Is Calisthenics just getting Jow Forums
on Hard Mode?
>inb4 muh weights are heavy
Is Calisthenics just getting Jow Forums
on Hard Mode?
>inb4 muh weights are heavy
Calisthenics is how niggers and apes get fit
It's based and some exercises should be implemented into a normal routine since it helps to strenghten your joints
You can get big on calisthenics only but it will take much more time and unless you just want to learn some cool bar tricks to impress your homies and get more dick you should add weights sonner or later
It require a lower time preference and that doesn't mesh with the instant world of today.
I agreee, precisely why I think it’s hard mode Jow Forums because in order to get swole you gotta get to a point where you do tons of reps and many variations.
Is it just me or does calisthenics require more mental fortitude compared to weights?
Like I feel that if I go to weights im copping out of a bigger tougher challenge?
>Like I feel that if I go to weights im copping out of a bigger tougher challenge?
Just do the one you like the best.
It does, however almost nothing else approaches iron in terms or input: output bang per buck not a wrong, only a change
Calisthenics are more fun and you can do them anywhere. Easier to stick to, imo, and you learn cool tricks. Plus it makes your tendons strong af.
Nigger and ape gang here senpai
Do weighted calisthenics.
Based Svenposter
so if there's any spergs that actually do calisthenics for hypertrophy here, would you recommend any particular compound movements that hit muscle chains in ways better than barbell training? weighted pullups are the only one i can think of
Enough said
Rings look so fucking gay.
Not going to argue against that. They are still really cool though
yes. It is extremely difficult and the advantages don't pay off for 2-3 years.
I can do straddle planche pushups and one arm chin ups for reps and would not recommend this to anyone unless they love the movements themselves and have a long term vision for their training. My workouts take less than 10 minutes and I look great, but getting to this point took 2-3 years (for the planche, OAC is easy) of me training for hours a night. It is almost certainly not worth it for your average person because it's hard to learn how to train it and it's hard to even be able to train it.
I got better results faster with the barbell, and still could, but I'm at a point now where I don't have to train as long and that's what I really wanted. If you can grind for a few years, rarely miss a workout, and are extremely careful with injuries this MIGHT be for you. Maybe.
The skills that get you to this point are something that maybe 1% of athletes get to.
my queen
I'm doing both weights and calisthenics.
So far Ive mastered the flag, back lever, tucked planche, front lever for a couple of seconds and lsit to handstand. Lsit for 30 seconds If Im fresh.
How long for straddle planche, lever pullups and harder shit like the swallow?
Going calisthenics-only is certainly viable and can yield considerable strength and size, but I agree that, in general, weights can usually give them faster.
If I'm not mistaken, even the guy from FitnessFAQ, who promotes full-bodyweight programs, admitted weights would have done the job faster for him.
Nevertheless, bodyweight training does have advantages over weights, and anyone who wants to build real strength should get good at fundamental calisthenics as well.
In the past, I did train bodyweight-only for around 8 months due to an extremely busy work schedule. I did not dislike it at all: it was fun, and my lifts actually improved when I got back to the gym.
His muscles and veins look disgusting. He would look much better with a sightly higher bf
Post body.
pleb detected
that´s redundant (like "old geezer")
It's just another fun way to get/stay fit. It also complements climbing very well. Being able to pull off one arm pull ups or front levers is just great.
Sure thing Shlomo
it's not that impressive. It's good enough that I'm satisfied with it and am not currently interested in improving it.
I don't have any pictures where I'm flexing or in good lighting . I'll post when I get home and take some.
That's a tough question. It took me two years to straddle planche, but knowing what I know now I could reasonably do it in 6 months. A lot of BW training (or training in general) is knowing where you're weak and how to overcome it. There is a lot of trial and error in breaking plateaus, even for experienced lifters. Once you get a new bw skill you'll rocket for a while because it's easy to make gains on a closed system skill.
I think a fit person that isn't too heavy and is 5'11" or shorter could straddle planche in 1.5 years if they're focused.
It's not hard mode if you're a fat fuck like me. Just doing bodyweight dips has made my upper body strength explode. I couldn't even do them without assistance at first now I can do twelve. Not a lot to most people but for me it's a hell of a workout.
it'll be a lot harder to build mass unless you start adding weight, at which point you might as well start barbell training, but is good for untrained beginners
kek it true
Calisthenics is for people who want to get Jow Forums and slay pussy as opposed to just big and strong.
>grug lift heavy weight
>grug smart!
It's actual strength and fitness.
Fit according to Jow Forums is becoming a chicken breast bloat nigger.
>calisthenics require more mental fortitude
>go to weights and you are copping out of a tougher challenge
lmao, nah. Try hitting a PR on squats or deadlift and tell me how easy it was. Also tell me how easy it was to make sure your form doesn't start to break down on your last few reps on the last set
>actual strength and fitness
>implying he could push a powerlifter over
calisthenics is good for ninja warrior type shit. You know, running, climbing, jumping, shit like that. In terms of strength, like picking up a heavy bag, lifting is better
>he says in reply to an image of a fit caucasian
why did you say the same thing twice?
>doesn't mesh with the instant world of today.
Having fun commuting to the gym every day? I'm under the pullup bar in seconds.
>Calisthenics is for people who want to get Jow Forums and slay pussy as opposed to just big and strong.
No not really. More often it's for people just too fucking lazy to come up with any real plan so they just do a fuckload of pull ups in their kitchen everyday. Most people who want to get fit and slay pussy lift at a gym like Zyzz.
Lifting doesn't make you fit. It just gives you bigger muscles. Zyzz would still be alive today if he never got into lifting.
