Why is Jujimufu so bad at sports?

How is this man so bad at sports? I thought that strength, speed and flexibility were supposed to have direct crossover to athletic performance. Tom beats him at everything that isn’t directly related to lifting.

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Sup Tom

He looks about 80 in that photo

Lmao remember when tom literally made a video about how hr is not recognized enough when in reality hes an unfunny cringry shit physique retard and has 0 charisma unlike juji.LOL lmao remember?

I once saw Tom blowing 3 dudes behind a taco bell in Charlotte.

he's white

blacks and hispanics dominate sports

He's only bad at ball sports because he never trains them.
He's spent his whole life tricking and lifting weights.

because ''' sports ''' is just an elaborate cope for dyel weaklings

that and nobody actually even plays team sports after they're done with school. At least in the first world, I know in third world shitholes you have roving groups of shitskins wandering dirt roads kicking their soccer balls or whatever.

Because steroid use causes a buildup of cholesterol in the brain. Leading to hypermylenation of the neurons which decreases reaction time and cognitive function. Juju has ruined his athleticism with roids unlike Tom.

Never had the makings of a varsity athlete

I don't know why Tom let him on his channel. Tom has been building up his online presence for YEARS and now juji comes along and wants to be front stage and take all the credit
Hell I remember all the helpful content Tom had on his tricking website over a decade ago... baka juji doesn't even resemble someone who lifts

i thought steroids were supposed to make reaction time better?

That's right, his small hands did him in.

Tom infectnig and taking over Juji's channel is an aesop on how jews weasel their way into western societies and then subvert and control them from the inside out.

Hello amerifat. Have you started making a connection between why your entire country is overweight and a lack of sports and physical activities for adults.

Stop selling coke on your routes

T. Longtime trickfag here. Juji was a good tricker for his era. When TT opened (early 2000s) he was very very lean and skinny and focused a lot more on tricking. He was one of the first guys I saw doing double btwist. As he got a lot bigger he seemed to kind of grow out of his control a little bit. I think excess weightlifting probably fucks with your sense of motion/fluidity a little bit too. Plus being heavier just makes everything harder. But he was a very good tricker in his heydey. He had a huge vert and was crazy flexible.

Attached: jujimufu_young_flex_2.jpg (270x223, 23K)

Damn he's body goals in that pic

sup tom.

its more due to all the delicious fast food

Unironically what are the markings of a varsity athlete?

where did you hear this?

Why does tom cross his legs like a woman? Is he a faggot or tranny?

"""tricking""" is for trailer trash

faggot for sure.

what the h*ck is tricking

Flippy shit

that mire' in the background

so we throwing spinnin' shit now?

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Here's a small explanatory/advertisement sampler a friend of mine made. It's basically "karate moves in the garage with your friends" on crack.

Attached: juijmufu_flexibility_stretch2010_5.jpg (350x260, 34K)

hi tommy

Attached: 365346464.png (1559x987, 2.21M)

Ah I see, so it's basically like one of those martial arts that are more for "art" or entertainment than combat. That's neat.

that video makes tricking look gay as hell

Yeah. It's for fun. Have you ever had fun before?
It is. We all suck each other's dicks after session. That's the best part.

What the hell user, I wasn't being sarcastic.

What’s his flexibility routine?

Ya ok bubby?

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Oh, my bad man. I'm over-used to getting responses along the lines of "uhhhh you could never use that in a fight" etc etc. Plus I'm so steeped in irony in this internet hell age that I can't tell when anyone is being sincere anymore.

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lmao, im guessing you get told you are gay a lot when you decide to do all that gay flippy shit








Yeah, I did. It was a lot worse when I was in gymnastics in high school though. I have gotten relentlessly bullied for one thing or another pretty much my whole life. But I got to do a lot of cool stuff, travel the world, and make a lot of friends, so I can't say I'm unhappy with it.

Shut your whore mouth. Fatness is just natural selection culling the weak.

>America is the only 1st world nation.

Thanks for the hotdogs everybody! Make sure to tune into the Twitch channel at @okathlete or @TomIsBetterAtDeathblaster

How do I learn how to do flips and shit like him? Gymnastics?

A lot of gymnastics clubs have "open gyms" where you can pay a small fee and use the equipment for a while. Some even have coaches on staff to help and spot you. This varies by area, of course, and depending on your age they may be more or less hesitant to let you in, but there are lots of parkour/ninja warrior gyms around that can show you how to get started. Usually cartwheels, backflips, and Aerials and good moves to start with.

Lots of reps and sets on the dorsifelxion builder.

Tom is such a drain on the show. Should replace him with some editing software and a tripod.

Old school gym session with Antoine :)

ps. fuck tom


Get your coat we're leaving!

A lot of really bad form in this video.