Is casual sex immoral

is wanting sex with different girls immoral?

I am in my early twenties, and since I started lifting, scheduling my life and just in general doing things the right way I have an uncontrollable urge to fuck, probably due to increased test levels. Every day I think about logging on Tinder and just meeting girls to have sex with them.

But I also stop myself from doing so, because this is just pure lust, which is inherently bad and immoral.

>inb4 get a gf

I did that and it didn't help, I want to fuck multiple, different girls, not one

what do

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Its almost as if it was meant to be this way. Idk...

Even better, go to some SEA shithole, bareback a bunch of girls there and have kids that dont even know who the father is

Ultimate chad move

what do you mean?

Overcome the lustful sexuality ingrained by our
decadent culture and degenerate media by replacing it with a moral,spitirual, transcending healthy one.
P.D it aint no easy task

>what do
die, Chad

>Its almost as if
You have to go back

nothing will replace the thrill of getting to know a different person and then fucking her. you do you user, having a stable relationship before hitting 30yo is beta.

Gonna catch every disease know to man like that doe

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Get tinder but don't ghost them after. Add them on Snapchat and meet up with them every now and then.

>because this is just pure lust, which is inherently bad and immoral.
why lol

>is wanting sex with different girls immoral?
>because this is just pure lust, which is inherently bad and immoral

Sounds like you already decided, bud.
If you want a book to read on the subject, check out "The Law of Attraction." It's not a book about sex, but about desire, intent, and that general kind of thing.

The way I'd apply the jist of that book to your situation is that your concern and anxiety about the immorality of casual sex has resulted in you finding it especially desirable. When you got a GF you didn't get the GF because you wanted a GF, you were still focused on the women you supposedly didn't want to fuck. This is why Jow Forums faps to interracial. Your focus is negative, but it's still your focus, so you're focused on it.

If you want a wholesome relationship, let go of your concern for casual sex. Why even think about it? It's not what you want. Focus on finding the relationship you want, and it'll leap out at you.

Don't devote your energy and brain power to avoiding what you don't want. Focus it on getting what you do want. Easy.

have sex with a bunch of different girls, use condoms, get sti tests every 3 months, be honest with girls that you’re not looking for anything serious, live your life

sexual energy has magical properties. on the lower level it is used to form ambitions. you need to have a beautiful vision of your goal though.

>stable relationship before 30
Enjoy dating your used up roasties

Get a 16-18 year old wife and make white babies.

I struggle with the same thing everyday, the only reason I'm not making an effort to be a manwhore is because I don't want to have children with a whore and I find it dishonest to hold my woman to a standard I don't uphold myself

Wow you have enough test now that your body is finally getting you to act like a man. Ditch the polcuck virgin "morality" its just their cope for being permavirgins. As a man you have every right to pump and dump sluts

>having a stable relationship before hitting 30yo is beta

I'm going to get called a massive beta for this, but I'll go ahead and say it:

Sex with random girls is pretty much shit, because with random girls you pretty much never know what you're going to get - some of them will be extremely bad in bed and sometimes, very rarely, you will find one that actually does anything.

I'm not some chad, so I haven't had sex with that many women in my life, I'm 25 and I'm currently at 15, the last 6 of them being in the last 6 months. They ranged from instagram model tier to sticc, thicc and everything in between and I feel like I don't want this anymore. I don't go out and feel like "I want to fuck a girl" I don't go around thinking about fucking girls, I see a hot girl nowadays and think about sleeping with her, but I would never try anything because I know I would feel weird the next day (If I could even make it happen)

I've been in only 1 relationship tho and she was a 9/10 model with an amazing body, but she was also a lying, narcissistic psycho who fucked me up (she was also fucking horrible in bed, literally the worst sex I've ever had, a 10/10 body can't make up for it and no girl looks as good without clothes as she does with them).

However when I wasn't getting gaslighted and manipulated by her, all the sweet, loving and intimate moments were far better than sex. Even the sex, although shit in comparison to any girl I've fucked, was more enjoyable because I felt closeness and attachment. We broke up and I fucked 2 other girls like a couple of weeks later, but I wasn't that into it

I really can't see myself having hookups or pursuing girls to sleep with them ever again.

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this is helpful advice, thanks user. I am going to think about it some more

I don't disagree that sex with random girls is a gamble, but my point is that this is a strong desire that don't really know how to act upon. For example, I am 100% fine drinking only on occasional social events, not smoking, and all that. I don't even really have a desire to do "bad" things, because I really enjoy my life as it is right now.

But my mind is always occupied with an idea of semi-promiscuous sex, especially at this early stage of life. And I always question myself whether this undeniably primal desire is actually not that bad and not that degenerate as I make it out to be, and I should just do it to get this out of my system forever.

also a huge thanks to anons who didn't go all Jow Forums here

I think you honestly just want it because you built it up in your head. One night stands are pretty much shit 90% of the time.

that sounds about right too, but I literally didn't experience it. Some weird teenage sex in high school and a long-term GF since 18 is my whole sexual experience

Yeah, I think you're pretty much on the money. You sleep around thinking the next girl is going to raise you to some God-tier level sex, but it gets boring after a while. Then you realize that sex only feels good with someone you love, and you'd rather be with that girl with crooked teeth from high school who went out of her way to make you a cupcake for your birthday.

That's better than sleeping with a tonne of girls. You had more desirable and valuable experiences. Literally anyone can go to a club and fuck some roastie that sleeps with people every other week. You had a girlfriend at a very important stage in your development and presumably took the virginity of some HS slut

>because this is just pure lust, which is inherently bad and immoral.
Morals are bullshit shackles used to hold the poor in check, trappings used by the intelligent betas to convince alphas not to rape and pillage and form a society. Once you realize it's all fairytales you're golden.

Casual sex is for nihilistic hedon whores. Don't ever stick your dick inside of a woman you're not together with or she will
> give you an std
> leave you heartbroken
> get pregnant and offer it to Baphometh
> destroy your view on women

Now about that last point, most women are shit because they follow whatever social trends that is current. Back in the day it used to be starting a family and raising strong offspring, but nowadays? Full-blown neurotic whores without any moral compass thanks to media and feminism.

I don't care who replies to my post. This is something I noticed long ago and it's exacerbating since men are too pussy to do something about it.
Meanwhile nigs and muslims will outbreed you because Miss Jameson wants to finish her postdoctorate at 31 before getting married

Lol sad little incel

Most people are shit because they follow whatever trends are popular in their social circle. And that includes Jow Forumstards as well, who "adopt" family values, whereas they just parrot some bullshit that other incels say to them on their favorite yellow website

go head and fuck everything that comes your way then

or get a long term gf with high sex drive

nigga why you even asking this you know this shit fucking retard

It’s a philosophical task to overcome your inner nigger jungle ape. Don’t give in to lust and be virtuous and life will reward you.

> poltards
Why do you associate me with them? You're intentionally trying to muddy up my arguments by mentioning that.

But sure, a white poltard who has 7 kids is still better than someone who has none. One adds more citizens to the white populace, the other is a genetic dead end no matter his/her achievements.

Westerners need to get it out of their head that every other cultural group thinks like them. Most are still stuck in tribalism (detrimental to altruistic groups) and it shows.

No, just don’t get mad at girls that do the same.


if you waste a lot of time sleeping around all the worthwhile girls will be gone by the time you want to settle down and you're going to be forced to settle for somebody way worse than what you want or expect
literally all of the top tier women I've known ended up with somebody during college or only very slightly after college, and while you get a couple of flex years in dating age compared to women since you can date younger, you really don't have many to work with unless you're very rich.

I wouldn't bother trying to answer from a moral standpoint, but from a practical standpoint if you spend all your romantic energy on getting sex instead of finding somebody, you're going to be a lot more unhappy once you get older and all your friends are getting married and buying houses while you're struggling to find somebody because the dating pool has gotten worse

Or maybe you should enjoy sex like a normal person?

I have no idea how you could read my post and somehow took away that I said "you shouldn't enjoy sex"
what a fucking retard lol

Polygamy is the answer, if you’re white. Bring our birth rates back up. Our pre-(((Christian))) fathers did it. Slake your thirst while remaining in fidelity. Feeding your nature while staying true to morality and responsibility.


>morals are bullshit and shackles
Morality will set you free. Life in liberty is life in morality.

Heavenly trips.
Holy shit God says so.

Yes any sex outside of marriage is immoral

I don't need to analyze your post thoroughly to know you need sex incel

I'm married. I've seen the dating pool dry up and I have friends who waited too long and who are now struggling. my own brother is marrying somebody way below what he used to date because he simply doesn't have as many options anymore.

Even being in a relationship for 2 years I still like the idea of sleeping with other women. However my gf is amazing and one of the most interesting people Ive ever known and we satisfy eachother emotionally and mentally as well.

Its genuinely in the trait of humans, not even just men to like the idea of multiple partners. Monogamy isnt always whats healthy for you. My gf and I have glossed over the ideas of an open relationship, but I dont think id be fully comfortable with it for myself or her.

But no theres nothing wrong with it, just be smart and have fun, if you find someone you like enough to stick around with then all the power to you, if you find someone thats ok with an open relationship, if thats what you want, also great.

Literally just date younger women. I

I think your heart is in the right place. Casual sex irrevocably screws with the emotions and lives of everyone involved, stay firm in it convictions and use that energy to better yourself and others.

I have never had sex. I will soon have 23 years of age.

Take the Islampill and take multiple wives

Go ask a priest. Your question is not relevant and not on-topic for a fitness and health board.

Why are you getting your morality from Jow Forums?

Read some different books, think about it for a year, come to your own conclusion.