Cheat day

How's your take on a cheat day once a week?

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>once a week

>cheat day
dumb concept

if you do cheat days you'll never make it

Do 1 cheat meal per week

It’s usually a cope, most people don’t have the will or discipline to simply have a cheat day and bounce back. That being said, once you’re down under 15% bf and have adopted an all around health oriented lifestyle for good they can be great for sanity reasons. If you’re a fat fuck you have no business having them.

So you wouldn't do them at all? How do you cope with people around you eating sweets?

Works for some people, especially beginners. Macros are always king, so untracked calories can sabotage your progress. One cheat meal a week or one per month (my current plan) is much less likely to kill your gains.

I don't do cheat days
>Just had my first cheat meal since I started my cut
>Feel like absolute garbage
>Didn't even feel as good as I thought it would and I was strict on my diet for 1.5months
Cheatmeals are a joke

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Eat something else that's healthy, track it, or just don't eat.

just deal with it, the same way you deal with people doing shitty things on all the days other than you "cheat day"
the idea of setting aside a day to destroy all your progress is fucking retarded

Not really a fat fuck, just started working out 6 days a week, but since I live at home, I can't really control what I eat for dinner


And I feel like a cunt for wanting to eat something else than my parents do


so you want a cheat day erry day?

I dont do a cheat days, only chest days

>do a cheat day
>feel absolutely awful the next day - bloated and gassy, pounding headache, constantly need to run to the bathroom
anyone else?

been there

no sorry my iq is more than single digits so I don't do cheat days

I dont do cheat days anymore because I cant control myself around food. It's better to cut it off now then dabble and get hooked, I will eat sweets again once I get to my goal weight though

The concept of a cheat day is dumb. You should devise your food plan to be something realistic and sustainable where you don't have to carve out a designated "cheat day" that will just end up fucking over your progress. Sure you can still go out to eat once and a while but you shouldn't go in with the mentality that "it's a cheat day so now I can do whatever I want."

This will probably go unnoticed but is the best way to think about cheat meals. Instead of making it about something unhealthy, or high caloric, make it about some food that is really expensive that you wouldn’t normally buy. A nice steak, some fancy prawns, whatever the fuck that floats your boat. It’s still something exciting to look forward to, but you don’t need to fuck over your macros.

>This will probably go unnoticed


Its much easier to have enough food in the fridge for 5 days of the week, and do whatever you want within your calorie limit for the other 2 days.

its even easier to just not give a shit about nutrition at all. kill yourself.
loser logic.

Cheat days? CHEAT DAYS? WT actual F?!!!1!

First of all I have to get back on tracks after my cheat season, then we might talk again.

If I wanted easy, I’d give up, stuff myself and become a HAES activist. I’m working to lose weight and be healthy even though I love food too much because I don’t want to be a fat-ass that dies early. I know it’s not easy, but the really worth-it things in life don’t come easy.

Not really necessary except for a psychological point of view. Also not the end of the world like these retards make it sound (unless you're keto).

I eat a cheat meal once a week to keep from offing myself from getting bored eating chicken & vegetables 3x a day.

you mean cheat meal right?

Sometimes even my cheat days have lowest calories, cuz my activity lrvel on sundays is off the roof