Is the keto diet good for rapid weight loss in a short, temporary span of time? I’m trying to loss about 10lbs before I start bulking again in a month
Keto diet for weight loss?
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If by 'rapid weight loss' you mean emptying your glycogen storages and most of it being water, then sure, keto is perfect!
Keto is the best diet for fat loss aside from fasting.
Keto is a meme “diet” which convinces retards that bulking on bacon will help you lose weight
[citation needed]
You mean eating at a deficit is the best for fat loss? Wait no fucking way? You realize keto is just a tool that helps it easier to be in a deficit because you're filling up on fats right? In no way is keto quicker than a normal calorie deficit lmao
fucking ketotards and fat /fast/ers make me laugh
Purposefully misleading Jow Forums users so you can keep the gains for yourself. Devilish.
What about ketogenic pathways that break down ketone bodies derived from fats?
Ketones are the response from your body breaking down fat and has nothing to do with Ketosis which is a physiological adaptation to a low carbohydrate environment and has nothing to do with fat loss. How do ketotards not know this?
the originator of the keto diet was severely overweight, had multiple heart issues and high blood pressure.
but feel free to try
>Be me
>Count calories
>Have healthy breakfast, cook some meat+vegetables for lunch and eat some snacks like fruit and musli bars until dinner
>Eat dinner
>Lose weight without having to fall for memes that destroy my kidneys or liver
I'm no expert, but I'll tell you my experience with keto.
I lost nearly 35 pounds in 3 months, that is with playing soccer and running. I felt like shit for the first few weeks but then the fat just seemed to melt off. I looked like a new man. Then I was really fucking skinny. In order to do keto properly you can't eat an excess amount of protein so if you plan on keeping muscle mass I would advise against it.
Better off now to just eat well and do cardio. Keto is only good for people who wanna be skinny.
Can you imagine how easy life would be if you were that man
I don't want to think about that
Its not that easy. OP is fat piece of shit. The model in the picture obviously trains and eats well.
>"Count calories"
Things I don't have to do, let alone cardio because I'm not low IQ enough to fight my own physiology to lose weight. CICO+carbs is for the mentally retarded.
That jet lag from keto is primarily due to two things. Gut microbial adaption, as in the deprivation of sugar kills off their dependent microbes and proliferates those for fat and or protein. It does take a month or two to fully fat adapt. The other benefit is without a suppression of gluconeogenesis(body fat for energy burn) you do actually get a metabolic boost, equivalent to one hour of bike cardio a day as part of your Basal Metabolic Rate(BMR).
Once you lean down you than want to punch up your protein macros into Carnivore territory for gaining muscle mass, just like the Golden Era body buildiers, or the Vince Gironda school of body building.
I love workouts on keto, I feel like they better
That's what I did. This was about 4 years ago. Keto definitely helped me overall, because I was more aware of the nutritional value in foods.
I got to 145lb on keto, stopped cutting and keto, went to the gym, worked myself up to 155 eating a bunch of protein and have been hovering around that weight for years. The stuff people say about "flip-flopping" off and on keto are complete bullshitters. You can go off and on keto as long as you don't eat like a pig afterward and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
It was only this year when I was starting to gain some of the weight back and I was 165. Went back to the gym 2 months ago because of it and now I have the workout bug again. I weighed myself yesterday and I'm 172lb, only this time its not fat.
Not that guy.
Even if it's just cico, keto always gave me more satiety and I could have a larger volume of food w less calories. Skipping breakfast was good too since I never felt hungry till around noon anyway.
So even if it isn't superpower mode, both trucks helped reduce cravings this making a cal def easier for me
I dunno about how effective ketosis is at burning fat versus not being in ketosis on any other like-calorie diet but it sure is easy eating only 1500 calories a day on it. For me that's the main draw.
what the fuck? someone on 2+2 chan who's not a fatalist, and realises that the healthiest lifestyle relies on balance?
