Redpill me on the ultimate facemaxing diet

So I'm in my mid 20s and I basically look like shit all the time. Full on sunken eyes, eye rings like a heroin addict, bumpy skin and weird discolorations galore on my face. To be fair I had horrible acne from age 14-21, still get it though nowhere near as bad and my acne scars have mostly gone away. I don't drink alcohol or smoke, lift weights and do cardio on a regular basis and I try to get as much sleep as I can, though I usually wake up in the middle of the night or way early in the morning only to fall back asleep for another 3 hours and feel even worse. My facial skin is really sensitive to the sun, I can't get a tan except on my arms. I've tried basically every meme diet, went vegan and felt like absolute death after a week, carnivore and I felt tired and got massive memory issues all the time, keto and I got niacin flush so bad my face was basically red the whole day long, did a Weston A. Price high nutrient density 50-70% animal based thing which I guess was okay but didn't improve my looks. For some some reason I felt pretty good on a super low vitamin A diet where I ate pretty much nothing but meat, fish, rice and potatoes, but I'm not crazy enough yet to go full into that yet also the meals were boring as hell and I found myself craving milk and eggs.

Is diet really a meme and are our looks entirely genetic? I see normies around me who drink do drugs never workout and sleep 2 hours a night and look way better than I could ever hope to. It's all so tiresome honestly.

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You could try a balanced healthy diet instead of retarded meme diets
What a concept

Sounds like you're just ugly, kid.

Attached: boomer breakfast.png (662x502, 51K)

That's what got me into this shit in the first place genius

Eat way more in general, possibly avoid PUFA but don't stress out about it at first.

I've done 4000-5000 calorie/day bulk and mostly I just felt like shit from eating so much

It's not complicated
>eat as many vegetables as you can tolerate. Lots of varying colors
>lean cuts of meat, fish, or poultry in moderation
>some fruit but don't go crazy. Varying colors again
>whole fiber rich grains, legumes, and nuts in moderation

And remember, never ever read books on nutrition. 99.99% of books on nutrition (Gary Taubes, Jason Fung, etc) are meme diets bc books stating novel ideas sell more regardless of the actual truth value (the same can be said about TED talks, youtube, and JRE interviews).

>I see normies around me who drink do drugs never workout and sleep 2 hours a night and look way better than I could ever hope to. It's all so tiresome honestly.
They're going to age like shit - by 30 they'll be fat fucks with terrible skin. Play the long game user, have a good diet, good sleep and take care of your skin and youll mog them when you're still looking good as you get older while they hit the wall hard

And it sounds like sleep is your problem with the sunken eyes - just do whatever you can to sleep better
>dont eat past 7pm, you'll sleep a lot better
>sleep in a cold room, this helps most people
>warm shower before bed, this always helps put me to sleep
>dont drink coffee or soda
There's more you can do, look into it. Or if you have actual insomina get the proper treatment for it

As for your skin you could always get a spray tan

>As for your skin you could always get a spray tan
Or consume carotenoids.
>>Here, we tested the effect of dietary supplementation of the carotenoid beta-carotene on facial appearance and health in human males. Beta-carotene supplementation altered skin color to increase facial attractiveness and perceived health. However, we found no effect of beta-carotene on measures of actual health, including oxidative stress, innate immune function, and semen quality. We conclude that although carotenoid-based skin color may be sexually selected in human males, it may not be an honest signal of health.
>The research had men take beta carotene supplements from Natural Factors, and at the end of the test have women evaluate attractiveness and perceived health of the subjects. Pic related is a composite of all the men who had taken the test, compared to the placebo group the skin colour of the carotenoid group actually changed over the 12 week period. So it's probably best if you go with supplements.

Attached: on_carotenoids.jpg (1831x2277, 978K)

Barely see any difference between pre and post, doesnt look like its worth it

>current year
>advocate ‘lean meats’

It's considerably more normal than applying a freaking spray tan.

I never said to apply spray tan, i was talking about the caretenoids

Yet I was replying to a post suggesting spray tan.

Well, yeah. Fat is a dense source of calories. I'm not advocating going fat free, but you only have so many calories you can consume in a day and I'd rather use that space for more protein and nutrients.

Obviously we need some fat, but definitely not as much as is currently fashionable

If you're 20+ I can't imagine that diet would do something for you visually in a short time span. It will probably take years to notice huge changes, but I think it's still a good rule of thumb to increase nutrient density and reduce inflammation just to keep your body functioning optimally.

