/fit who is your favourite for the 2019 mr olympia

/fit who is your favourite for the 2019 mr olympia

Attached: roelly-winklaar-deserved-second-place-or-not-olympia-header.jpg (1124x596, 808K)

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Don't follow this stuff but if you have some picture with all of them I'd pick one probably.

>doesn't know Mr Olympia is rigged
Moron, it's going to be Heath of course.

I want Roelly to win desu. If his gut is under control, then he’ll look great. He has already shown what’s possible in 2018 at the Mr. O and the Arnold Classic.

What’s the difference between these guys aside from muscle insertions and gut size? Not even trolling

What the fuck are those things hanging behind his back?Look like mutated ballsacks

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>Thinking this looks good
Jesus Christ this board is full of retards

heath isn't competing lol

i want roelly or brandon curry to win

you mean his lats?
you wanted to click on /gd/, didn't you?

his lats

Nobody, my favourite is out.

Attached: Shawn_Rhoden.jpg (488x678, 57K)

your favorite is a nigger and a rapist, so basically a nigger

He's a frog

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this eeyore lookin nigga got #metoo'd

>Shawn "Sexatron: Just the Tip" Rhoden
honestly looks like a rapist

Attached: cca1cdd9f15d5f57381ad6a8535ff71c.jpg (612x918, 120K)

>a nigger

Most of them are, how many white competitors they have this year?

I like his physique more, being smaller and all.

>roiding for t-rex mode

It actually does when they're not dehydrated, shaved, and oiled.

He's not out. They changed their mind.
Bitch who filed the charges has been convicted of fraud in 2014

Brandon Curry

Attached: snea0mvqvca31.jpg (640x717, 75K)

Looking solid, good symmetry too.

Then why dehydrate, shave, and oil up?

how does one wipe his ass at that freakish size?

based commentary @ 5:19

Attached: lee.jpg (1241x887, 162K)

He doesn't. The shit is so scared of him that it wipes itself off.

don't you guys, unironically, perceive bodybuilding gay? We are literally gawking at Men's physique and picking the best body that seems kind gay to me

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None because they all look like retarded apes

Attached: 0076B8F6-1802-4356-AAEB-B87599FEB2E3.jpg (211x239, 13K)

To highlight your physical development for the judges.

The blade

Attached: Dexter-Jackson.jpg (531x800, 45K)

So highlighting physical development looks bad then. Man this "sport" is retarded

Jow Forums is well known as the most homosexual board, summer-user.

its almost like the objective of the sport is to maximize muscle development and not to look hot

How in god's cock do you get lats like that?

Tren hard.


Shawn Roden. Nothin can hold him down

post body

Symmetry and muscle fullness (round muscles that pops out), judges want champions that look like their muscles are water balloons, if you have zyzz’s pecs, you might be aesthetic, but they’re too flat for bodybuilding, judges want literal boobs.
That’s why heath had such a good run, his biceps, traps, shoulders and pecs were really round like balloons, giving a fuller look, even if some competitors had biggers muscles, their overall shape is what makes you win

I dont think it looks good, it's a freakshow

Is this achievable natty?

Chris Bumstead the god

Who cares about insulin infested main stage

checked and yeah, unless cedric or roelly come peeled for once in their lifes brandon gets it easy
Even if they are in perfect condition i doubt he loses tho

Ruff Diesel is the underrated patrician choice in the classic

Probably roelly but he's so goddam unaesthetic

Would love to Dexter Jackson come through and win but my money's on Roelly or Bonac

I know, it sounds even more autistic when you put it like that

>but he's so goddam unaesthetic

I don't know why people like him so much

>20 years ago

it also helps that he's a true freak and was more muscular than amateur bodybuilders without even trying.

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Maybe Luke Sandoe