>you do actually get a metabolic boost, equivalent to one hour of bike cardio a day as part of your Basal Metabolic Rate(BMR).
imagine actually believing that
>In order to do keto properly you can't eat an excess amount of protein
It really varies person to person. I can maintain ketosis on 55% fat 40% protein 5% carbs. I suspect the fat:protein ratio you can get away with depends on how fat you are and how many calories you consume daily.
Mitochondrial uncoupling. It's like DMT.
Keto burns more calories as heat.
Golden Era bodybuilders ate low carb, but made sure they didn't go fully into ketosis. Also:
>Not doing cardio
Ketogenesis and ketosis are related how fucking dumb are you
Too much protein will stimulate gluconeogenesis causing breakdown of muscle into glucose
But how much is too much? 100g/day? That's about what I eat and I stay in ketosis just fine.
Stay under 1g/lb and you’ll be good
"Balance" is what makes people fat, especially when you're mixing macros. Fact of matter mixing macros is the most efficient way to put on fat in human physiology and is detailed by a biological mechanism called the "Randle Cycle". They use this physiology in commercial factory farms by feeding animals grains, corn and wheat to get cattle to slaughter weight in 12-14 months. This process of rapid weight gain causes numerous physiological degenerations in the animal which are symptomatically treated with antibiotics, similar thing occurs in human physiology, ie Diabetes Mellitus.
Its why the "Standard American Diet" is poisonous and why even a shit tier diets like veganism will still net people health benefits in comparison. Literally nothing is worse then the Standard American Diet...
>balance is a shit meme and total pseudo science
What happens to people who down regulate gluconeogenesis(body fat for energy burn)? Suppressed metabolic rate and lower overall TEE(total energy expenditure). Its not rocket science. Keto is just works with physiology for a metabolic advantage.
>thus CICO and carbs are a scam for weight loss
Its what Ric Drasin has repeatedly said. Cardio is a meme and only for people on mix macro diets with carbohydrates. The science/physiology bears Ric out on this.
Ric Drasin - carbs or not
If I recall correctly modern body builders benefit from eating lots of carbs due to the new drug stacks and the other being their chronic abuse of insulin for protein synthesis(bulking). If a normal person ate the carbs, they'd just get fat with no additional muscle to show for it, due to the natural limit being 1.5lbs of muscle mass a month all things being optimized.
Yes, just don't be retarded about it & eat a pound of bacon for every meal.
>he still believes CICO
Nobody is dumb enough to fall for CICO anymore.
Its just paid Coca-Cola marketers desperately trying to stop the decline in soda sales.
>don't eat a pound of bacon for every meal
Why not?
Depends how much sodium you can handle before you bloat up like a water balloon.
Excess sodium gets excreted in urine.
>I've been found out
Been on keto since 29 June with the goal of getting fat adapted and bulk on it
strength going up slowly but I'm already at proficient level plus it's pretty fucking hard to maintain a caloric surplus on keto and my job has been crazy(summer time) so a lot of activity so more calories to eat.
I did notice that only in my chin ups, I can progress on the 5 rep range but on the 8 rep range its hard, but its just on the chins for some reason. I also hadn't flat bench pressed for ~2months and last time I did 102.5kg for 6 reps, yesterday I did 95kg for 5 reps with one left in tank both were at 69kg bodyweight.
also I can sleep way less and not feel tired or foggy, been having shit nights due to the heat so sleeping like 6h with an interruption in the middle yet I still work 10 hours on my feet and lift fine
no more midday energy crash or whatever,
been supplementing electrolytes since day 1 so there's that
started keto mostly due to the mental aspects and because I've always eaten a lower carb diet and I just love fats
also sodium on keto is never too much, especially on this current heat wave on europe
the more you sweat = the more sodium, potassium and magnesium you need
>7 grams of sodium a day
Nigga what
Yes, and I agree with what you said, Keto is a useful tool to make a calorie deficit easier (also there are many other benefits of being in ketosis) but to claim it will "burn more fat" than a standard calorie deficit is pretty nonsense.
Keto is praised by fatties because they drop like 13-20lbs in the first week and actually think it's bodyfat.
Do you juice?
