What is this mode called?
What is this mode called?
13 year old boy
plus ultra
Is that a female or male?
anyway my former flatmate owned these. He had all might deku and a bunch of other shit. 5 devices to play vidya with and always walked around in a dirty ass bathrobe that stank. disgusting fuck started slamming doors when I made him gtfo the kitchen and take a shower
Twink or lesbian mode
boiwomb full of cum mode
Probably a short female lesbian judging by the makeup ...bone structure looks very soft and not rigid like a male
full joe biden mode
pretty sure that's a 13 year old boy mode
the types of people who have roommates do because they are poor because they have bad life skills.
yeah just live on your own on a student loan
fucking dumbass
>deku getting uraraka
if it was realistic he'd get explosion man since that's his homoerotic mancrush
you know this 13 year old boy is taking massive exploding erections in the butt every butt
You sound like a shit person
>t. smelly soiboy
have sex
Not quite.
Deku has homolust for All Might, Bakugo wants Deku's boipucci.
oh is that the dynamic this anime has
I can't understand this homolust correctly
done, now what?
Post body
Deku only sees Bakugo as a rival, but sees All Might as his idol and mancrush.
Bakugo sees Deku as his rival and mancrush, but only sees All Might as his idol.
All Might likes both of them but only has a hardon for punching All For One in the face.
He doesn't but you do for defending disgusting, selfish, self-destrucrive behaviour
>13 year old boy
That's bonbi you mong
literally who
wow sorry I insulted your favorite TRAP
it's called the perfect female mode
16 year old girl on the tik toks
some stupid tiktok thot that has overtaken /wsg/. At the peak there was people editing her .webms with videos of ricardo because it was so fucking annoying
>Probably a short female lesbian
wife mode
Came to post this
Careful there, its my wife you are talking about.
>At the peak there was people editing her .webms with videos of ricardo because it was so fucking annoying
they lost this war.
N-now run out of your house naked and slap the shit out of the first living thing you see while rambling about being out of olives
God Empress Bonbi mode
>used to drool over and orbit this kind of girl
>now I just want to smash their heads to the wall and violate their bodies
t-thanks, Jow Forums
Based high test poster
Perfect girl you will never have mode.
please stay in containment, I managed to get out of there and I don't want to go back
varbie blocks your path