really big muscles you:
How do I start with running?
I've been drinking a 2-liter of full sugar soda each day for the last 5 days. I feel happier than I have in ages...
You guys are my only true frens
Okay guys I'm fat at 6'2" 250 lbs and I'm tired of it, I want to get more than just back in shape I want to get jacked...
How to unironically achieve this physique?
Were your parents fit?
Should I cut or bulk
How do I tell my brother he's a manlet? He's 5'8 but he still goes to the gym...
Post BRUTAL fucking mogs
For me, it's worcestershire sauce
You're spending your saturday night on Jow Forums and that's okay
What is the Jow Forums animal?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Dear vegans:
Why is this happening?
Lost my hero
Do all the world's militaries emphasize calisthenics because it's important...
Come critique and criticize each other
Having more than 600g of protein a day
How do I unironically achieve this mode?
How often do you shower, Jow Forums?
How i can train myself for preparing for a race war? I don't want to be killed by subhumans
Area codes - fight club edition
Tfw fell for the "abs are made in the kitchen" meme
Weekly Failures/Victories
Failed my last press
What does fit wear to the gym?
/fast/ eternally btfo
Alright, so life's significantly changed for me since I started lifting. People treat me nicer...
Would you still lift if you knew women didn't care?
So what exactly is bad about Planet Fitness?
What do you lift for?
I have had scalp follicolitus fot over 4 years now, it heals sometimes now its getting pretty bad again...
I want to learn a fighting style that doesn't have striking (punching/kicking) as the main focus...
So this dude cheated on my sister, he's a bit taller than me and does boxing but I'm bigger than him...
Guys look at a woman's ass and tits
Supplements to increase libido
Going to the club Jow Forums, give me all your tips and secrets. Already have a group of girls going too
What are some dead giveaways that someone hasn't made it yet?
Brainlet here, this shit about never being sore doesn't apply to actual bodybuilding / weight and muscle gains right?
It's locker inspection day at my gym today
Why arent you a firefighter?
How many days will it take me to run 5 miles daily?
Who inspired you to start lifting, user?
Hurr you need to be more sociable
Natty Deer Thread
Is there anything as Beta as drinking alcohol or consuming recreational drugs?
Being skinnyfat makes me want to fucking die
Fit Success Thread
Extreme bloating
NoFap is making me a homosexual. Don't fall for the meme
What are these even used for?
Oatmeal thread? Oatmeal thread
Is this natty?
Look in mirror
Has there been an atg squat video that’s topped this
CHAD eats PIZZA whole YOU go to the GYM
Who here /rawprimal/?
/fat/ - hoodies in summer edition
Is Sv3rige legit
How can Toriyama be so redpilled when it comes to neck training if he is a dyel?
Post ORIGINAL Jow Forums screenshots
I did it Jow Forums! I passed my police physical exam and all I had to do is ignore the advice from every poster on...
Is the Myers–Briggs Type Indicator useful for social gains? Will studying the types...
Tfw some random THOT is fitter than 95% of this board
Would you rail this?
What's that? You're tired? You can't do one more rep? Guess what, shut the fuck up and do 10 more you little bitch
Vitamins & Supplements
How do you keep going as a natty? demotivated as fuck
Wake up as this guy
Walk into gym
Lifting can’t cure the acne away
Redpill me on the ultimate facemaxing diet
Give me a quick rundown on the Jockopill
Just one cycle?
Has getting Jow Forums changed how you view women?
What health or fitness habit did you implement into your life that had the highest return on investment BESIDES lifting?
On nofap for 30 days
What type of work out routines do exotic dancers do...
Cooked my entire 1000 calorie breakfast
What did you just say about the Naturally Enhanced™ program?
Daily reminder to be kind to your knees
I am 5'10" sitting at 158 lbs and look like this. I do OMAD and eat roughly 1600 calories a day
Redpill me on collagen
RIGHT now name 1 protein rich food you can eat for lunch everyday and never get bored of
What’s his routine?
How do I stop sweating excessively in the gym...
I can't do a single pull up, please help
Gym cringe
How does one achieve Rambo Mode ?
Hey Jow Forums
How many times a week do you go to the gym, Jow Forums?
Want to lose weight
Is skelly mode the worst place to begin...
Who comments on your gains the most?
I’m currently enlisted and trying to cut and increase my maximum pull up count but it’s ass (max 4 neutral grip)...
How does one achieve a sharp jawline?
Push-ups thread
Which ass do you prefer?
It's been 12 days since I smoked meth
Why most fighters have a blocky thicc waist whereas bodybuilders have those tiny ass waists
He thinks “clean bulk” is a thing
Why is OHP so fucking hard?
Imagine if this thing hulked up towards you (an average joe with subpar lifts...
Semen retention
What is Jow Forums's opinion on the recent allegations against this man?
How do I go Tim Duncan mode?
When will manlet gymcells ever learn??
Is this achievable natty?
Who are the best fitness YouTubers Jow Forums?
Has Jow Forums ever fucked a shemale?
