Do you have any bad habits?

Do you have any bad habits?

Attached: girlmeat.webm (640x480, 2.26M)

Yeah I’m addicted to bumping really shitty threads

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Waited 45 seconds and didn't get to see her blast

I sometimes eat snakes right before bedtime. stuff lije peanut butter sandwiches
>cute traps with big meaty dicks

snack* kek

Yes, i visit this place every now and then.
Also this is a blue board, take your tranny shit someplace else.

I drink.

what do you drink?

i browse Jow Forums via elinks so i never see images

why do big dicks always flop around like that? ive noticed larger cocks tend to be less rigid.

can't get enough blood in

hmm why would you need to say something so specific if you didn't see the image?

seems like a bad trade off. ive got a 5.5 incher and its like a concentrated diamond. surprisingly girthy though.

After age 21 I cannot get fully hard. I don't know if it's just me, some kind of vitamin deficiency, or if it's just how it is with big dicks.
t. 8inch lanklet

do you masturbate to porn regularly?

I always have some vocal habit.
Since childhood I've had the habit of grunting, on and off. I'll do it for months and then stop and pick it back up months later.
But when I stop grunting, it gets replace with something else. Like sniffing. Right now I do this weird thing where I exhale with my mouth closed and move my tongue to make it sound raspy. I don't know how to describe it.
Once when I was a teenager I kept clicking the back of my tongue with my mouth closed. Sounds like a car's turn signal.
At one point, the habit was clearing my throat.

I don't know why I am like this, but I always have some annoying sound that comes out of my mouth. When I stop it, I start a different one. Sometimes if I'm around others I can hold back, but once I'm alone, like in the car after work, I let loose, and start grunting and snorting like a freak. Like I have to make up for the ones I didn't do.

Yeah. After a recent fuckup (couldn't get hard for a girl even with my dick in her mouth), I've stopped. Now I just look at static images of attractive women like it's fucking 1998 every so often. It's too soon to tell if it's working, but I think it is.

How long are you going to be doing this

you're making a mistake. you need to stop all sexual stimulation for at least 3-9 months. thats the ONLY time nofap ever worked for me. you cannot peak at porn, think about porn, masturbate, touch yourself or even look at vanilla photos. you are cheating yourself.

i had severe ED in 2017 after 6 or so years abusing the fuck out of porn and edging daily then after several months of hard mode my dick returned to its true natural state ; being rock hard and stiff like i was 18 again.

I need confirmation on this.

I would recommend doing "lessfap" for while. Meaning still jack it if you really must jack it but maybe try going stretches of days without looking at porn or jerking off.
I would recommend aiming to do "noporn" more or less permanently.
The more you practice not doing it the more you get it out of your system. I very rarely look at porn at all anymore. I'll beat off imagining girls I see on a dating site or irl.


No homo but that would feel pretty great up my ass. Im currently flirting with a girl who I think is secretly trans and Im REALLY hoping Im right. I play the scenario out in my mind where we finished making out, and we're taking off our clothes, and before she does she says "user...please don't be mad. I really like you a lot and I know this is kind of a big deal...but Im trans.". I'll respond confused, not knowing what she means, and then she'll fully pull down her pants, revealing a semi-erect dick. I'll pretend to act shocked at first, and dismayed, like I don't know what to do or think. After some silence, I walk up to her and say "I'm really surprised...but to be honest, I really like you a lot, and this doesn't change my feelings about you". Then I kiss her and watch her melt as all her insecurities go out the window. Later on I'm cumming multiple loads in her ass of course.

*sigh* a man can dream...

here's how i hear it goes irl:
>gross, no, i'm not a top
>don't touch it, please
>user don't look at it
>omg can we not talk about it at all

thats what most white trannies are like, they hate their dicks and they usually dont work. asian ladyboys usually have big hard dicks though and they aren't afraid to use them.

She's half filipino and seems pretty dominant so I think I have a good shot.

As long as her dick isn't too big though. Something like 4 or 5 would be perfect for switch stuff.
Once again, no homo.

theres loads of sexy ladyboys in my town that charge 180-300 for a solid good hour. top and bottoming. there was this HOT AS FUCK viet tranny that just left town a night ago. she said she'd be back eventually though. easily more attractive than any white roastoid.

>dat adam's apple

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Thanks for pointing that out, even after the dick I was still unsure.

Pretty fucking based dude. I can't actively go out seeking it though just because Im insecure about it, so It really has to be an "incidental" chance encounter where I can rationalize it as "well I was already there with a rock hard boner and she looked just like a girl so whatever!"

Really? Is that what tipped you off?

gee what gave it away? couldn't it have been the big throbbing dick?

they're usually pretty kind and welcoming the ladyboys, id give it a shot m8. if you're nervous maybe bring a pal a long for the ride...that or just get drunk,

Sorry, I'd only ever show my dick to gemposter.

This is pretty much what I'm doing. I think that pictures of regular women are fine to look at given that I'm programming myself to be attracted to regular women.

3-9 months is just too long of a time period for me to blindly trust an user's word.

he doesn't need to trust my word, just look at the hundreds of blogs/stories of other dudes saying the same thing. fucking hell if 3-9 months is too much for him then imagine how bad a life time of weak erections will feel. grow some fucking balls.

I'm suspicious of it. From what I've heard big dicks just don't get as hard and that is normal.
I've heard there's a certain ethnic group in Africa where what is normal for their dicks is a permanent semi leaning hard one way.
There's other things guys can do for harder erections like diet changes and lifting weights. I'd suspect anons reporting harder erections are just doing those things more.

I don't care about all that superpower nofap bullshit but I have never been so hard during sex since I stoped watching porn.
You coudn't get hard getting a blowjob, I would give it a try.

what hold a dick "steady" is tension on the tendon connecting it to the pubic bone. I suppose there is an average tendon thickness and tone applied that doesn't support penises above a certain weight



Sides in orbit

>thread up for an hour
never change Jow Forums

Hey shitbag, don't you get tired of being b& constantly? Isn't your ISP about ready to dump your ass because of your suspicious habits?

Quit shitposting NSFW shit on a blue board, you massive shitbag.


Where are the cummies?

Can’t believe how big these dicks are lmao

why the fuck do trannies always have huge cocks?????

Trannies on hrt can't blast cum. Those who cum like fountains stop their hrt for a few days beforehand and their bodies go overdrive with the cum production.

Word, they don't even fucking need them. It's not fair.

Brilliantly done, sides r gone

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One thing is they have low body fat and low muscle which lets you reveal more of what you have got.

There appears to be a high correlation with autism and being a tranny and I believe autistics tend to be high t so it could be trannies legitimately end up with bigger dicks and more masculine faces in spite of wanting to be girls.

any sauce before janny wakes up

fucking kek

The more you know



God I wish it were me.



Replace throbbing with floppy lmao.

if you wouldn't fuck that dude in the ass you're definitely a faggot

OP is definitely American.


He don't need to see the image when there are posts like and to know what It is about


Our governments already trying, most ISP's have DNS blocked it.

I believe 8ch is still banned by all ISPs over that crackpot muzz destroyer.

>Disregards the penis



I'm bigger and can get fully hard. He has trouble due to fucked up hormones. Soon it will shrink and barely be erect.

You have mild tourettes.