Did you know that women can't do pull ups lol

Did you know that women can't do pull ups lol


Attached: soros laughing.jpg (268x188, 9K)

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for some reason this maeks my cock diamonds

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>I don't think I'm gonna be able to do it at the end it just seems impossible
Fucking pathetic


maybe it was one of the several beautiful women that the video was of. some reason...

>a manlet pajeet with bad jaw who does only 4 pull ups as a dyel skelly is good enough to get a qt Auri gf
seriously I fail at life lmao

the military defines pullup fitness for men as always being able to do something like 3-5 pullups at request, while women only have to do a full arm hang

in the video they talk about being able to do pullups as a child but not as an adult

opposite effect for me tb h

for me the turnoff is their annoying voices

Women are a joke lol.
I worked for 6 months in a place where gyms were too far away to be worth it, instead I just did pull-ups and other body-weight exercises every day. I don't remember my routine but I did both pull-ups and chin-ups. and lots of them. At my peak I could do maybe 25-26 clean pullups, and 28-30 If I could cheat a little
Mind you I was still 165 and my legs definitely did NOT add alot of that weight.

nice dub dubs

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I had no friends btw, so I just went to the park after work every day and stayed there for hours until I couldn't do 1 rep (I did other things than pull-ups, but my main goal was to do many pull-ups)

Yeah, but she did it anyway.

ye only one who was bearable was the jewish looking chick

this truly is incel cope. of course women are bad at pull-ups they don't have the testosterone and muscle distribution men do

and you incels are so proud of yourselves for having a natural advantage. have sex

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seething, cope, dilate, etc

>Did you know that women can't


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She's not going all the way down on most of those reps. She's half repping.

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There's an NHL player Casey Middlestadt who couldn't do a single pull up.

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based and redpilled

imagine the smell

Its always weird now seeing how normies don't even know how to approach actual training. Also every one of them claiming they were fit while looking like a skinny fat bag of bones. They put them beside the mel trainer chick and they don't even look like the same species.

she isn't tho to be fair

>Also every one of them claiming they were fit while looking like a skinny fat bag of bones.

They say that because they're "active" (and they are) and don't know any better. They move around enough to not have health problems due to lack of movement, but they aren't at all "trained" for anything to any appreciable extent.

To be fair, I am not a fan of fitness type chicks. They are threatening to my masculinity and too tryhard looking.

the trainer is roided up

Probably just because any chick with an upper body is, its still incredibly visually striking though.

I don't get it, I remember when I was in primary school me and the other kids would be pumping out like 50 pull ups since we weighed literally nothing

3 short skinny girls, best candidates for being able to do pull ups as a woman. Would like to see this with average height/weight girls.

yeah he weighed 230 at the time

>the rest of the vids on that channel
women were a mistake

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Fucking kek

60 fucking days?? It took me two days from the day I decided I wanted to add pullups to me routine, to be able to do a couple of them without assistance.

>been athletic all my life
>Never successfully did a pull up
Pick one and only one

to them athletic means going hiking occasionally, doing yoga once a week, and also not becoming morbidly obese

Kevin Durant couldn't bench 135 lbs at the NBA combine.

"We went to see a fitness expert to know what goes into a pull up"

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I don't get why you would post your ugly mug aswell.


there you go

Just do australian pull-ups and negatives until you can do a pull-up. Women or not they should have been able to do it much more faster.

>we went to an expert
>crossfit studio

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this this this

Pullups is a ratio game with your bodyweight and your upper body strength.

The ratio changes alot because as we grow up, the body gets heavier disproportionately with our upper body strength.

Adult males can still do plenty of pushups because they're males (including the flood of testosterone in teen years), naturally gives then a huge advantage on average on upper body strength.

lmao, I don't even care about petty gender shit, only dude bros and feminists care about these absolutely pathetic differences, I just get trigged when someone's obsession rationalizes reality into shitty "counter examples"

puberty is the great fork in male/female sexual dimorphism and athletic ability