Red pill me on rest days

Red pill me on rest days.

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Hit a bench pr after taking a rest day

without taking proper rest, you'll get diminishing returns and eventually your numbers will decrease.
it's kinda like studying non stop. if you don't take the time to take some breaks, you won't be absorbing any information even thought you're still doing your readings.

You will hate them when you first start lifting then eventually look forward to them every week

Nice comparison


Good fucking god that mire

Even when I'm blasting steroids, I noticed gains were much better when I took one or two rest days a week. Sure, some of the professional athletes and bodybuilders work out multiple times a day, every day. But the reason they are at that level is because they were already genetic freaks before gear who could recover rapidly and build muscles easily.

Average Joes like us need rest days. Even if you're on a cycle. Don't listen to anyone who says "CNS Fatigue". That isn't the first sign of overtraining. The first sign is hitting plateaus and then dropping weight on lifts despite constant training. Even if you're not sore, your body still needs time to recover glycogen stores and build mind-muscle connections.

for pussies

Is this your first time seeing that image? She's not mirin. He's telling a sad story about his mom and she's trying not to cry. You think someone reporting at a bodybuilding competition, where you see a bunch of guys looking like that walking around, would have such a strong reaction?

What? Look at that lip bite.

>hee hee your mom died oh em gee

first time I've ever seen an actual unironic cope

i took a rest day and my dog died. just a warning.

It's all in the eyelashes user - keep an eye out a second after she bites her lip, almost like a pleasure ''''twitch'''

Go outside more, or maybe stay inside and study how humans function

rest days are when the magic happens

the virgin cope
the chad reality

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>But the reason they are at that level is because they were already genetic freaks
That is wrong. You work your way up to being able to handle a huge amount of training by upper your workload over time.

Nigga you aint lifting the whole day, you restin 23 hours a day, get the fuck over it pussy

Rest days are really just active recovery days.
Do some light cardio and some prehab exercises and some stretching

i didnt take rest days and went too hard and i may never be able to lift properly again because of how hard it was on my tendons

okay listen to it with audio


I take 3 right now a week. I don't know what's wrong with me I'm just a couple months short of my 1 year mark lifting but I just feel exhausted and sore in all the wrong ways all the time. Like forearm splints, random tendinitis flare ups, and generalized malaise. I was able to go 5 or 6 days a week to begin with. I think maybe it's because im consuming over 1000 mg of caffeine a day maybe.

"light cardio" aka living, and "stretching" aka moving
That shit ain't work

Jow Forums autism in action. He's telling a sad story and she is commiserating. But because you all have no social skills, you think it's mires . Go outside and talk to people

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Or just look at the guy's face. He's clearly very emotional about what he's talking about, and she, like a normal person, is expressing empathy.

What are you doing as far as rest, prehab, warmups, etc?

Yeah that lip biting is totally because she feels with him

have sex

If you watch the whole video its obvious shes atracted to him. She slipsband says dicks for tuning in at the end for fuck sake

theyre like equal height, theres no way shes miring him

you're wrong

This right here.

>thinking women has sympathetic feelings

She came out later and said that she made that face because she was holding in a poop