Jow Forums how do you know if you're a basedboy? I didn't think it applied to me, but I can't grow a beard and when I was cooking dinner I felt like a huge bitch using a spatula.
How do I avoid baseddom?
Jow Forums how do you know if you're a basedboy? I didn't think it applied to me...
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>using a spatula
I cannot conceive of a way that you could ever make it
May end up sounding like a complete fucking newfriend but why are they called based when they're so obviously not
Try typing onions. It gets filtered to onions
s-o-e-y fags should serve in a shitty third world country a couple of years
i hate them
Why are spatulas a no-no?
Just a normal cooking utensil, right? How are you supposed to portion a casserole without one?
what the f-
what the FUCK are you talking about with this spatula shit. if i see one more post worried about using a FUCKING SPATULA im going to knock the insecurities out of your fucking skull
idk man I was pushing my food around in the frying pan with the spatula and I started to feel like a bitch for doing it.
I can't explain it.
If you're so insecure that using a spatula makes you feel like a s.o.y boy then you're probably one
that's your own colossal insecurity and anxiety trying to choke you out for doing something completely normal
or did you think the manly thing to do was use your fucking fingers you clown
>I can't grow a beard
Then why are you afraid about looking like a numale faggot? They all have beards because they think it makes their babyfaces look more manly.
When you think of a chef do you think man or woman. Chef is a man's occupation. Cooking is manly.
Imagine getting self conscious from using a utensil absolute autist
>imagine being this
based and cringepilled
>Cooking is manly
it aint
when you think of a raging homo who blows several men off what do you think of? OP, you or any other raging cocksucker?
spatulas are onions now?
get over yourselves
Men who cook are all drunk degenerates. Only pit BBQ is manly.
You people are beyond obsessed with this shit
real men live with their parents and have their mom cook all their meals
S o y gets filtered.
>there are anons ITT who actually use spatulas
Do you unironically not understand why that’s not okay?