Jow Forums exposed for broscience for 1g protein for 1lb of bodyweight
Is dog/cat food edible
Tfw 2 weeks of nofap
How do I get a flat tummy?
What mode is this?
Fph / titp
Why haven't you added oympic lifts to your routine?
Imagine being scooby...
Hey user! Are you coming to the club?
Neutral face
Can you outlift bad genetics?
Girlfriend has a huge fetish for fondling and squeezing my balls
Had sex
Daily reminder for you, young folk
No Fap? FOOLS!
2011-era Jow Forums and fitness
How many squats to achieve an ass like this?
Itt post brutal moggins
How do I lose weight in a small town? and god traps me here
According to google
What do you listen at the gym? What kind of music motivates you to lift?
Sup Jow Forums how's my workout plan?
What are some DISADVANTAGES of getting Jow Forums?
Frame size
/friday night/
Having more than 90g of protein a day
Lanklets, what does if feel like to be brutally mogged by a guy who’s 5’3?
How do I fix this
Would you date a girl who's stronger than you or at least physically bigger than you?
Does SS really work?
Lifting is just a cope for people with inferior genetics
Best excercises for lifting a 10 foot wall?
Getting fit didn't fix my small dick
Fit girl thread, post ya fit girls
Post prime 34 year old needs only a 6ft 4
What happened to the 30 day abs guy. Did he give up
Gymtard thread
SS thread
Are tattoos Jow Forums?
Are face gains actually legit?
Redpill me on plant protein?
Some of you mfs only do chest, arms, no LEGS! Everyone post legs below
BPM Thread
Thinking about studying physiotherapy, any physiotherapists here?
What does fit think of these 6 gram protein 210 calories taste good and like 3 dollar for box of 4
Are muscles actually useful in a modern world?
Post your Height + Wingspan
You go on and decide to check a video of your favorite youtube chanel
ITT we post gifs, webms and images from our favorite films, television shows, youtube etc...
Is there any way to actively prevent yourself from getting these lines while developing your abs & obliques...
How long can i do linear progression? Till 1/2/3/4?
How do you maintain a firm posture regarding your diet at parties?
I'm here for the job interview
How do girls get a body like pic related?
Literally impossible
Be lanklet
What went wrong?
“People of this race never rerack their weights.”
I never ate pussy not once
How do you fix this?
Chad sounds off on fat acceptance
He is 6’2” tall
This is the best physical feat ever displayed by a man, your olympic, track and field, powerlifting...
Daily reminder to drink more water BUDDEH
/plg/ powerlifting general
Be a bitter and angry incel
5 months of working out
Is THICC really high test?
Deadlift form check
Raw Meat Discussion
Lifting in ultra boost?
Amerifat diet is horrible
Is Calisthenics just getting Jow Forums
Literally has no education
He’s trying deadlift?
Me and my friend were just having a dumb argument and it made me think about this dumb question: Who would be stronger...
/fraud/ - general
What is crossfit?
Does your brother lift with you, Jow Forums?
Protein myth confirmation thread
There are people on this board (and im not kidding) who unironically believe that fruit consumption is unhealthy
Why do male models lie about their weight?
I have worked out for months and i still dont understand proper bench press form. What do? I keep watching videos on it...
Who do you lift for?
Do you guys actually train ur neck?
Mire / Good feels Thread
Did you know that women can't do pull ups lol
Architects unite!
Hi all, in less than 50 minutes day 4 of the Jow Forums Summer Elite Cup will start...
Sorry big boy i bought too much french pastries for the team tee hee~
Alcohol is bad for you
How do you optimize sleep for gains r/fit?
Have you taken the standing table pill Jow Forums?
/fat/ Deadpanda Edition
Was he actually an asshole?
RIP juju's testicles
Dumbbells purchase
Ugly chicks at the gym
Tune seller, enough if these games. I'm telling you I'm going into legday and I need only your heaviest tunes
About to be homeless by choice in order to save money
Tfw hardgainer lanklet
Farmer walk is the secret to ultimate power
Do you do deadlifts on pull or legs day?
Pull-up progression
Anyone gave up on girls to focus on lifting?
Went to a spinning class this morning. The instructor was super nice and encouraging - "you're doing great, ladies!"...
Rate the facial aesthetics of the girl on the right Jow Forums
Fuck the memes
Inb4 sticky, already read and passed chapter test on
Would you consider this normal or receding?
What's the worst advice you're ever seen given on Jow Forums?
Would you bang this?
Push up thread
He bends his back during OHP
When did you realize if you don't make it by 25 the likelihood of you making it drops exponentially every year from...
Redpill me on Lentils
Reach 1/2/3/4
Uncle Jared Taylor is Jow Forums
Drinking water is a meme. Water is bad for you. It flushes your body of electrolytes and precious minerals...
How do we fix this, Jow Forums?
That guy that does mixed grip for a 2 plate deadlift
How the fuck do INTP get started with excersising?
Just donated blood can I still train tonight?
