Buy into nofap meme

>buy into nofap meme
>nofap day 5
>feel pain in my right testicle
>fap and blow a load
>the pain is gone
thanks for nothing, Jow Forums

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>don't masturbate for 6 hours
>so horny I can't think
Thanks for nothing, fit.

It's because you've spent your entire life pubescent life masturbating like a monkey and your body doesnt have the muscles/structure to hold semen for any length of time

I felt the same pain, and gave myself relief too.

How dp I make a thread?

Next time go 5 days plus one minute. Pretty soon you’ll be able to nofap for weeks on end.

you cant explain body behaviors using broscience


Justify your addictions however you want, cumbrain.

you cant justify broscience though. literally have no source. i cant claim theres an undiscovered civilization on some planet billions lightyears away just because i said so

Absolutely weak willed

>based on hundreds of studies
The absolute state of cum brains

you realize that i fapped because of the pain? surprisingly enough i wasnt horny at the time, but the pain was unbearable

that's not normal. you should see a doctor.

excellent reading comprehension, nofapper. nowhere did i say that i fap to porn(i quit long ago if you actually care).
the absolute state of nofappers, cant even read and generalize everything just to prove a nonexistent point
imagine being this butthurt because other guys dont save their semen for another life

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>doesn't know that nofap is primarily a way to quit your porn addiction
Why the fuck would you do nofap if you don't watch porn? Are you dumb?

If you would have a modern study of 100 men on nofap for 2 weeks you would call it science, but millenia trial and error thats ingrained in multiple cultures wisdom, then its broscience.

youre probably right, ill do that
>doesn't know that nofap is primarily a way to quit your porn addiction
i am aware of that, but ive seen guys on noporn start doing this for some imaginary benefits. i tried nofap simply for curiositys sake and then this post happened

>Do nofap due to history of performance anxiety and low motivation in general.
>After usually like 2-3 days feel way hornier and have slightly more motivation/energy
Like I'll be more likely to be less of a lazy apathetic shit and actually leave the house because I know if I stay home all day I'll end up jerking off.
>When I am home and have nothing to do find it impossible to not think about ass and tits despite having a porn block on the computer and usually end up blowing all over myself

I'm really bad at it. The farthest I've ever gotten was like day 7 or 8. and it almost feels like the libido increase flatlines after day 3 even.

Me too this morning!
High five!