Should you even count it as part of your protein macros?
Redpill me on plant protein?
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Yes. But you should balance your amino acids if you're going to depend on them primarily.
I recommend buckwheat. Legumes like soya and black beans are wildcards. Some people can use them others can't.
That being said, as cheap as chicken, eggs, and whey are, you'd save more time using them.
As long as you're getting all the essential amino acids you need, sure.
which plants have, despite what carnitards will tell you.
I've read so much shit on both sides, eg plants/vegetables/legumes are healthy and essential for healthy vs plants/vegetables/legumes have antinutrients, are in no way necessary and the body can't absorb fuck all from it
I eat just a tiny amount so that in either case I'm not too fucked lmao
Half of grain protein is gluten which is not digestible by humans.
Fact or fiction?
Protein from plants less bioavailable than protein from meat because it's genetically less closer to you
All carbs except for carbs from fresh raw fruits and vegetables are hazardous to human health. Plant based protein is natural and if in it's fully raw form can be more easy to assimilate then other protein sources.
That is not true and based something silly. We have a herbivore digestive track. Plants are what we are able in an easily assimilatiable fashion. Repeat what you just said but replace it with cows. Do you think cows should eat meat even though they get protein from plant sources just because that meat is close to them in structure? Your statement is ludicrous.
Cows' eyes are on the sides of their heads. Ours are on the front. We are meant to eat things that cows are not.
All apes have eyes on front even gorillas which are primarely herbivorous
You have no critical thinking skills from what I am able to discern. Please go read a book for yourself then go back and take my friend :)
>All apes have eyes on front even gorillas which are primarely herbivorous
>take my friend
Took your mom last night.
>tfw predator
Feels good man.
Eyes in front means yoir ancestors were swinging on trees not that theyre predators
Makes sense.
Youre an ape not a canine
he is a amerimutt goblin
They have 4 stomachs and ferment plants down to create fatty acids (the kinds found in meat).
When our ape like ancestors switched from fruits and nuts to bone marrow our brains grow x4 in only 200,000 years. This was because we were able to spend less time resting/digesting and our digestive tract shrunk massively in favour of a larger brain.
Fatty nutrient dense meat and marrow literally made us human.
Gorillas also have the smallest brains of all apes.
Our brains use 25% of our energy.
Gorillas are dumb leaf eaters whose soul purpose is the sit down and chew leaves as they ferment in their stomach into fatty (meat like) amino acids.
Smarter than a third of posters
>user uses misdirect
stick to the point
Homo sapiens v1 who have not had to evolve past pre-out of Africa behaviours are not relevant to this discussion at all.
Almost all herbivores ironically need the same nutrients humans (carnivores who can function well as omnivores) they just break/ferment their food down which is a much more laborious/time consuming process.
Gorrilas/other apes are dumb as fuck compared to humans and have tiny brains compared to us. Because they don't eat a lot of meat (especially fatty meat)
Cows and all large ruminants ferment food to create the fatty acids that are found easily in meat. They evolved literally for this purpose.
When our ancestors started eating meat and marrow our brains increased x4 in 200,000 years. Pretty much the most extreme evolutionary jump nature has ever seen.
Meat (fatty nutrient dense meat at that) makes us human.
Veganism/Plant based diets makes us infertile, weakens our immune system and literally causes brain shrinkage of 5 - 15%. This is not propaganda but a fact.
That said I enjoy beans and fruits in moderation as they taste nice.
Being an omnivore is the most convenient thus perhaps the easiest to maintain and healthiest providing we source high quality meat organ and fat.
>We have a herbivore digestive track
Utter nonsense. And a cow is a fucking ruminant, it is not at all comparable to a human.
We have shorter intestines like canines and other carnivores because we are optimized to eat meat.
Herbivores have intestines up to ten times longer than carnivores to facilitate the fermentation necessary to absorb nutrients from plants. Humans do not have that.
How exactly then are we herbivores?
Imagine having such a scuffed understanding of evolution
Dosen't matter of there present if you can't obsorb them due to them being protected by insoluble fiber.
You'll fart half of it before it absorbs to your body and also always paired with a huge amount of carbs, it does count but I wouldn't relay on it alone.
I have canned salmon, eggs, milk, broccoli, peanut butter and oats on my diet, but i have to add pinto beans because they're cheap af.
Would those foods complement each other?
It's problematic if you eat it in increased quantities due to phytoestrogens.
>reverting to grandma logic
What a retarded table
Imagine how dumb and uninformed you'd have to be to think this table relates to reality in a meaningful way.
>t. tranny
>Onions has 5000 times more phytoestrogens than rice
>Put in same category
>Apple has same phytoestrogens as rice
>Put in different category
>he fell for the phytoestrogen is the same as real oestrogen meme
You can have whatever food you want delivered to your doorstep while still watching anime in your living room. The high nutrient content means nothing when you can eat whatever you want.
good thing I don't eat grass.
You are so fucking stupid its unreal
cows don't eat fruit you dumb nigger
You can fart out nutrients?
no but the fact that you fart at all means something (fiber) isnt being digested and instead ferments in your asshole
>we eat different things because our eyes are placed differently
holy shit what the fuck kill yourself
Dont our bodies reabsorb some of those products of fermentation?
Imagine believing humans are a product of evolution
no because it happens to late in the digestive tract as opposed to herbivorous animals that have fermentation happening earlier (since they have way longer intestines)
Made in gods image baby