Daily reminder to drink more water BUDDEH

Daily reminder to drink more water BUDDEH

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If people can walk around - and I don't mean this in a disrespectful way to religious people - and you believe the son of God came down to earth 2,000 years ago, and he killed himself for our sins, and he can walk on water, and there's a God up there looking after ourselves, and if you get on your knees and pray to him that things will change, if you can believe that, then you can believe that I can knock the fuck out of Luke Rockhold two weeks from Saturday.

thanks buddeh



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thank you

Ty friend

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based and hydrationpilled

subbing whatever 300 cal garbage you drink with water is 80% of the weight loss journey

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Cheers mate

based bispinghydroposter. you're the unsung hero around these parts and your threads die off too quickly. here's to you mate.

Thanks man

Based, I'm also a high IQ atheist xD I just watched a youtube video that debunked xtianity even though I know little about it in the first place and i can feel more smarter than most people now LOL

is at least 2 liters of water a day good, bros?

2 liters is a good start, I drink 4 on average

I fucking love water brehs.

Drink 3 liters a day. NON NEGOTIABLE.

thanks, i almost forgot

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thanks user. so important yet everyday I find myself lacking


cold water or room temp?

Friendly reminder not to drink way more than you need or you'll fuck your kidneys and dehydrate yourself.

Anyone else add a bit of salt, potassium and magnesium to their water?

Yeah, christianity is shit.

That's why I became muslim.

How do I use water to lose weight? Just drink heaps of it?

left hook mickey

Can I do it all at once?

How much is too much?

No if you drink too much the water is stored as fat.

I started a construction job in the AZ heat. I think of you throughout the day. Thanks buddeh!

Unironically drinking to thirst is the patrician way of imbibing water. Never force yourself to drink more than what your body feels it should drink. If your piss is clear, you fucked up; drink less water.

Bullshit pseudo science
drink more water

Enjoy your hyponatremia, faggot. I'd tell you to kill yourself, too, but your excessive water intake will do that for you.

feeling thirst is your body trying to tell you that you have a pretty decent deficit going on
you are a moron and yet i replied


Thanks buddeh, it's extra important with this heat

Yeah, no shit, Sherlock. Which is why, like I said, you should drink when you experience thirst, and not in excess. It's called listening to your body, instead of some predetermined goal of four-liters-a-day bullshit. Do you understand how much water you receive from the food you eat in a day? Stop falling for the overhydration meme, zoomer.

>waiting for your body to get into a deficit and only then drinking water is the patrition and healthy way of hydration
why am i even trying to argue with morons, do whatever you think is right buddy

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>following memes on the internet is healthy
>listening to your body isn't
Go eat a tide pod, already.


>it's 2019 and he doesn't know that he can salt his food

How do you make this post daily? Are you ok?

Drop a tea bag in your cold cup of water to spice things up peppermint, lemongrass,chamomile, white, etc


struck a nerve?

kys beta faggot

already drank like 2 litres today since it's hot as fuck. dog is schlopping like crazy as well.
