BPM Thread

Post your heart beats
>41 BPM

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dude u dead or what?

No, why

no one ever had 41 beats per minute.

I highly doubt that claim. Can you send me like a source or something in regards to low BPM being bad?
I am considering going to the doctor regarding this anyways just in case...

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You have bradycardia. Unless you are a deep sea diver or are due to compete in the tour de france i dont think thats a good thing

Sustained bradycardia can lead to fainting, chest pain and even heart failure.

Are you anorexic?

How accurate are those watches? I'd love to see how low my heart rate goes when I'm sleeping. It had to be in the low 30s I imagine.
Honestly I just thought my heart beat was low because I was very healthy.
I'm 5'9 ~145lb
How can someone "contract" bradycardia though? Is it like a mental thing ?

a lot of ultramarathoners and other people who do endurance sports sometimes have really low resting heartrates.

How do you differentiate those endurance athletes vs someone with a legit condition though?

>tfw it's in the 70s
how i get bpm gains?

This is like saying to a body builder that their BMI is too high and therefore they need to lose weight. If you are running regularly and your VO2 max is higher than 55 then there shouldn't be much problems with a low heart rate. Obviously if one is experiencing symptoms of bradycardia such as lightheadedness fatigue or heart flutters then one should be concerned.

You'd have to be seriously mega fit to have a resting hr of 41.

For the vast majority of the population 41 is not normal or healthy.

Bradycardia is more common in the elderly, people with eating disorders ( anorexia), on cocktails of meds and people with other diseases like heart failure and thyroid disorders.

If you get dizziness, blackouts, shortness of breath or chest pain you need to see your dr assp. In fact I would see him anyways to make sure its okay

Cardio honestly
Can't say I experience any of those things except for maybe fatigue once in a while (but not sure if before or after a workout).
Also if my BPM is 40 when awake, how much lower does it go when sleeping?

55 bpm right now. Lowest I've seen was 49 and it felt great seeing it.


If you're not symptomatic of anything it may be your fitness. It'll likely drop into your low 30s sleeping

What do you do/ how hard do you train?

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Inb4 hurrr Apple, they’re accurate enough to have an ECG/EKG function but with the disclaimer about lol not real medical device call a doctor. I like being able to monitor my heart rate during HIIT and keep track of heart rate variability. I’m sure android has a similar feature but Google and the chinks get to keep tabs on you.

Do you feel more relaxed with lower BPM's? I always feel like the most relaxed person in any room I am in, I wonder if it's due to BPM.
Just this twice a week (workout 6 times). And on Sundays I rest and go to church, I mention it because I always feel at ease at church so maybe it contributes to low BPM

It's on the low end user. But if your in decent shape heartrate can go as low as 40 and be fine if you're inactive.
You get in the 30's and you start having problems.

Not him but low heart rate is something to aim for but there is such a thing as bradycardia. However if you have tons of energy and can run for miles I doubt you have any issues.

pressure is normal, you're probably fine

>check resting bpm
S-should I be worried?

Stop worrying about things

It's probably so high because you get anxious over it

I bounce around between 46 and 52 depending on my stress level. Pressure is always normal when I get it checked.