Give me a quick rundown on the Jockopill
Give me a quick rundown on the Jockopill
He looks so weird with hair
Looks pretty chad to me!
>pill dis
>pill dat
Take the .45 pill faggot
He’s a fraud faggot
respect where it's due, the guy has an impressive resume. keeping this in mind, his boook/advice is Instagram-tier retarded
internet celebrities that make motivational videos all suck cock.
as far as i know all he did was kill some clueless weak civilians, steal an oil ship and he never faced any actual opposing military forces.
yeah and he wrote some shitty pretentious motivational "alpha male" books.
if i wanted role models i would have great men who did the impossible as my role model not some faggot who wants to sell his books
Right. Because some barely accurate representation of old people is more inspiring that a real person who actually served?
Hey man, can we exchange information? I’m gonna sue you for mental and emotional damages, that post altered my chromosome count.
Not him but cringe.
lmao cringe back to but post body before you leave
Overrated. His biggest fans are civilians who are impressed by anything military
I gave it a chance, he's full of it. he's led a good life for himself but his material is pretty cringe
>who actually served
fighting for israel is no feat to be proud of lol
Checked and true.
Toxic masculinity bro bullshit.
You're not in a good situation as a veteran. Almost nobody will hire you. You may have PTSD and a violent demeanor. But motivational speaking and writing is something everybody can do. You can try to represent the hypermasculine father figure reddit never had. Just be sure to speak like a drill instructor while delivering your shallow insights.
> discipline is freedom
> extreme ownership
it's a good mindset to have and if you find it "cringy" I bet you havent even taken the time to read his book because there is no cringe in it. You could maybe argue the delivery is a bit cringy but the content clearly isnt and is just basic Navy Seal worldview.
A lot of his stuff is showy cringe, but extreme ownership legit works in a business setting. However, I really wish he'd just make versions of his books without all that "tough guy die for Israel" shit. Don't these veterans know that most of the population doesn't regard them as heroes? That even the average joe has figured it out that at best wars are a tiresome practice in nonsense.
Jocko is basically Henry Rollins if he still had testosterone and balls
This. He’s like the Jordan Peterson father figure dialed to 11. Reddit eats that shit up because most of them were raised by single mothers.
Advocating things that are actively harmful to the organism in an attempt to reclaim some nebulous socially constructed measure of masculinity (exaltation of suffering, deprivation etc.) is the very definition of toxic masculinity.
You’re gonna get a lot of shit. But I actually agree with you. This asceticism meme needs to end
>surely all those generations of great statesmen, thinkers, and fighters before me were wrong about the value of suffering
>I should never do anything detrimental to myself, I’m just an organism with pleasurable nerves I must stimulate
>why willingly experience pain for some social construct when I could smoke weed and watch Rick & Morty?
You are the Last Man. I would tell you to kys but you never lived to begin with
redpill me on .45 pill, friend
The ability to endure suffering is certainly not reason to impose it on oneself when there is no need. You yourself are closer to Nietzsche's last man as you allow your life to be governed by prejudices, cultural programming and the erroneous assertion that someone must have been correct simply by virtue of being old and dead.
You're too good for the mental toddlers who occupy this board, user.
Nice samefagging. Seek therapy loser.
Wish I could look this alpha in my 25's
I am 25 right now.
>l-look mom I figured out how to phone post
"25's" isn't a fucking word. There's a singular age of 25.
"My mid 20's" would be an appropriate term you euromonkey.
Culture is itself a reason to suffer, since it’s only through culture we can understand what is worth suffering for. Socrates and Xenophon bore military life without complaint even though it was just Athenian ‘cultural programming’. Nietzsche finds in the culture and heritage of Europe an alternative to the nihilistic self-aggrandizement of Wilhelmine Germany. If you can’t tell the difference between culture, including the cultural nature of struggle and sacrifice, and propaganda, you’re flying blind into nihilism.
He's hated by hedonists here, because he advocates a life of constant improvement and struggle.
Sorry m8, second language.
Nope, that other user is just better than you. The sad thing is you could learn from it.
Dumb americuck nigger
Even if people here try to ridicule him (happens in literally every thread) his advice is still solid as fuck and it is ironic because lots of theese people think it is "common sense".
I bet half of this fucking board (not to mention the entirety of Jow Forums) wakes up at 12pm or later every single fucking day.
Self help doesn't tell people things they don't already know
I'm sure he's sincere bit he has invested a lot into his name and brand and banks on it. His BJJ Gis are like $250 Wich is crazy and he has a fucking energy drink. Not that that's a bad thing but it's worth noting.
>I served
>I fought
Based no matter what
good goy
Jocko is weird, but he's not fabricating his combat/leadership experience. It's not like Goggins for example, whose entire gimmick is "I passed SEAL training!". I think he's crazy but I don't doubt his authenticity.
Here's all of the advice Jocko, Mastin Kipp, Mark Manson, Joe Rogan, Goggins, and literally every other male celebrity/Instagram star/author has to offer. In no particular order and in greentext for your consideration:
>wake up at least 30 - 60 minutes earlier
>drink some cold water ASAP
>brush your teeth
>make your bed
>go for a walk, do some yoga, or lift
>think about everything you're grateful for while you're doing whatever physical activity you've picked
>stay off your phone while doing the activity
>eat better in general
>if something will only take you do good deeds for people
>write down some goals you'd like to accomplish and work towards those goals often
>go to bed at a reasonable time, schedule sleep like a workout
>write down and recite positive affirmations about yourself and your upcoming day
>mediate more
>only let your own will dictate your emotions
>diversify your interests
>do something physical that exposes your bare skin to the sun
>take cold showers
>make your bed again
That's really it. Nothing any of these people do is some big, life changing secret. Don't procrastinate or be lazy, eat well, exercise hard, help people, keep clean, keep calm.
