Anybody else /scoliosis/?

Anybody else /scoliosis/?
Just recently realized that I fit the bill for every symptom, though unfortunately its not severe enough for insurance to cover any surgical treatment. Anybody have experience with fixing posture and other exercises/stretches to help fix this? I just want to get big but I'll never be able to if even squatting the bar gives me lower back pain.

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Surgical treatment is far from ideal, I live in a country with free healthcare and generally spinal surgery is only done to people with a huge curve in their spine that affects them severely.
If you have just a few degrees and your scoliosis is idiopathic (which is the most common scenario) no sane doctor will perform surgery on you and basically you have to live the rest of your life with it because it cannot be fixed. The good news is that it will hardly get worse once you get past your teen years.

i had mild scoliosis + kyphosis due to all sorts of muscular imbalances. I spent months reading up on anatomy to understand which muscles I needed to focus on to fix it.
You can either do it the really annoying way like that or just pay a little to a physical therapist and in like one examination he'll give you every imbalance you have and maybe even a routine specifically to attain symmetry.

>those poses
This should be called Jojo's Syndrome.

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Yeah you basically nailed my current situation. Do you think you could expound on the specific exercises you did? I'm seeing a PT for my second appointment this next week and have only been given an exercise for opening up the hip and trying to "shift" my abdomen to center it. I don't think he fully believes I have scoliosis yet either, but its pretty obvious when my shirt's off. My main symptom is labored breathing through the side the spine bends towards and I'm trying to figure out if I need to expand my ribcage or if I need to try to reposture my core and "center" it.

you can't fix scoliosis through anything except surgery. really weird your insurance won't cover it. post ur back if u don't mind

>really weird your insurance won't cover it
If the scoliosis is only of mild severity the risks associated with spinal surgery outweigh the potential benefit

It’s pointless to give you my routine because every case of scoliosis is different. Each case is from an imbalance unique to you, stemming from all of your habits throughout the years.
Mine was from imbalanced hip flexors, glutes (tilted hip), uneven traps, shoulders, and lats. Keep in mind those are only the major muscle groups - along with those imbalanced stabilizer muscles which is pointless to sit down and highlight.
Generally whichever side your spine is pulled towards is too strong relative to the other side. Thats a very general outline you can use to approach your postural fixing.

why is there a fucking skeleton in that guy? skeletons are scary!

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>Anybody have experience with fixing posture and other exercises/stretches to help fix this?
I also have some scoliosis along with a few other back problems and what really helps me are planks. Not even that much of them. Just a few minutes after leaving my bed. After a while, you really improve your posture and stand upright with yourrr abs.
Also: Pulups.

It's pretty subtle obviously, however if you saw the front you'd see the obvious imbalances in my abdomen. It's mostly in the shoulders though, as the right shoulder blade is lower than the left, which is also the side that the spine curves towards.
ik, once I fix this I'm going to bulk hard.

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You are not a doctor. We are not doctors. See a doctor.

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A lot of that could be fixed by adjusting your briefs…
But seriously, that doesn't look too bad. Don't even think about surgery. Way to shitty risk/reward ratio.

Unironically this. I don't think there's a surgery I'm more terrified of than spinal surgery.

>It's almost completely unnoticeable
You want surgery for this?
Fuck Jow Forums body dismorphia

I have scoliosis, 38 degrees last time I checked.... form, form and more form. It’s weird but deadlifts make my back feel better.... squats hurts it.

Dead hang a minute a day
hollow-body hangs with scapula engaged, inverted rows, and unironically facepulls

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mine is a result of fucked up posture at the computer all day
I walk around with my right hand in my pocket because my right shoulder is lower, and I always fail bench on the left side because that shoulder is weaker.
any ideas on how to fix? lat raises/ohp on left side only?

Thanks bros, feeling a bit better about this and i know it could be alot worse. Its just been fucking with my exercising and breathing so I want to get it sorted, but I'm already seeing a PT rn and I might do an update thread if anything interesting comes out of this.

Yeah, don’t forget to visit chiropractors.

That nigga on the left hitting them with the old razzle dazzle. Even had jazz hands. What a fucking chad.

Nigga you'll be fine. This guy made it with an S spine

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Is it bad bad or just bad lads?

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literally unnoticeable
nice back no homo

Huh, I guess I was worrying about nothing then. Thanks
>nice back
Bad picture to present it but thanks anyway

You'll be find, but maybe ask your stand about it

I got diagnosed with scoliosis around 4 years ago now. I had to quit deadlifting and squatting and started doing stretches everyday (I was pretty bad about sticking with it). I've been in pretty constant pain for 4 years.

I went to a new physio like 2 weeks ago and instead of static stretches he has me doing little movements, like little rocking motions to do a hundered times per day, and told me to go back to squats and deadlifts. feel so much better already.

No but I want to kill myself so there's that huh

I've been diagnosed with mild lumbar scoliosis right at the start of high school and it literally the best thing that ever happened to me.
Without it I would more than likely forever remained the pathetic non active twink/skinnyfat weakling I was before the diagnosis, but this made me focus extremely on gaining muscle and back strenght with lifting and swimming.

Thank you based doctor.

If i had scoliosis id just claim disability


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i had scoliosis and lifting fixed it

He was 5'2 though

Yeah, i almost jumped out of my chair

6'2" or 188cm reporting in. never bothered with it.

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Wasn't 6'2 190cm? Does it mean I'm actually 6'3? Are imperial units fuckin' dumb?

guess so

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Haha later manlets

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Why did you shave your chest? looks retarded now that it's regrown.

I trim it to 3mm in the summer because it's long and annoying.

Had a work colleague at 191 who constantly mogged me for being "almost there". Fuck you and fuck him.

>Fuck you
Short man rage kek. But honestly though it doesn't really matter mate 6'2 is a perfectly good height, so is most of them really as long as you're not a literal midget

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>yesss I do and it sux
.back workouts and strength training lower and upper back
.stretching and yoga
.chiropractors are your friends and it is not a meme but should not be considered the main solution.
.its a life condition your goin to have to deal with so make these things part of the normal routine.

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>wanting unnecessary spinal surgery because you don't like your posture and can't squat heavy
Get help.

Why does it look like he's doing the Bobby smchurda dance

>surgical treatment for scoliosis

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Does everyone with scoliosis go around striking jojo poses?

I found out I had it when I was a teenager, I started lifting when I was 16 because I thought it would help some of the pain.

I try to ignore it, and when I cant I take some Oxycontin

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