The scientific consensus is that once you control for calories and protein no macro break down is better or worse for fat loss. I eat high carbish diet and look better than most ketards probably because I don’t overat and probably have a high NEAT(non exercise activity thermogenesis). There is no “metabolic advantage” to Keto either. In studies it only measures at 50-75 calories and it’s probably from increased protein intake because protein has the strongest thermic effect of eating with fat being the weakest. You’re a retard and should kill your self
I assume how active/sweaty you are will greatly affect how much sodium you need. My current activity is limited to 30min a day on a treadmill so I'm gonna keep it around 3000mg unless I have any problems.
you literally posted nothing of substance, literally kill yourself ketotard. Also post body (actually don't fat ass)
Kill yourself
Damn dude that sounds strong as fuck.
What routine did you run/are running?
kek I would be big as fuck by now if I did
built myself one after reading eric helms book on programming and menno henselmans articles, was doing 4 days/week so it was upper-lower-rest-push-pull-rest-rest, hitting most muscles with a 3x/week frequency, the lower day had a bicep and upper back exercise in there for example
literally pick any split you wish to do or can adhere to, do 10-20 sets of high intensity per muscle group per week(remember chins hit your bi's to some degree so it adds a bit of volume to bicep work), try to progressive overload somehow(RPT is fucking king on compounds but do not try front squats with this), add more volume to lagging parts if you wish to get those parts bigger but also remember you can't overload every muscle so pick 2 at once or something
eat at a slight surplus
currently on a 3 day split though(due to work) focusing on compound, low volume high intensity. trying to see if there's any point on doing high-ish volume again as a natural when I take my sets to 0 reps in reserve or just 1 in this low volume approach
I've hit 9000mg without any side effect at all
Nice try, Coca-Cola merchant.
Ketogenic diets burn more calories through mitochondrial uncoupling
You can eat upwards of 30g sodium daily with no problems.
The "salt is harmful" myth was caused by people dropping dead from sugar consumption while the sugar industry was paying shills to shift blame.
No it doesn’t retard. In carefully controlled metabolic ward studies which have looked at a 10 fold difference in carb consumption found no statistically significant difference in fat loss. Kevin Hall falsified this hypotheses and it fails to explain basic observations like other hormones causing fat gain in the absence of insulin with a caloric surplus. Carb insulin hypothesis of obesity is essentially debunked and only held onto by fringe researchers (eg Lustig and Fung) and fraud journalist (eg Taubes and Teicholz). Post body I bet I mog you
Wow thanks, you've convinced me, I'm buying a case of Coca-Cola right away!
>Insulin selectively reduces mitochondrial uncoupling in brown adipose tissue in mice.
>β-Hydroxybutyrate Elicits Favorable Mitochondrial Changes in Skeletal Muscle
Again if this does lead to any sort of metabolic advantage it’s not higher than 75-150 cals
You are the weakest link. Goodbye.
>Low carb does not just result in more weight loss than other comparison diets, it also results in more fat loss, especially when carbs are limited to 50 grams per day.
It does not when calories and protein are controlled for, see Hall.
Why do you think that photo offers any credibility when it is clearly someone on steroids?
Everything you have posted is provably false. Nobody cares about your grindr photos.
Wrong. Ketogenic diets burn more calories through mitochondrial uncoupling.
It's like DNP, but safe and natural.
>Insulin selectively reduces mitochondrial uncoupling in brown adipose tissue in mice.
>β-Hydroxybutyrate Elicits Favorable Mitochondrial Changes in Skeletal Muscle
I already responded to this retard. The difference isn’t clinically significant and is dwarfed by differences in NEAT so instead of doing keto someone should just get a treadmill desk. Differences in NEAT account for 70% of genetic differences between adiposity levels.
You just keep making the same debunked false statements. Obviously I'm going to keep posting the same scientific studies that refute your bullshit.
1. Low carb is the most effective diet for weight loss.
2. Ketogenic diets burn more calories through mitochondrial uncoupling.
Both of these statements are true.
Go ahead and post more photos of a guy on steroids as your rebuttal. I seriously hope it's you because the idea of some loser roiding to give himself more credibility on an anonymous imageboard is hilarious.
