Is this what making it looks like Jow Forums?

Is this what making it looks like Jow Forums?

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yes that's what being rich looks like

Women have nothing to do with making it

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cope harder greg

I like Greg.

Pretty based tbqh

wtf is this garbage?

it's what marketing looks like. but then again its summer and the kids that come here to praise Greg are the ones who dont even know half (if not more) than the girls in his videos are just paid actors.

Greg is rich as fuck dude, you think he gets girls because of his "greek god" physique or because of his fucking mansion and sports cars?

Dude is lean and hit a full rom quick 225 OHP on camera. Yeah, I know he got almost everything in life handed to him, but his strength is respectable.

This video is beyond cringe.

Its definitely because of his personality

This guy is good at marketing, that's about it. He looks pretty good/has decent genetics, has a fair bit of money from his dad (literally inheritance) so now he markets stupid shitty supplements and things like intermittent fasting as if they're revolutionary

I found it pretty entertaining desu

Yeah, being rich as fuck is essentially the highest level a man can reach.

its what having a multi millionaire dad looks like


> that "party" at 16 mins onwards

fucking hell
unironically apex cringe

Reminder that even being a Millioinaire and outward Chad doesnt mean you made it if youre high inhibition neurotypically

He looks like a Jow Forums version of the fedora lord from alaskan bush people

Attached: noah-a-courting.jpg (992x661, 73K)

You know he rents those for the ads, right?

How can a normal man such as myself be as based as based Greg O'Gallagher

glad im not the only one who sees that