I lift for women

>I lift for women

Lmao, and how are you gonna keep that girl when she realizes you are a boring sack of shit?

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I ain't even mad

u can be not too boring and also lift, ive had 3 girls compliment my body the first time i hooked up with them, and i still am close with them to this day. but i agree the base of ur exercise should be for fun so it is a long term habit that fuels everything u do

>u can be not too boring and also lift,
I agree, but if people here can't get girls without lifting something tells me their personality might be a problem

>Be rich
>Recognize 90% of "interesting" stuff comes from being rich and spending money in interesting ways

>Implying I want to keep a girl

Just don’t be boring bro

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>keep that girl
You're making a lot of assumptions

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I lift for anime women.

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Extremely based and redpilled

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>you are a boring sack of shit
This is so true. It really is. The average woman think a "fun" guy is someone who will essentially orbit them 24/7, watch netflix with them, and go to social/family events. If you have any hobby that requires actual time (gym, music, investing, reading, etc.) they want none of it. Plus, out of those that I listed they only care about RESULTS:
>you better have a 10/10 body
>you better be able to perform sold out concerts
>you better be able to live off dividends
>your knowledge of harry potter must be 100% accurate
It's a slog... women don't understand what hobbies are or the journey to accomplish anything is either.

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Big based

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That pic made me laugh thanks user.

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Every relationship I've been in that makes it past the two year mark begins to have the same conversations in it:
>why does everyone think you are the fun one?
>why do you have so many friends?
>how do you know anyone here already?
>why are you always doing something, can't we just sit inside today?
>do you have to go to the gym that much?
>and then when you come home you just tune me out and (work on your other hobbies), all you use me for is sex
>you make me feel like I'm never doing anything
Most women especially the pretty ones, have no concept of self-motivation. If you haven't lived with a woman long term it will be hard to visualize, so just imagine a slug that is and will remain completely inert until it receives stimulus. And then it will only move as much and as far as required to interact with that stimulus before falling inert again
>advice for those still young
>your male relationships are so much more important than your female ones

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>pretending women aren't boring as shit
>basing your life on trying to appease women

I lifted for women at the start but now I dont give a fuck. I dont even know why i lift anymore, i just do it. It's something to do.

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>keep that girl
Do what now?


anons, this brought up some feels. a girl liked me because of how muscular and veiny I am. She was pretty emotionless all the time and made my heart tear a lot. I confessed my feelings after talking to her for four months, then she gave me some attention, and a month later she said that there won't be any relationship between us. fuck that anons, never lift for hoes, lift only for gains. Now I lift five times a week, my goal is to reach my top potential so that she can see what she missed out on. If she ever tries to come back, I will reject her and hopefully make her cold ass cry. After I reach my body weight goal (180 lbs, I was a stickman before so it's hard to gain weight) I will go to the clubs, while drinking water, only to reject fucking thots that will try flirting with me. sorry for blogposting, I had to vent or I would end up crying in front of my parents, while I'm visiting. Never lift for thots anons


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delete this post you pathetic mother fucker, how embarrassing get your shit together. Four fucking months of beta orbiting around a girl before you even had the courage to ask her out even after becoming fit? what is wrong with you, any sane girl is gonna lose interest if you keep looking at her but don't do shit for almost half a year

Yes and no. I've noticed some have decent motivation, but for retarded shit. And their "hobbies" usually include some retarded form of consumerism in the process. it leaves them as walking holes with no real skill-sets. Their skills are what they got their overpriced degree for, hobbies consumerism, and motivation for stupid shit.

we were hanging out all the time, watched movies, massaging eachother, and slept on the same sofa. I also have enormous trust issues as I almost got raped as a child. I thought it would be a serious relationship, it wasn't. I am indeed pathetic, but oh well, at least I've got my gym

This. Jesus fucking christ you are so unbelievably pathetic I am nauseated with disgust. 4 fucking months?!? A woman knows whether she wants your dick inside if her or not within minutes. You never stood a fucking chance and wasted your time. Fucking god damn. Why is this board particularly overwhelmed with beta incels today???

globally and instantly available free information is at your fingertips, since you have the means to post on Jow Forums. being rich is not everything

It's euro time. They even deleted their posts lmao.