Jow Forums how do you know if you're a basedboy? I didn't think it applied to me...
Did anybody here get laid after they started working out? I am a normal looking dude, not skinny, not fat...
Post your fictional body goal right fucking now
"Men age like fine wi..."
Cold shower
/nofap/ general, highly motivated edition
Made a better chart
At what weight did your overhand grip (without chalk) gave up on deadlift...
Why do you browse this board daily user? What’s the reason? I can’t answer that question personally
Ywn have a lifting group that cares about you as much as the Misfits do for Genova
Are French tacos the ultimate bulking food?
Friendly reminder that you can't lift your personality
Obese population
/fast/ - #470 - Eternal Struggle Edition
Why yes I do prefer onions milk, how did you know??
What made you wanna get fit? Low point stories to the front
You think you are fit?
Is guy on the right achievable natty?
What's the point in lifting any more lads they took it from us
I am sick of you gayfaggots telling to eat and be Jow Forums. desu i am also growing out of /thinspo/. so here i am
Mental Health
Eggs and bacon fro breakfast is LITERALLY Jewish propaganda
He avoids cardio because he thinks it’ll eat his muscles
Okay who do I even trust anymore ?
What do you guys think of Stephanie Buttermore’s all-in?
Be a manlet
What is this facial expression supposed to convey?
Nofap/noporn is just a meme bro
What exercises does a 31 year old man who missed out on young love need to do to bang 18-22 cuties?
So how bad are these? My mom, a pharmacist, says they are pretty much complete shit for you
Fever from creatine?
It's about your personality not your body
You fags got any tattoos?
Getting closer with a girl and go out twice (Didn't fuck or kiss yet)
What lifts will help me grab white girl's attention?
Are you going to rail shemales when you make it Jow Forums?
Anterior Pelvic Tilt and extremely weak core
Have you been fooled by the sunscreen jew?
What is the most powerful muscle?
Never Gonna Make It Thread
Can you ask girls at the gym for their number/snapchat or will you get kicked out?
Jow Forums, have you taught the women in your life how to keep fit and defend themselves yet?
Is there anyone way to simulate the feeling like the one in the movie limitless...
Who do you lift for??
Why aren’t people physically fit?
Finally benched 2pl8
How do I achieve a thicc neck like pic related?
I think my dick is shrinking
Are there exercise regiments or diets for people with shitty hormones...
Why does there seem to be such a strong movement in the media to condemn vaping and treat it like a crisis when there...
For those that have depression, how do you handle getting motivation to workout?
Hey Jow Forums
Lateral Raises, one arm at time or two arms?
/fat peepee hate/ edition
Failed two of my OHP sets tonight
What is this facial expression supposed to convey?
Live life on easy mode, get free jobs with low work and high pay and university spots for having a vagina...
Jow Forums recipe thread. Post what ya got fellas
Would you rail a shemale? also 69?
lift so I can attract a mate to procreate with
Red pill me on rest days
Hello Jow Forums this is my first post here but I'm ready to improve, I'm tired of looking like this...
Why do women even bother lifting?
Jow Forums solves obesity through policies and law
Why is Jujimufu so bad at sports?
How to get witcher body?
Meal planning to fit macros
You don't make motivation threads anymore with qts? that's the only reason I came to this board today
Post some brutal Jow Forums related mogs
The ONLY six exercises a natty needs
Wanted to get fit
User, please don't tell me you still deadlift with a barbell
Will you accept uncle Jared's Jow Forumsness challenge?
Question for fellow Americans bros
Gym shorts
Just eat plain meat
You vs. the guy she told you not to worry about
Healthy snacks
Can you be fit while only eating vegetables
Why incels don't exist
Do any of you have washboard abs? How do I get visible abs?
Be me
What is this mode called?
Jow Forumsspiration | Inspiration thread
Mog thread
Be me
WHAT'S YOUR BENCH NOW? I'm kinda stuck at 80kg should I just do more volume over the week?
What does female peak performance look like Jow Forums?
Post' em
Are you fit enough to be shirtless in public without people taking your photo and being shamed in national newspapers?
That extremely overweight boomer with a visible beergut giving me at advice at the gym
What motivates you to lift...
A video of what the females like in a body
This is who SS was designed for
TFW you wasted thousands of hours on videogames instead of improving yourself
Protein Consumption
He doesn't MOG gymcels in front of gym thots by doing 4+ p8 barbell hip thrusts
Goal Body Thread
Anyone else not care about sex at all and just want a gf for companionship and for support...
Cheat day
/fat/ Bad Habits Edition
I've been working out the last month or so and I was with one of my friends and i was telling her about how ive been...
Swim three times a week
Keto diet for weight loss?
That guy who eats Chinese food in the locker room
Do you lose calories when mosquitos suck your blood?
Is this possible natty?
Is this what making it looks like Jow Forums?
My dad on right doing Pahlevani and zoorkhaneh rituals in 1968. Absolute natty
Am I the only one that really can't workout in summer? Everything above 20C is too hot for me to function
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship