How do you fix SS?

How do you fix SS?

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If you're using it for it's intended purpose - that is, to gain strength fast - it doesn't require fixing.

what about upper body strength?

What about it? Anyone who says they didn't gain upper body strength on it is lying or was not pushing hard.

>dude just push harder

Do high bar and have sex

>t. pussy


only do it for 6 months max
bent over rows NOT power cleans
add arm accessory every workout

By doing PPL instead

you read it to learn the form and then do a better routine

It's a fucking beginner routine you're meant to do for a few months to put weight on the bar and then fucking move on. Why do faggots fixate on this shit so much as if you're meant to be on it for the rest of your life?

Like this:
Workout A

Workout B
-chin ups

Add face pulls 2-3 per week
Add back extensions 1-2 per week
Add direct arm work on fridays

Stop doing S T A R T I N G strength after 2 months like it's intended you zoom zooms

Your recommendation or did you get that from somewhere?

That’s literally SS barebones.

15 sets of each press a fortnight is abysmal volume. You'll get stronger but it's not very good. The 15 reps of DL in the same period is also pathetically low.

This but beginners should train every day; you CANNOT overtrain if you are squatting one plate and benching 40kg or whatever

Mine, but anyone with half a brain could come up with something similar. A beginner program is not that hard to figure out.

4 day workout plan seems more viable if you want to preclude overtaining. ABAB without squats the last day, so you perform all lifts 2x a week and squat 3x a week.

Novices don’t need volume, you progress fast enough on SS as it is.

Volumelets get out

Moving from training 3x week to 5x obliterated all of my records, people are simply faggots who are too timid to put in the grind

Recommended exercises to add that also the book recommends in the end are back extensions and chins/pull ups. When weights get heavy on squat and deadlift, not doing back extensions will make you stall. For me this was about 110 kg on squat and 150 kg on deadlifts. I neglected back extensions a bit. Also doing one side leg work with lunges or split squats are also necessary after a while, at least they were for me.
I've done power cleans, but like other people here I don't think they're that crucial and can be switched with rows. They're not that hard to learn by yourself, but I think you need a coach if you're thinking about doing other olympic lifts.
Other exercises that's been important for me besides chins/pull ups, rows, back extensions, and lunges/split squats, are delt lateral raises, skullcrushers (any triceps extension work I guess), and face pulls.I've also done deadhangs with a thick bar to fix my grip, especially for my pinky. I'm noticing now that I need to put in some calf and biceps work, but what you need to add for accessory work for weak points you probably need to find out for yourself.

I literally got to 300 bench on starting strength lol, it's fine. The point is it's made for beginners who can't recover from a lot of volume.

Have 2 workouts per week

For how long are you doing the SS, haven't you experienced any plateau yet?

Put a giant disclaimer on the front that says this is a short term program to introduce you to lifting. Expect this to work for 2 to 5 months.

Take out all the shit about Deloading and wheel spinning, and have it point you to real programming instead.

Because they are all dyel brand newbies and struggling to establish an exercise schedule

So like in Practical Programming?

How do you fix something that's not broken?

SS got me to 115/175/285/320 deadlift is still going up but the rest of my lifts are on weekly programming now. SS works but not for a crazy long time.

congrats, you just left novice to intermediate #s. exactly when you are supposed to leave SS alone. Move onto 5x5

Here's how I'd fix SS in a manner that uncle Rip wouldn't approve:

Workout A:
-Squats 3x5
-Bench press 3x5
-Pendlay row 3x5
-Dips 3x8-12
-Superset: Back extensions/leg curls 3x10-15

Workout B:
-Squat 3x5
-OHP 3x5
-Power clean 5x3/Deadlift 1x5
-Pull ups/Chin ups 3x8-12
-Face pulls 3x15-20

Friday (optional):
-Barbell curls 3x10
-Lying tricep extensions 3x10



You don't need to do low bar squats. That shit about being better for hamstrings is bs, bot high and low bar squat are pretty shit for hamstrings (but god-tier for quads, glutes and abductors). Do the variation that works best for you.You could do front squats on workout B if you wanted to, but I'd only do that once you're having trouble recovering between workouts.

>Power cleans
You don't have to do them if you don't want to or can't for whatever reason, just stick with deadlitfs. If deadlifting heavy is taxing your lower back too much and hindering your recovery, alternate with SLDL or RDL 3x10

>Pull/ups/Chin ups/Dips
If you can't do 8 reps in a single set, just do small burst of 1-3 reps (or up to 5 if you can) and try total about 30 reps. Work on progressing to lesser burst over tiem (i.e. more reps per "burst" or mini-set, if you will). Also you can stick to one variation of pull ups, I'd suggest chins or neutral grip in this case (or rotating between the three).

>back extensions/leg curls
You can do Glute-ham raises instead, but I've never been to a gym that had one machine for those. You don't have to superset them if you don't want to, but it saves time and sorta mimics the GHR.

>direct arm work
I don't think begginers benefit mich from it, but they're mostly definitely are gonna try to get that in, so why not? It's not like you're gonna hinder your recovery too much for a bit of direct arm work. I recommend barbell curls and lygint tricep extensions, but do whichever exercises for those you want. 3 sets of 10 reps should suffice, once or twice per week if it will give you peace of mind. Skip it completely if you don't want to do it. It doesn't really matter much.

>ab work
Just do your favourite exercises. Don't kill yourself with those, but do something. While squats and deads will recruit your core, eventually you're gonna need it (the vast majority of people will, particulary sedentary people)

>You cannot overtrain if you don’t meet my arbitrary standards if strength
Nah my nigger you should check out how weak untrained women are desu

>implying women matter

Someone post that SS Ass picture please. I need a good laugh right now

Do it for a month and then do grey skull instead

wow the retardation

good shit. fuck low bar, fuck skipping arms, fuck cleans

Only squat once a week

Today I will remind you.

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dude my legs needed 2 days to recover from my first squat set of THE BAR. i'm living proof that humanity has a long way to go before we live up to your standards.. sorry bro