Going to the club Jow Forums, give me all your tips and secrets. Already have a group of girls going too

Going to the club Jow Forums, give me all your tips and secrets. Already have a group of girls going too

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Other urls found in this thread:


Do: Wear tight fitted clothing, stare down every guy in sight at the club, do drugs and get drunk, possibly get in a fight with a someone to look cool

Don't: Buy women drinks, pay attention to any women (don't even try to socialize with them), have sex

do: something better with your time

Only degenerates and whores go to clubs. I don't even know why people hang out in those shitholes. The music is too loud, it stinks, everyone is drunk/high, and you're never going to find a quality girl in there.

t. former bouncer

I fucking hate wearing tight clothing. I wear a size up so my gains are only lowkey visible

>The music is too loud

Yea can't even have a normal conversation. Never got the appeal either.

Do: keep your money
Don't: go

Exactly. All you can do is bob around awkwardly near your table or try to dance with some 6/10 thot. Oh, and I forgot to mention that the alcohol is watered down.

>my feet hurt
>why the music has to be so loud
>I wish i was at home playing video games
>I wonder if mom made some tendies for when I come back at 11pm
>wtf is wrong with her, I only said hi

>The music is too loud
Thats the point
>sometimes i masturbate to music but it must be fast and loud

Okay, enlightmen then. What is the point? You can't talk to people. You're not going to score anything good because club rats are disgusting. You're going to pay more for watered down drinks. So what's the fun of a night club for you? I was there because I got paid.

enlighten me*

it's okay to still like things that other people don't like, bro

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Music is the point you dumbo. Also you dont drink alcohol at raves you take drugs you double dumbo. Girls are mostly digusting true but also fit as fuck and have the best asses ever.

That's my point. You are too autistic and socially isolated to go to a club. People who go to clubs on a regular are people who love to have fun. Us, incels, autists, etc... hate fun. Real fun. Not playing video games or having some banter on the internet.

Do whatever you think will make you have the most fun?

Flirt with women?
Get drunk?
Make friends?

Do whatever, but most importantly you should outchad anyone who tries to stare you down or push you out the way. It's not about being insecure it's about sending a message and proving to yourself that your gains are scary to other betas. Whether they lift or not.

so like the other guy said, it's for degenerates

I've read this with his citizen watch voice and had a kek.


No matter what the virgins itt who have never been to the club say. There are some cute girls in the club. They're usually not the whores dancing but ones sat around the place you're in.

Should I wear a watch or no? And just act like a turbo alpha from movies basically

it's cool if you want to be a degenerate, just don't pretend you're anything else

Someone post the Chad and virgin dancing in the club with everyone looking

Whether or not clubbing is for degenerates. The degeneracy does not and cannot surpass that found by everyone individually on this board.

I haven't checked alpha's videos in a good while. He talks really fast now. I she on some type of speed drugs?

Do the opposite of what the guy on the right in your pic would do and you should be golden.
In other words don't glare daggers at some poor girl and then get in her face and say "so when are we fucking?" because a midget on the internet told you it would be alpha.

My advice? Depending on what kind of club it is...DANCE.

Fucking own the dance floor and have fun. I was so adorbs at dancing at first that no one wanted to be around me.

Now I'm really good and girls flock to me. My gf right now has to push some girls away cause they're always tryna start shuffling with me or start twerking on me.

Get some drinks in you and build confidence and most importantly...have fun. All the losers in this thread who say clubs arent fun are either boomers or virgins.

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Clubs are for going to the dance floor, grinding and dancing and making out. It's what chads do. The problem is when orbiters go to clubs thinking they can just "fit in" and it ends up being a shit experience because they can't just physically match up with girls spontaneously (due to being unattractive) and clubs aren't the places to have conversations.

Wear a watch if you want. Accessories help and watches are a sign of someone with wealth.


>Music is the point you dumbo.
But the music is absolute trash.

Don't project. I have a large friend circle and a gf.

Except attractive girls don't go to night clubs. Only 6/10 skanks covered in makeup do.

Ok virgin

someone explain the difference between a fiending heroin junking waiting to suck off his dealer in a dark alley and the average club goer who drops hundreds a night in a shitty club desperately hoping for a whiff of unwashed pussy

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Lmfao attractive girls don't go to clubs?

