This is the best physical feat ever displayed by a man, your olympic, track and field, powerlifting...

>this is the best physical feat ever displayed by a man, your olympic, track and field, powerlifting, strongman record cant even compete [Open] [Open]

this is art, a god given moment given to a god given player, the humanity will never see a display like such, the second one would be the hand god and third the jordan dunk in the finals

Attached: 1563935814776.jpg (745x408, 82K)

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Lol just wait until you find out what Messi can do.

the only physical feat that actually matters is how much damage you can inflict upon another

Sure thing op

Attached: 18-GSP-vs-Pete-Spratt-.gif (230x170, 990K)

Nothing comes quite close to kicking a ball at high speeds

Attached: PLuAutQ.gif (540x307, 1.66M)

Next you'll say "Argentinians are white"

Attached: 11473458.jpg (300x300, 27K)

That skill really is the ultimate test of grit and sheer talent in competition between men

a handball is the greatest physical feat of all time?

>run at your pace, sprinting only for moments, stopping and pausing a lot during the running
such demonstration of human willpower and athleticism

this, also keep in mind the context the goal was, after 4 years argentina lost the falklands war against england, that goal is art itself, its just the fact you guys are all up with "muh mma muh lifting" a feat like that will never be replicated, skills is what matters, we see everyday peopoe beating other to death, it has beem hapening since we started to walk lmao, we have always been primitive, animals kill each other in a daily basis, so no its not surprising a man beating up another man, maradona goal is the biggest feat and most skilled thing done by a man, take ir or leave it, if dont agree you are just coping

>t.never played soccer in their lifes
>t.above 20% bodyfat
>t.never did real sports in his life
> eye hand coordination


>no eye hand coordination
kek. nice bait. malvinas ingles

who is talking about the malvinas here you subhuman pirate, your dirty ass country is filled with sandniggers and blacks anyway so at this point the falklands are the only white population you have lmao,i traveled to england once and it looked more like arabia and ghana than europe

Attached: tenor (1).gif (360x346, 170K)

I was being sarcastic you git, fighting and track & field are the ultimate athletic displays, swimming comes close. t. grew up playing soccer

i kind of agree, ben johnson 1988 100 meters had no equal, but i still think maradona's goal is superior

soccer is so gay
basketball is for patricians

Attached: 7.png (1000x1000, 177K)

>yeah being a 2 meters lanky with fishing shorts and a top tank is so manly

>a feat like that

Dribbling past utterly incompetent defenders? Every goal in this video displays more skill and athleticism:


I'll take this obvious admission that you have exactly zero counter argument to the facts with which I have BTFO'ed your whole asshole, and accept your mental surrender.

Attached: Smug Checkmate.jpg (1920x1080, 164K)

>god given
>Hand of God

Nah its Cocaine-given, the Brick of God

Argentinians are white- wait what the FUCK

>the goal literally didn't even matter