Every fucking time I relapse is while I'm asleep. How do I fix this?
Semen retention
Please explain why you'd want to retain your semen, OP. Semen release is both very healthy for your body (in moderation of course) and very good for your mental wellbeing. Why would you want to actively make yourself less healthy by abstaining from a natural bodily function?
Stop this dumb meme shit that will give you prostate cancer.
Shut up Goldberg. Everyone's had enough of your Jewish tricks.
Of course the nofap fag posts his gay monkmode motivation bullshit. Pic related is what i see in my head when I read that dumb shit. You treat not jerking your wang like you're fighting an army, cringe faggot taking yourself so seriously.
The myth that nofap gives you prostate cancer comes from a very unscientific Cosmo study.
How long has it been since you've watched porn? Normally the longer you go without sexual stimulation, the less your mind tends to focus on and keep sexual thoughts in the subconscious.
I guess you could always get into lucid dreaming in order to control your dreams
I jerk off once every two weeks so I don't cum in my sleep
this frequency is good enough for me, definitely feels a lot better than jerking off every day.
It's not about nofap being u healthy but not releasing semen in sleep which is natural even for young boys...
Fighting and taming the sexual drive IS like fighting an army. That's why it's so rewarding, it is not easy to do, especially in our sex obsessed culture.
I guess so.
It should be noted that nocturnal emissions aren't a big deal. But to act like any actions taken to retain semen will give you prostate cancer is simply wrong.
Of course it's ridiculous
If anything, monks who regularly practice this live on average a longer lifespan than the general population. Shouldn't all those monks and priests be convulsing from the prostate cancer up their ass from not cumming?
>>talking about nofap
Shut up zoomer faggot with 0 ounce of spirituality in him
you need papa science to hold your hand and fuck your ass with (((facts))) before you believe things? Haha
Can someone reply to OP?
Jerk off once every few weeks retard
Wait hol up hol up, you’re having consistent wet dreams?
That’s dank af, wet dreams are really good orgasms especially if it’s sexual themed in nature. I just say that cause when I was younger I had a few but one i was on a soccer field playing and that was the wet dream fucking goofy but the rest were good sex ones
Yeah they're indeed very good, but I don't want to have them. Todoay I dreamt about a girl that liked me but I stopped talking to her about 2 months ago because reasons, she got very excited when she saw me and she told me she always wanted to blow me. Next thing I remember is blowing lik 8-9 loads over her face without stopping.
Then I woke up feeling like fucking shit.
u could try drugs. For example morphine makes u impotent and deletes all your testosterone. Or weed makes u stop having dreams. Other than drugs I am not sure what you were hoping with this thread, therapy?
>I relapse is while I'm asleep
That doesn't count as relapse you fucking retard, semen only has some time to stay active, so the body naturally release old semen and produces new one, so that you don't et poisoned
So i'm not really losing my T levels?
Meditate, exercise, cold showers, sleep on your back
I... I can't tell anymore if this is a shitty bait or a legit Jow Forumscuck. Well done.
>before NoFap
>barely pay attention to the girls in my town, only the few hot ones
>after NoFap
>get hard like diamond thinking about my 4/10 neighbour
I-Is this the power of semen retention, bros?
You understand what kind of thread this is? No one agrees with you.
This is a blog tier post
based pepe viyuela poster
no, it's a natural ejaculation there's no intense brain stimulation that releases the hormones with this type of ejaculation
If you have nocturnal emissions every week or two, it's completely normal. That means you're a functional human being. Pair that with morning wood and congrats, you don't have a broken dick.
Wet dreams aka nocturnal emissions are completely normal and 100% unavoidable if you are abstaining from masturbation and sex for a long period of time. It's not something you should ever stress out about.
>Then I woke up feeling like fucking shit.
I've never felt bad about a wet dream unless it some weird incestuous one.
>$0.50 has been put in your account
>t. 3
>Fighting and taming the sexual drive IS like fighting an army
Lad, just jack off without porn. Use your brain a minute, yeah?
Go ahead lad. Just a lil willy wacking. A tad of testicular touchin. A wee jerking of the genitals. Just a bit of the old shaft shifting.
Honestly don't worry so much about it. The more you think and attempt to repress yourself the more you succumb to it.
Simply toss off every now and then, no issues to be had.