Now I know you're autistic

Not to mention all the losers who suddenly think they're hot shit because their lightweight ass got smashed off two pints. Shitposting on here is a legit better option than going to a cl*b.

t. current bouncer

Says larper

>he thinks the slags that go to clubs are attractive

Acquire standards.

>current bouncer
wow this thread managed to attract every brand of degenerate, very yikes

I could just be going for fun with the Bros while most of the people in this thread are fun Nazis who watch paint dry

How doe sit feel to be weaker both physically and also mentally?

Just ignore girls since they're just gonna try and get free drinks out of you. So get drunk and go wild on the dancefloor. I have absolute dogshit moves but I can do them to the beat and I have fun while doing it and people respond to that.
>mfw I started a huge dance circle and an impromptu dance-off with like 20 people last time I was at a club

This guy gets it.

hahaha holy shit this isj ust fuckign sad

I wonder if those posts are ironic or are we this infested nowadays. You realize you’re posting on Jow Forums right?

Was jake irl doing some speed durign filming? His eyes were like that in every scene, you'd have to be a god tier actor to do it natty.

Go and try to have fun user, what ever that may be for you. If you like dancing to the beat, heck, dance your heart out.
If you like hitting on thots, by all means, go for it.
If you like drugs and drinks, do it.
If you hate clubs, sit alone and cynically judge everyone else there, that can be fun too.
But remember to let go a bit, and don't be too hard on your self.
Have fun for all of us tonight user.

The vast majority of girls are.
Where I go tho there's a wide variety. It's not just Chad's and Stacy's.

I saw a girl I thought was absolutely beautiful and I haven't seen her since. This was before my confidence kicked in so I didn't get her number despite having opportunity.

>But the music is absolute trash.
Play your own music dumbo.

You clearly never went clubbing and you're sure are mad at something. Or maybe you had 1 (one) clubbing experience but it was a disaster so now it's "degenerate". Fucking jews and women am i right?

Some of us need to work while going to uni, faggot. Not everyone's mommy and daddy pay for everything.

Based. Getting drunk and making friends by being drunk and dancing. That's what this is about.

If you weren't illiterate you'd have read that I was a bouncer. I've seen more than enough of clubs.
Pro tip: the girls you think are hot? They're not, you're just drunk. Think you can dance? Wrong again, you're just drunk. Everyone who defends clubbing is only doing it because they're usually drunk. If you spend one night sober in a club you will never go back.

top tier pic

so many people bashing others for having a night out with the lads when theyve never even been.
these people dont realise you dont have to get stis from some random slag as part of the experience. you dont even have to drink. its generally just a positive atmosphere and a form of escapism really.

true for most clubs.

There are some high quality clubs where they play actual good music, and there is an actual good respectful vibe. But the cycle is usually so that when word gets out that the club is great, all the degenerates start flocking there and ruin it.

It's alright man.

>being poor

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>there are some high quality clubs where they play actual good music, and there is an actual good respectful vibe.
Yeah, but you know OP isn't going there. He's going to some ratty shithole.

Clubs have VIP sections full of legit models you autistic fuck.

No one thinks they're good at dancing and usually those who solicit women aren't going for 10 of 10 they're going for good enough which there is plenty of.

I've spent a few nights as a driver in clubs, sober, for my friends. You know how many chicks that were good enough or more I've gotten with? A lot. And they were all a lot of fun. Especially the ones with boyfriends.

If you're not larping, then you're just sad.

And nobody ITT is going in those VIP sections, you brainlet.

Truth. Except I have been once. Not worth.

>has to settle for 4/10s
>y-you're sad

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If good enough is 4/10 for you, that's great user.

You probably should lower your expectations anyway, gymcel.

Your "good enough" would be a 4/10 by my standards, yes.

Nope. I'm in a happy relationship and I have girls who hit on me.

Bad guess. As a bouncer you should probably know more about the degenerates you hate so much. But you don't cause you're a larping incel.


Agreed. LARP hahaha

>Except attractive girls don't go to night clubs. Only 6/10 skanks covered in makeup do.

I'm not there to get married, user. I'm there to get laid and hopefully never see her again. Why not just get a prostitute? Because at least club skanks can't be bought (at least not so blatantly).

And as a Jow Forums poster I know how you overrate yourselves.


A hooker would be less likely to carry STDs, to be honest.

No one rated themselves, ironic you called someone else illiterate. Yikes.