What are some cool things that you can do when you are very flexible Jow Forums? sorry if wrong board
What are some cool things that you can do when you are very flexible Jow Forums? sorry if wrong board
How much is that
self suck
at least 3
Nah, probably 4 at the very minimum
>strength = aesthetics for naturals
>What are some cool things that you can do when you are very flexible
>can squat 7 plates
>still look like a fucking basement dweller
Hey, don't insult my man Based Gimli
>Gym dwarves loaded too many plates in their greed and awakened an ancient evil
most gymcels are ugly fucks who have no other choice
Hey Nick
>180 and walk away
wouldn't he spin around and walk into the thot?
suck your own dick
180 is half a circle. he would be going going beck the way he came in.
the meme is doing 360.
I like how the weights were so heavy that the barbell itself was bent
not that hard actually, sit on knees, put arms under thighs, have balls and dick over the thighs and start sucking
>very flexible
You might be able to get into a good receiving position while doing snatches or cleans
Post selfsuck
i'd need to warm up a bit by deadlifting and stuff. and it's not terribly pleasurable, it feels like sucking dick instead of getting your dick sucked. also it's really hard to breathe when doing it, not impossible, just uncomfortable. and you get a lot of hairs in the mouth when i go do about to the middle.
>it feels like sucking dick
>implying that's a bad thing
It's really not that hard to pull off though. I was always afraid of screwing up my back during the act however
How can one human be this retarded
>has power rack, lifts alone, uses powerlifting belt, knee and wrist wraps
>doesn't adjust safeties and use collars/clips
most intense thing ive seen on this board in a while
tuck your ankles behind you ears while I dig out your boipucci
>no collars/clips
Open your fucking eyes
How high to you keep your safeties that this is too low for you?
He's a manlet, it's not like he can do much else
You can literally see man fighting against gravity, one of the most powerful forces in the universe.
It's glorious.
>one of the most powerful forces in the universe
more powerful than you, nerd
Yes it is fag, the 3 other fundamental forces have very short ranges even if they're technically stronger
Gravity is one of the WEAKEST forces in the universe because it relies entirely on mass, meaning that you need a lot of stuff to get a lot of power, which is inefficient. Nuclear forces are matters of magnitudes more powerful.
at this point i cant tell taking the bait from setting even bigger bait and it confuses me
That little nugga can get beaten to death by a 6 feet chunky monkey y'noamsayin
Damn what if that had just folded in half and pinched his head off
review your physics 1, gravity is relatively weak
7pl8 (630 lbs + bar)
you go fuck yourself motherfucker. posting these dumb images in response to anything. FUCK. YOU. fucking dumb fuck
I meant using clips/collars in squats in useless. Without clips/collars he could tilt the bar and drop the weights.
An inch below that would allow me to squat parallel without touching the safeties. If i'm struggling with the weight, i simply squat down ATG allowing the safeties catch the bar