Alcohol is bad for you

Alcohol is bad for you

Attached: beforeafteralcohol.webm (1920x1080, 307K)

proven to be faked. stop posting this webm incel.

just dont be asian

It is.
But Jow Forums will gladly ignore it and blame sunlight for their shitty dry skin.


And yet I get panic attacks after 2 days without it, and I hate those.

I'm a chink but don't have asian frush
alcohol is bad for you tho

>i get panic attacks without it, that means it must be good!

That just sounds like an addiction problem.

The 'no amount of alcohol is safe' study found that the most common downside of alcohol was catching tuberculosis. Fucking TB! It's obvious that the study was carried out in a 3rd world shithole and isn't relevant to 1st world nations. And funny thing, once the TB started getting pointed out, people like OP stopped posting links to the study.

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it makes you skin more red?

Have some fucking self-respect and stop referring to yourself by a racial slur.

I don't remember anyone asking you anything about any study, only about that webm.
Drunkards will go to any lengths to justify their destructive behavior.

the drunk version of her would actually talk to me

It does to asians

she looks better on the right
whats ur problem fags

look at her asian face chinkboi
ofc alc is bad for chinaman

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I'm not saying it's good, I'm saying I can't seem to stop, then I do for a bit, sit there bored shitless able to think about only one thing since none of my old hobbies bring me any joy and I've already lifted, and then it's three days later and a friend is like, "hey we're hitting a taproom come hang out" so I do, telling myself I'll just have 1 or 2 and then I'm right back where I started because it turned into 3 days of 12 beers a day.

I'm secure enough to call myself a slur
we're on Jow Forums. don't take yourself too seriously


Why would you ask about the webm? What the hell is 2 random bitches making faces without sound supposed to prove or disprove anyway?

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Children are bad for you

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webm is about how asians don't have proper enzymes to digest alcohol or something, causing the red blush. which i guess is what op is using to make some kind of retarded argument

What am I looking at? A woman before and after getting a tan?

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So her face is flushed? Bruh

I know that feel. Believe it or not the boredom goes away if you can quit for long enough, but it does take a while. At least a month. I wasn't able to do it without going to rehab. I've been sober for four months now and drinking rarely crosses my mind.

She looks hotter on right

Looks like afterglow to me

>A month
>One time I went a whole week and hurt my elbow with my vigorous self back patting

A week is still pretty good. I don't think I had more than 2 days in a row sober in 10 years. There's options out there if you really want to stop.

>Who's going to pay for all my kids?

I have zero respect for you


Attached: I gave you all I had.png (2546x1025, 1.11M)

AA sounds too culty, and checking myself into a place sounds shitty too, I'd rather not leave my job and have everyone know I'm a weak willed loser on top of it
Might see a therapist

Jesus fuck, she looks so boring on the left

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Stop attempting to control others.

Confusus say alcohol turn yellow people red.

STFU cracker. You're on Jow Forums of all places

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So alcohol cures jaundice?

>itt: alcoholic cope

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she cute

>has a 20 and 19 year old
So she was getting knocked up by around 11-12 and didn’t stop. Just wow.

>cute girl becomes even cuter
Alcohol seems pretty cool actually.

dude shes qt

Seek help.

Water is bad for you, it's al jewish propaganda
Everyone who drinks water ends up dead, some sooner than others
Alcohol is the key to immortality

That mummified thing is 32? What the hell happened? Nobody disintigrates that bad, that fast

why do people like alcohol so much?
to the point where you need to have a bunch of explanations as you why it's not "bad" for you
how is it not bad to be in an altered state every single day?
it's literally just foul juice that makes you disoriented and confused.
I've done a lot of drugs in my life and alcohol is the one i truly do not understand why people love so much.

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It's clearly due to how many times she has been pregnant. I don't even want to imagine how horrifying her body must look

the one on the right is way hotter

No one cares faggot