I shouldn't have said I look great. I look okay for how little time I spend training. Maybe good for normie standards. I misspoke
Not the same user.
You look fine for ten minute workouts but it really shows. I dont doubt you have good relative strength, but if you committed and went even further, adding in some weights and rigorous diet, you would be god mode. But you said you just wanted pretty okay results for very little effort.
To be fair that lighting and angle is just plain awful for posing, so you may look better in person.
2 nonsensical anti-lifting posts in a row. I wish you'd kys.
Sorry but I don't lift like Zyzz so I'll be around for a while.
Everyone should do it as a teenager when they are building a base. Especially in sunlight. Anyone who doesn't do this for at least a time during their life is a jew in spirit.
It's true. If Zyzz had never lifted he would have never got aesthetic, met Sharkie, had sex with him in a Thai sauna and then been murdered to cover it up.
This. Calisthenics is for niggers who live in the ghetto who have no gyms in their city so they have to do staircase pull-ups like a fag in some crackhead park in Harlem
c o p e
Calisthenics is the biggest cope in fitness though. It’s basically used for when you’re not the biggest dude in the gym but you’re also not the strongest either, so you try to cope with exercises only 130 lb manlets can do
Imagine being this insecure. Not everyone's goal is to be as big as possible to compensate for their small penis. Some people are trying to develop actual skills along the way. And there's no rule that says you can't lift as well as do calisthenics.
not him but
I love how you bring up penis size out of nowhere.
Someone sounds insecure. Projecting much?
>More often it's for people just too fucking lazy to come up with any real plan
>Just increasing the weight vs chaning leverage, volume, time under tension, etc
I look better in the mirror than in photo IMO, and pump work would take me a lot further. It is complacency, right now, that prevents a desire for more.
With pump work and good lighting it is easy for me to look better, but I should be able to eventually achieve volume such that pump work naturally manifests in my training. Already I am satisfied with the proportions of my serratus anterior and medial deltoids relative to my waist. I figure that as I scale volume and weight I will maintain these proportions, so I'm not worried.
I appreciate the comment, fren
This. Calisthenics and running makes you a well rounded, truly fit person.
Rate my 40 lbs (18.2Kg) weighted vest routine. What should I add or take off?
she's gone
Vanilla calisthenics suck dick, I did normal calisthenics 4 months and then started doing weighted push ups, about to start doing weighted dips as well. My pull ups suck right now because I neglected them for a long time, fugg :D
Looking decent but lose the gay necklace
Do weighted close-grip chinups and pullups for fuarking huge arms.
Fug, i meant to reply to dis.
Pushups for serratus. Bench press doesn't do shit for those.
You misspelled RTO ring push-ups
I'm definitely bookmarking this one. It's a big sheet of bodyweight progressions and they're links to exact points in youtube videos demonstrating what they mean.
Dumb boxxyposter
calisthenics is gay
only gay latino men think wearing jewelery is "hip" and "bling"
with weights, you can get 1/2 lb of muscle mass a week indefinitely at the cost of food and fuel. calisthenics has merits, concrete returns are broader interval.
cars and being seated is a gains goblin, no dispute.
What app is this?
weights are gay. You need to be tied down to places with gyms in order to maintain and you will lose your gains quickly.
you can get the results of two years of calisthenics in one year of lifting
p. much this. If you ever make it to advanced calisthenics (you won't) it's a different class of strength
how do you have relatively visible abs with what looks like a fair bit of stomach fat? genetics or am i retarded?
More like 2 months of lifting.
Sure thing, bro.
You dont lift.
Calisthenics is uneducated masses mode.
Real men of science use progressive overload with weights that can increase by as little as half a pound to titrate their way to perfect fitness.
>with weights that can increase by as little as half a pound to titrate their way to perfect fitness.
>Calisthenics is uneducated masses mode.
t. retard
based and apepilled
>stronglifts/starting strength
yeah that works for like 3-6 months of novice gains at most.
percentages, rpe work and changing volume/intensity every few weeks is the real deal
Surprisingly, the half a pound workout plan isn’t that bad. People have done way worse.
That’s redundant user
Yeah right my dude, flipping around like a fucking ripped ninja is dope.
Women are out of control with what they choose to wear, that looks like shit.
I did the for my OHP 10 rep but did 1lb a day. got up to 143lbs x10 at 165. It worked pretty well.
The better I get at calisthenics, the more easily I pop boners to 02. Why is that?
biggest bloatmaxx cope
>most people who lift go to the gym
>only a minority do calisthenics
>"Calisthenics is uneducated masses mode."
ok bud
why not both
What did you mean by this
Weights are harder. Calisthenics are a cope for weaklings and cowards.
>me 180lbs @ 15%bf
>bust out 50 wide grip pull-ups with ease
>add them to end of every gym day
>decide to introduce weight belt
>start off with 10lbs
>manage 25 reps before exhaustion
>remove belt
>bust out remaining 25 reps with ease
A little bit of weight makes a lot of difference to your body. If you aren't training to surpass your limits you are wasting your time.
Rate my workout and I'll tell you
Try doing a few weighted one arm pull ups and explain to me how that's for weaklings and cowards.
Obviously, because people who do bodyweight don't go to a gym. Why would you go to a gym to do calisthenics?
Most people don't excercise at all. Of those who do just attend the gym. The few that don't do calisthenics. I think that's his point
Why else would a taller guy lift unless their penis was small?
I do calisthenics at the gym. Access to weights and it's a motivation thing.
I like calisthenics cuz I'm poor and don't have weights or a gym membership