For those that have depression, how do you handle getting motivation to workout?

For those that have depression, how do you handle getting motivation to workout?

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By doing it even with no motivation you pussy.


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Motivation is a lie. Know that you will be happier after you lift. That is all.

It's only going to get worse if I don't keep moving so I just live with the pain.
Sometimes it's bad, really bad but you have to just do things you hate doing and then one day you can die.

almost OD on liftmode Phenylythamine

Shit sucks man every single attempt to make myself happy or feel better just pushes me further down in the pit, the thing is I can never get out of it. Losing motivation for fucking everything that I used to care for, it's okay sometimes I know I cant make myself feel great or have a long lasting smile, but honestly giving to others really helps me through the day.

The realization that if I skip one more day I'll feel even worse

Depression and anxiety is my motivation. I'm trying to soothe it, but it's like I'm screaming and God won't listen to me.

also lifting is the only thing that keeps my depression at bay
i feel genuinely happy when i get prs and lifting is the only time im not focused on how shit my life is so i feel good for an hour or so every dayu

You need discipline
"Motivation" wont carry you for years and years

Knowing that working out releases endorphins and other good brain chemicals so if i stop then I will start feeling like shit again.

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Working out, bettering myself was the turning point that made me beat depression, just fucking go lift, its worth it. Trust.

Also I spent a year or two convincing myself I don't have depression or anxiety and now I don't.

I drag my pail-of-slop body down the stairs and ooze into the 24 hour gym like a viral disease. For an hour at midnight three days a week I am free of the burden of actual existence and think only about what I am lifting

Lmao I don’t handle it anyhow, I just go to the gym like why tf not?

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caffeine pills

you have to just do it, discipline means you love yourself and the world. also be in charge of your focus, if you think about the rewards instead of your animalistic wants you will learn to release dopamine at will

I don't, I just made it routine.

i don't

just go workout anyway then consider going to see a doctor after you've done a multivariable analysis of your own life to understand what is causing this "depression". if your life is great and you still feel like jumping out of a window every minute of everyday, go get an SSRI - speaking from someone with depression

Workouts help me manage my depression puts me in a better state of mind. So I dunno.

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I dont think, I just go. At this point lifting is part of my routine

I eat a carnivorous diet so it's literally unironically actually metabolically impossible for me to have depression.

nigga if i dont lift i get depressed
this is only thing keeping that shit at bay

Working out is one of the things in my life that helps me deal with depression. Right now I'm in a lot of psychological pain and I can't wait to get to the gym. The only painkiller I know now, since I quit drugs, booze and smokes.

Kill yourself

By realizing that lifting is one of the good things you have going for you in your sorry life, you can start to appreciate it. Having a home gym also helps a lot.

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I used to treat working out like self harm
I would tell myself I deserve the pain from working out

what is this abomination of a picture

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I do the same thing. It's the only way I can do this.

I take a 200mg capsule of caffeine to get me to the gym most of the time. Otherwise I'd be sleeping in all day.

Thanks bugez

This is so true. Since I became straight edge. No alcohol, no weed it's been such a liberating feeling. Fast food i've also quit. Now it's just to work on getting porn free.

Just stop doing whatever you do to cope.

10 minutes, and you'll be so fed up of being miserable and staring at the wall that you'll jump up and start pumping.

You just need some rage to rev the engine. From that point it's easy. Id you fall out, repeat

Take a pre-workout and get jacked on caffeine. Works for me. I usually have at least one panic attack at the gym, but the increased heart rate from the panic attack helps me max my pump.

It's the only thing I enjoy. Everything else depresses me.

This, motivation is such dogshit if that's all you have you will never accomplish anything.
You need to have a list of things you have to do and then go do them. Not like
>I will go to the gym every Monday, Tuesday, Friday at 6:30pm
But more like
>I will go to the gym 3x a week and do xyz
Adjust your goals to fit your schedule and stick to them, be disciplined

Holy shit fpbp

Motivational inertia is a thing. If you let yourself wallow in your lack of motivation you'll continue to do nothing and nothing will improve. If you force yourself to do something even though you want to do nothing, you'll start the habit and it'll be easier for you to do it the next time.

Motivation is for future losers. Motivation gets you to the store to buy your gym clothes and fag powder. Discipline is what will drag you kicking and screaming to your goal. Doing things you don't want is the only way to get anywhere.

This is the only answer.

