Just one cycle?

Can it be done? I've been lifting for 3 years now and my growth is so slow now. Can I just do one cycle but stay under the natty limit then keep the gains?

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don't do it bro, it's not worth it

>just do one cycle
What's the point of that, either do it properly or don't mess with it in the first place.

Not how it works, if you’re gonna take performance enhancing drugs do your own research first and decide for yourself if the risk is worth it

Try sarms

What the fuck is the point of doing gear if you're going to look natty, you fucking retard? Just stay natural.

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maybe someone who doesn't want to wait 3 years when it can take 6 months

a 15 week testosterone only cycle isnt going to fuck with your health that much. you will lose some gains after cycle but id say you could keep a decent chunk of it with good diet and training.

the meme "you never only do just one cycle" is true though. when you get a taste of enhanced gains and you lose them post-cycle you will want to take more. gains on moderate cycles aren't going to be as insane as people make them out to be either.

my advise: don't cycle. but if youre deadset on it, then research a shit ton, watch your heart, and stay away from the harsher compounds.

I hope you get a heart attack, you lazy shit.

t. /fraud/

Don't listen to any of these retards. I did one cycle a couple years ago and it really jumpstarted my gains, I don’t regret anything except that I didn’t do it sooner.
>500mg test for 16 weeks
>Heavy Lifting + Body weight
>3700+ calories per day with around 200 grams of animal protein
>gained 32 lbs of which I kept 24 when all was said and done

I know I’m permanently stronger and recover better because of it. Also, what I did for PCT was Clomid for 20 days only and I ate a lot of oysters because their Zinc content is supposed to help testosterone production, it was really easy, I didn’t have any struggle with it.

By definition doing a single cycle takes away your natty card. Your gains were going to slow down and stop at one point anyway. Nobody gives a shit how big you are already on the verge of using gear because you're crying about non-existant gains from a genetical standpoint.
Get some self worth, and realise that gear is for pathetic lowlifes who can't cope with reality.

Say goodbye to your balls.

my balls didn’t shrink at all. Thats up to generic factors.

Like said not everyone's balls shrink and they go back to normal when you go off cycle anyway.

This is all good advice.
Particularly this
>gains on moderate cycles aren't going to be as insane as people make them out to be

>Can I just do one cycle but stay under the natty limit then keep the gains?
The moment you use steroids you stop being natty

You can be under the natty limit without being natty retard.


Just one, that's cute, you think you will be able to stop at just "one" cycle...

>I really prefer this normie level of muscle pump.
>I hated increasing weight consistently during each session.
>Gaining muscle without the fat? I love to eat boiled chicken and broccoli to cut, misery builds character.
>With hard work and dedication over a 10 year period, I too could rival some of worlds most aesthetic! My doctor says lower levels of testosterone normal anyway.

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post body with timestamp

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Ever heard of HCG
Given enough time, yes they would atrophy. You don't just keep making endogenous testosterone if your body see's consistent exogenous entering the system. When your testicles shutdown they don't stay normal size.
>bed ridden, muscles didn't atrophy, I am genetically inclined against muscle wasting away.
And you will suffer greatly if you don't properly pct.

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>Given enough time
Well in this thread, we are talking about the effects of doing one cycle, and I gave my testament to that. In 16 weeks my balls did not shrink. Whatever happens to the guys who blast and cruise or have done more cycles than they can remember is entirely irrelevant.

Good point user, within the scope of that cycle you're right. My apologies

You never just do one. I thought I would do just one and I just finished my second cycle looking forward to a third one.

lol what a loser. taking roids once permanently alters you and lowers your natural production

post balls with a timestamp

Any recommendations on which ones?

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You bring to attention a good reason why I will never do another cycle, I like having big balls and I wouldn’t want to risk it any further than I have. It was so surprising to me that they didn’t shrink in one cycle because I had heard that meme my entire life. Experience is the truest coach
I haven’t taken testosterone for years now, it wouldn’t even prove anything. unfortunately I don’t have any pre cycle pictures of my balls to compare them with either.

>doing pct
Just cruise. It's safer and less stressful for the body.

I'll be taking your natty card. Good luck, faggot.

Not him but rad-140 and lgd are the only sarms worth your time
Chemyo or proven peptides for source