"Hurrr durrr wake up at 4:30 and hit the gym and answer emails like a lion while the sheep sleep until 6am." Sure, bro, lemme just go to bed at 8pm and have no social life.
>Sure, bro, lemme just go to bed at 8pm and have no social life.
Assuming you work a normal 9 to 5 job that's not hard advice to follow. Just go to sleep early and wake up early Sunday-Thursday, Friday/Sat are your own days to do whatever dumb shit you want.
hey, only on weekends
>The ability to endure suffering is certainly not reason to impose it on oneself when there is no need.
That isn't the argument user. The argument is whether or not Jocko's suffering has a need or not. I think for some it tends to work, for others it might be too much. I think it changes depending on your circumstances.
I think you and the user are both right in certain ways. Discipline can go overboard, look at people who lift weights but in moderation I think it's extremely helpful.
Fucking this. Try to be the best version of yourself and don’t be an asshole. Sometimes it’s not a pissing contest and there is no deeper meaning, it is what it is. Do what you want you weirdos
How is waking up at a normal time being a hedonist? This is what I hate about you asceticism fags. You NEVER suffer through hard shit, like raising children or providing for your family, shit that actually has meaning.
Instead, you opt for nofap, setting your alarm at 4am, or taking a cold shower or some shit. Things that are in hindsight fucking nothing but just enough to say you’re some hardcore man who abstains from pleasure.
>barely accurate representation of old people is more inspiring that a real person who actually served
jocko wasn't a great strategic leader and he even never get into direct combat with military forces
i'm pretty sure Hannibal, napoleon, Alexander the great, Genghis khan and other great leaders that changed the world are much more real than any word that came out of that retard's mouth.
courage and fierceness wise jocko is a little girl compared to great warriors like yang jingyu, Leonidas, simo hayha, lu bu, etc.
a role model is supposed to be someone so high that it's impossible to be him, not your average American SEAL solider
I laughed out loud.
Viningmode >>> Jockomode
whos this guy op talking about and why should I care ? judging by his name Jokko, he seems to be from finland ?
lmao this, jocko is literally joe rogan tier
Guess how I know English is not your native language.
Wake up at 4am and don't make excuses.
true and based
>Toxic masculinity
What the fuck is that even supposed to mean?
Isnt that sleep pattern fucking up your brain ? is it good for ADHD and depression ?
They're good goys who could kick the shit out of you.
>clueless weak civilians
What? You realize they were trained soldiers, right? Please tell me that you didn't just make that up because you want it to be true.
he's nowhere near as cool as my dad
Rudymode >>> Viningmode
People with kids would benefit most with getting up at 4 am. Why are you shitting on people that want to improve their lives? Stop using your kids as an excuse of why you skip most of your workouts
This. Passing the buck build resentment. Be the parent your kids look up to instead of an excuse machine
>Colbertpill >>>>>>>>>
why can't people see that this guy is just an extension of the "just b yourself" meme lmao
why would anyone take advice from a chad to whom life has given everything? it's pretty easy to think you have life figured out when you were genetically engineered to win at it kek
Ugly people can be successful
>deceiving, conniving, Hebrew motherfucker
good post
Eat, fuck, kill
no. being truly successful implies commanding respect and attraction by your mere physical presence, everything else is but a travesty, an ersatz of true success and happiness
You're just parroting others insecurities on this site. Stop emulating edgelords online, it's going to bleed into your everyday life
Basically and unironically this senpai desu.
>die for israel
Every excuse you tell yourself for why you're not doing what you know you're supposed to be doing is a lie..
this man was given a perfect high test face he was able to coast on life with. its over for all the beta faced image board browsers.
you're homosexual
Anyone advocating for an uniform sleeping pattern is a guaranteed idiot and does more harm than good.
so... a SEAL?
Even though Vining properly didnt pass the full brutal selection (he was hand picked when CAG was formed I believe), he would absolutely destroy Rudy in cardio, functional strentgh and mental thoughness. Not to mention actual operator stuff.
to each his own, friend.
>cucking for oil
Lmao bootlickers
>a based anarchist musician that shits on unjust authority
>vs a bootlicking cuck playing daddy to internet incels
>Man who advocates for asceticism and self deprivation
>Sells an energy drink
And people respect him?
>give your life up for the zog
>shill fake motivational self help bull shit
Hes a fucking loser. Fuck that faggot.
he cute
based af. sick of these guys coming out of the woodwork with their "how to OWN your life like a NAVY SEAL."
This faggot wakes up at 4:30 every morning supposedly. What time does he go to sleep? It is all a bunch of tryhard bs.
>Get up earlier so you can die for Israel faster
>extreme cuckship for Zionist interests
He's just another pussy who deluded himself in to thinking removing the Saddam regime was a good thing for Iraq. He helped destabilize that country and thinks he's a hero for destroying lives for bankers and chickenhawks. Very brave.
the replies in this thread are so cringe, and are 95% just personal attacks on Jocko and people who want to shit on military in general.
the remaining 5% use his worldview as a vector of attack on asceticism in general and legacy wisdom as a concept.
cope tranny lover
you have to go back
Screenshotted this user, cheers m8