Drop acid and realize with no feeling of worry you have no worries

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Based post

i don't look at lifting like a hard task that i have to do everyday. i just do it because i legit enjoy it the same way you enjoy a video game or a competitive sport or reading, etc except i see results that make me want to go to the gym even more.
i don't believe in all that "motivational tame your discipline get out the comfort zone work hard blah blah" bullshit

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I have discipline

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>tfw Lady Gaga is unironically the most based lifting music
>tfw “Born This Way” comes on during dumbbell flies and I get off the bench with a fat chest pump and the overwhelming sound of synths

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I'm bipolar and struggle with this same exact scenario so much that I got teary-eyed reading it. "If I can physically do it, I HAVE TO" was my go-to way back. Thanks for reminding me

Listen to my sad music during lifts for inspiration

I just need to beat the vidya jew the insomnia jew and social isolation jew. Where do people even socialize? Most normies seem to already have their groups.

kratom and racetams

Go to a psychiatrist and ask them to prescribe you wellbutrin. It's been a lifesaver for me. Don't go if you want to join the military though since they don't let crazies in

i feel you, i quit the weed jew which used to be a really social activity for me, now i dont even know what to do with people anymore, and im not even friends with many of the same people who i used to smoke with

hes got a small dick probably...steroid pecker as we call it in serbia


Same here. Looking at it now it's a good thing because most of my stoner friends were goaless dyel joblets so I guess it'll be good to stay away from that crowd.

Wellbutrin changed my fucking life for the better. Practically miraculous. Then it stopped working after a month and made me more forgetful than I already am, talking about forgetting shit that was said not even a couple minutes ago. Hope you all have better luck than me, who is going to see if meth is a good replacement (both affect dopamine and norepinephrine)

This guys feet are tiny wtf

Habit, and tracking my progress. Habits beat motivation every time.

Meaning will carry you further in life than happiness will. There is more to life than being happy.

How many mg you taking


Distracts me

Zero Cal Red Bull and Death Grips usually does the trick, that and getting angry

I've been going in and out of depressive spells for the last year at least, although I probably had it all my life and never really noticed before.

I started working out 6 months ago and it improved my sense of self-worth and my health vastly. Knowing that I have the discipline within me to achieve great things, even if I have discovered it late (29), gives me so much confidence and happiness. You will have bad days, but if you can convince yourself to work out even on those days, the sky is the limit for you. Don't let your depression get the best of you. You are more than just a depressed person, you are strong and capable of so much. Try using the "X" system, where you write an X on the calendar every day that you work out. After a while you will see the Xs build up and you wont want to break the chain. This will motivate you. Save pic related to your hard drive, and whenever you feel down, just look at it and you will feel better. It's a vintage meme invested with great power.

Good luck user. We're all going to make it.

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I'm happy for you user, but you should know that you're a homosexual.

Was taking 300mg

The wellbutrin I was taking 300mg.for the meth I'm going to start with 5mg and adjust accordingly, only taking amounts that the prescription for methamphetamine aka Desoxyn would be

You're hopeless then. I felt a dramatic difference on just 100 then moved to 150 and finally to 200. The good thing is I have no appetite which is good because I gained a shit ton of weight

have something ingrained in my mind at this point that if i don't go to the gym today i'm a complete degenerate and i could be just a little better than i was yesterday after its done.
pic related

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I feel even more depressed when I don't workout. That's the only motivation I need.

I feared as much. I lost all cravings for junk food, ate on a schedule, and only drank water. I hope it continues to help you for as long as you need it to

Same, it's the only thing I am achieving right now

Thanks fren. I hope you get better. I hope you don't do hard drugs also

By remembering workingout can be self harming. Instead of inflicting self harm like cutting focus on getting that sweet sweet DOMS. Tomorrow you will feel physically the same way you feel mentally today

Idk. Going to the gym is about the only thing that I can muster enough motivation to get me out of the house. I think it's a combination of knowing that I will hate myself more if I don't go, the feeling of working towards something, facing difficult challenges but knowing I can overcome them and just having it part of routine for long enough that it feels wrong to not go.

I almost cried at the gym today doing curls. I kept looking at a pic of this girl for a test boost but then my loneliness set in. I still finished my workout pretty well I just used that shitty feeling to push myself harder

Depression is unironically a meme. A bunch of people cashing in on sympathy points because they're bored and/or sad and mistake that for self-diagnosed depression.

develop a complete disdain to weakness, come to hate every subhuman who gives up

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