That's called PSMF. Protein sparing modified fast. It works.
stop comparing in vitro studies, and animal studies that don't even directly compare fat loss against controlled human studies
I posted a carefully controlled metabolic ward study which measured the supposed metabolic advantage. The advantage exist, but it’s not clinically significant and doensnt lead to increased fat loss. Read an actual weight loss scientist like Stephen Guyenet. He absolutely destroyed Taubes on Rogans show and made him admit multiple times that he had no evidence carb insulin hypothesis is true. Now I’m going back to my workout, have fun guzzling down sat fat ketard
I’m 5’10 165 lbs retard. My point is that I mog you while eating high carb (today I had eggs and toast, a protein bar and date rolls lol u mad). If CICO doesn’t matter why aren’t I as fat as you? I got this way bulking and cutting while training hard
You posted a 4 week long study which actually proves you wrong. It shows that ketogenic diets burn more calories.
Combined with the mitochondrial uncoupling studies and the RCTs on weight loss we can see very clearly the superiority of low-carb diets.
>Stephen Guyenet
>I mog you while eating high carb
No you don't, subhuman. Can't roid your way to superior DNA.
Here's a human study showing the same thing: Ketogenic diets burn more calories.
Imagine comparing DNP (which increase your bmr 14% per 100mg) to Keto. Holy fuck you cant be real. Post your body right fucking now fat ass
>I got this way bulking and cutting while training hard
EXACTLY, if you switched your diet to all mcdonalds you would still look great
keto is for optimizing diets for fat people.
They work exactly the same way.
Mitochondrial inefficiency resulting in energy lost as heat.
You could literally be a fat ass and look great eating McDonald’s everyday you stupid bastard
Holy fuck how many fat ass dyel’s roam this board now a days? Is Jow Forums dead?
THEY WORK NOTHING LIKE THE SAME WAY. YOU LITERALLY POSTED A STUDY ON RATS, AND NO WAY WAS IT QUANTIFIABLE IN ANY PERCENTAGE IN BMR INCREASE. Holy fuck you’re retarded and deserve to burn, that guy that posted body literally bodied you like the moron you are
I don't know what you're talking about. keto is the most effective FAT LOSS diet... please reread that again... FAT LOSS DIET, not muscle building, Peter Attia is a real deal MD who went to stanford and swears by it. I don't know why you have such a hate boner for a fucking diet.
Calorie restriction is the most effective you moron, Keto just makes that easier to do. This is someone that has done Keto for over 6 months as well, just want to let you know you brain washed faggots sound like idiots
You are a very stupid person.
Keto causes mitocondrial uncoupling. DNP causes mitochondrial uncoupling. They are very comparable.
People assume that it is a scientifically proven fact that reducing ‘Calories In’ will cause long term body fat loss. Experimentally, this is simple. Take some people. Randomize them. Give some of them calorie restriction. Watch them lose weight and live happily ever after. The others who continue with their usual diet don’t lose weight. Simple.
Where are all these studies? Oh, right. They all conclusively show that CRaP does NOT produce long term weight loss.
So what your essentially trying to argue is that i can expect a 50% bmr increase just switching to Keto like I can taking 500mg of dnp? Wow man consider it done.
‘But user! They share the same pathway and do the same thing’ and do you have any data that’s quantifiable to any bmr increase from doing Keto? Or do you feel cool linking 1 fucking rat study that literally proves nothing ?
How DNP causes more calories to be burned: mitochondrial uncoupling.
How keto causes more calories to be burned: mitochondrial uncoupling.
Your brain has too much mitochondrial uncoupling going on, hothead.
Dnp has actual studies on the bmr increase you fat faggot, meanwhile you have posted nothing other than they act with possibly the same mechanism. Oh right the guy that destroyed you posted that it was 75-100 calories increase. Oh wow buddy, how amazing, keep going around and comparing Keto to Dnp though you fat pudgy bitch
Nice reddit spacing.
>The inefficiency is proportional to the dose of DNP that is taken.
> Nice reddit spacing.
posts this. get the fuck off this board and go back to Jow Forumsketo fat pig
Being this retarded