Raw Meat Discussion

Did any of you guys tried a strict raw meat diet? Is it actually more healthy than a regular diet or a vegan diet? is it also safe to eat? is it also beneficial to eat it once a in a while?

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I'd say eating hospital garbage is healthier for you than the vegan diet

yeah enjoy all these proton in its most bioavailable form.

Anyone can eat raw meat as long as it is super fresh and there are many raw dishes like steak tar tar and sushi.

The only problems with raw meat is when it isn't fresh it can begin the rot process.

Well, you will get toxoplasmosis. You probably won't be getting enough of the right nutrients, unless perhaps you're eating organ meat. That said, eating raw organ meat is a good way to get hepatitis.

isn't raw meat harder to digest than cooked one?

Just limit your raw meat to beef.

I tried that for like 2 days, bought a lot of keppe so i had to eat it everyday, also tried fasting that week, felt ok

I think eating dirt is much more healthy than that.
Just think about it. Dirt is full of minerals, very high in protein and low in carbs.

>Is it actually more healthy than a regular diet or a vegan diet?
no. the fact you said "actually" implies someone said it was. but no non retard has ever suggested eating raw meat or a meat only diet, so idk where you got that idea
is it also safe to eat?
is it also beneficial to eat it once a in a while?
no, never

>retarded spacing

I forgot my meme arrows

>Is it actually more healthy than a regular diet or a vegan diet?
no. the fact you said "actually" implies someone said it was. but no non retard has ever suggested eating raw meat or a meat only diet, so idk where you got that idea
>is it also safe to eat?
>is it also beneficial to eat it once a in a while?
no, never

there you go friend :)

Literallyretarded logic, no one who eats raw meat has any of these problems

Nice bait faggot


everyone who eats raw meat has those problems as well as being clinically retarded. they just deny it because theyre in a cult

I hope youre baiting desu. I dont want to imagine people I share a board with are gullible enough to fall for this shit

Provide one case of someone getting hepatitis from raw organs and don’t link me shit where someone bought some meat from some shitty place

stop being a pussy

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post pic of u eating raw meat

these delicious mofos and sushi are the only raw meat dishes you should eat

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Rotten raw meat is fine

Aajonus Vonderplanitz raw primal diet ie the natural human diet IS BASSED

I've been eating raw meat on an almost daily basis for months now. I used to be a vegan for years so can give you a pretty good idea. I don't eat strictly raw meat because that would be way too expensive (more than it already is now) but I eat a lot of it.

It's better than a vegan diet. A vegan diet will kill you. It made me extremely sick and I regret going on that diet. Raw meat is awesome, and I have never had any issues digesting it whatsoever. You get used to it so quickly, and then you find the taste of cooked meat a bit weird. I mean, I only eat raw beef. I would still cook chicken because raw chicken looks gross to me.

Friendly reminder to eat liver, aka the most nutritious food of all time.