How many inches around should your biceps be before you can consider yourself not dyel?

How many inches around should your biceps be before you can consider yourself not dyel?

Assuming not a curl bro and have been working full body.

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A billion.

are you adult sized?
if yes then 14"

16 if above 6' tall. Probably a bit less for manlets

I'm 5' 10" haven't lifted in years (getting back into it) biceps are currently 14". I assumed 16" was making it.


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It depends on your height and arm length for maximum astetic reasons a midget(5'9"&below) can have 14" and seem well.

Golden rule:
Neck = Calves = Arms
Anything under 16 inches is gradeschool-tier

Can confirm 5'9 and get told I have massive arms at 15 but too much fat since no self control. Just started watching intake while increasing workout output hard while on adderall

>Neck = Calves = Arms
All of which should be 2.5x your wrist.

brainlet if you think calves=arms

>he doesn't skip leg day

If your calves are under 186 inches you're getting mogged by youth ballerina dancers

Are all these measurements flexed or unflexed

I have noddle arms for a 5'7 guy and I sit at 13.4 inch

>if yes then 14"

mfw 18" neck, 17" arms, 19" calves but 9" wrist :'(

Are you supposed to measure biceps flexed or unflexed?

i also want to know this

Flexed you fucking retards.

All cold and flexed

Then why do many bodybuilders measure theirs by their sides and unflexed mouth-breather

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They don't. Literally no one does this.

Assuming you aren't a diabetus megafat, probably 15".

If you're chonking you're a DYEL

Your going to overcome the strughles as long as you keep forth the effort. Annon were all going to make it.