It's when you're in your developmentally stages that your diet will have a huge short term impact as you are growing. Even your parents diet matters and what nutrients they're getting and passing on, that shit determines how well you come out with gene expression and methylization n all that. It seems like it's all interconnected, everything plays on and off something else. Byeah, just take the Weston A Price knowledge and pass it down to your kids to make the next generation beautiful and smart, make them eat natural raw liver, roe, eggs, milk if they can tolerate it, kefir, all of that jazz, boom, the human race will be set.

I feel like there's not much changing of the face that can happen for you, just setting in stone the features you already have with small improvements, visually maturity

Just go out in the sun instead of taking some lab made experiment or eating a fuck ton of carrots that will eventually wreck your gut due to it's fiber and sugar. You can regulate your circadian rhythm, get tan, feel well, get vit D to help transport cholesterol and regulate gene expression fight off cancer by the creation of sulfate

>go out in the sun
UV exposure is one of the main factors in extrinsic ageing so doing that won't make OP feel any better about his wrinkles. Also it's absolutely dumb to positively mention sun next to cancer.

The sun doesn’t cause cancer, it can prevent it, that’s why incidence of cancer decreases as you go towards the equator and melanoma usually crops up in areas of the body that don’t get much sun. Keep on protecting yourself from the scary sun with those lab made chemicals you squirt on yourself.

>Let's ignore all the research and medical advice!
>Daily unprotected UV exposure is actually good for you!
>Crispy browny skin is a sign of health not of damage across the epidermis and the dermis and a future promise of skin cancer!

Link me to some research
>Putting unnatural chemicals and acids on your skin IS good and definitely doesn't cause cancer! It's that damn natural sun that we've been exposed to for over 2 billion years!

diet is a meme except for losing fat obviously. My face looks the best when I eat 1200 because I get hollow cheeks.

>I try to get as much sleep as I can, though I usually wake up in the middle of the night or way early in the morning only to fall back asleep for another 3 hours and feel even worse.
i can't help you with other stuff, but for this i recommend 100% to tape your mouth shut for the night. Like everytime I talk about this people think i'm trying to meme. Family, friends and colleagues who all had terrible sleep quality and schedules said it helped after i told them about it. The first 3-7 days you will constantly wake up and feel like shit due to lacking oxygen from your mouthbreathing until you start breathing with your nose. Afterwards you easily sleep 7 hour straight with perfect sleep. You will feel the difference in relaxation and ease of waking up.
>inb4 people saying im shilling buteyko method
yeah those 2$ sports tape of any brand really gonna pay my bills

im sorry its genetics

Genetics are basically 100% of the reason behind why you look how you look when you do certain things, but it's not uncontrollable. Some people's acne is entirely or partially dependant on their diet, some people have an easier time building muscle or have good muscle insertions, for example, but all of that is within your control.

That being said, you probavly think you look heinous because that's what everyone thinks about themselves. That's at least part of the reason.

>and melanoma usually crops up in areas of the body that don’t get much sun.
This is a straight up lie, 90% of melanomas are caused by the sun, and the most common areas they appear on are sun exposed areas like face, neck, arms, etc.
If what you said was true, the most common areas that would get affected with melanoma would be inside of ears, scrotum and genitals, inside of mouth, ass and anal regions, etc. yet those are by far some of least common areas, some of them only have a handful of ever documented cases.
On the other side, there are millions out there with skin cancers all over their faces, scalps, necks, etc.

Need more than diet. Do microneedling with a dermapen.

The reason for the discrepancy between your arguments seems fairly evident.
Its not sunlight in general that causes cancer, but OVER exposure when your skin isnt adjusted for it. Our modern life just doesnt put the same demands on us as it did in the past. Otherwise every single one of our ancestors would have perished from skin cancer and cancer would be far more prevalent in the wild.
You spend all day indoors working, in school or office and for a few hours every so often you expose yourself to a bombardment of UV rays during high noon, of course that's going to cause damage! Your skin isnt optimized to protect yourself because your body didnt see the need to adapt for it.
Just like running too long when you're out of shape will cause shin splints and damage your joints and ligaments, or pushing too far during workouts will cause snap city. But we know working out is healthy and necessary. Over exposure of anything will cause damage and death, even drinking water. Those pictures of truck drivers with half their faces aged still spend a great deal of their lives prior to their jobs indoors and then spend literally all day baking one half of their body in the sun.
Moderation is key. Expose most of your skin to the sun in the early morning to 10 am or late afternoon to evening for short periods. Then get back inside and let your body tan and produce vitamin d. SLOWLY over MONTHS up your tolerance and capability until you feel healthy. Dont be an idiot, but do have a bare minimum of faith in the natural selection process! My family on my father's side does this and they have fantastic skin, even in old age!

Try raw primal diet like sv3rige does it. Read aajonus Vonderplanitz if you want. It helped me to look and feel better.