>having more than 90g of protein a day
Having more than 90g of protein a day
Other urls found in this thread:
I ate an entire rotisserie chicken yesterday
>what is water
I eat an entire rotisserie chicken everyday
If you two are American, I guarantee that chicken has more hormones and chemicals in it than you can count. Enjoy getting cancer at 48
its the kidneys that suffer the most from an excess of animal protein.
Imagine not living in the greatest country on earth
Not that type of chicken retard
rotisserie chicken
Hows that air conditioning?
based water man
Idk man I’m pretty sure a rotisserie chicken came from an actual chicken
Bringin the red, white, and bantz
i have been eating around 235 grams of protein a day.
Yuropoors will never recover
1 gram per pound of body weight right? Are you a 90 pound twink OP?
fucking die already op you human failure
1 gram of lean muscle mass user
What air conditioning?
>europistanis are literally too poor to afford enough meat in their diet
protein fucks your kidneys not your liver retard
same except around 260
wish protein didnt taste so good
I don't get it.
>OOooOOoOHH scary chicken hormones!
They aren't human hormones dumbfuck. You metabolize them.
americans are used to AC because the climate in america is shit
Europe has a better climate for living, since we only have hot days for couple of weeks at most.
is this the new york accent? it's cool
>europoors for the last decade
man its so hot here wtf we don't have air conditioning here because our summers are usually so mild even though its been just as hot as america for the past 10 years
time to catch up fuckos
if thats all you have going for you.. fine mate
I guess you win this time. You have AC and I dont.
im just saying ive been seeing europoors on pol complaining about how hot its been since 2008 and its like 11 years later and none of you fucks have installed ac units yet after 10 years of hot summers
>your internal organs can't recover and regenerate
we only complain for couple of weeks. thats about it.
we dont need AC here.
Definitely somewhere Northeast/New England
Can confirm. People have been coming to my house because we have A/C. Cunts
These protein threads actually make me worried. Is 175-200 grams of protein ok lifting 3 days a week and 3 days a week of cardio? I drink a lot of water
Imagine having less than 90g of protein for breakfast. Do you actually believe this? Are you one of these vegan cultists?
Aw man, that's a really funny image, bro. Haha! Man that's funny, bro!
you pronounce wojak wrong
>He think cancer is not 99% genetic