>The best time to start diet and exercise was 20 years ago. The second best time is tomorrow
The best time to start diet and exercise was 20 years ago. The second best time is tomorrow
Why not today you little succboi
god i hope her political career is only 1 term
god i hope her political career outlasts your life
my queen
By lifting you are the sole owner of the fruits of your labor. Lifting is praxis.
you're either poor or still young.
Probly both. Your opinion might change once you have a decent full time job.
rolling for this
every day we get new pics of her beautiful face
>inb4 have sex
>I wont until I'm married
t. seething incel magapede
I bet she is a pro at sucking cock, one of those chicks that has the entire thing down her throat the instant it's in front of her face
confirmed 20 yo neet
confirmed incel loser
>The best time to start diet and exercise was 20 years ago
Most of this board wasn't over the age of five 20 years ago.
im married and have a career in business wdym?
The best time to start deporting spics en mass was 20 years ago. The second best time is today
shes riding that latina card so hard when she grew up rich and still calls herself middle class lmao
>youre considered middle class until you make 200k+ in a household
young & rich and want green new deal mommy to redistribute my wealth to my fellow new yorkers
t. Nonwhite self-hating no life
Jow Forums is a multicultural safe-haven, and bigotry/xenophobia/homophobia are not supported here
please go back to your containment board, pls and xoxo
my wealth
>your parents wealth
lol these broke idiots
i actually feel kinda bad for him 2bh, he has some serious mental issues and he clearly can't handle it, like why in the FUCK would you come to a place like Jow Forums and expect them to be nice to you about being a tranny
>why in the FUCK would you come to a place like Jow Forums and expect them to be nice to you about being a tranny
they really believe people will tolerate their behavior like they do in public.
this guaranteed.
that's why the right is so fucking triggered. Enjoy your key parties, 50-70 year old republicans. While your wife is banging the cream of your shitty crop (paul ryan is her bull, kek), AOC is sucking some lucky mulatto man's cock while figuring out how to best champion healthcare for all so the poorest of us don't leave hospitals stuck with an unpaid bill while the privileged can get tested for lyme disease when they have an unexplained mark on their ankle and not even sneeze at the $200 bill
>all this cope
Oh no no no no
>AOC is sucking some lucky mulatto man's cock
She's dating a ginger beta
>AOC is sucking some lucky mulatto man's cock
>She's dating a ginger beta
These two things are definitely not exclusive
so this is what jealousy truly feels like
post body
wonder if hes rich or what the story is between them.
He's not rich. He's a graphic designer. They went to college together and lived in a shitty apartment until her political career took off.
>guy gets a gf
>I wonder if he's rich or something
telling you to go back to Jow Forums would be a compliment. check your spacing
>projecting this hard
Three god awful words
I was hopingg for sound
prove you are rich
>they dont like her
>they must be dumb trumpsters!
or maybe shes just not what I believe should represent me
Are you fucking 30?
>represent me
if you aren't a resident of NY district 14, then you have no say who she represents
>take a guess buddy
when you start a full time job at the bottom level you realize that your employer actively seeks to fuck you over and keep you where you are. you realize that they rely on you and others like you to make their money, and despite how valuable the labor force actually is it is under rewarded.
Fucking wrong start today, pull up a random routine as you research and look through other routine you can do. Then do them.
30 year old boomer with my dream job here. I'll never forget what it was like to struggle in my 20s. I'm not naive enough to think I could've done it all on my own with no support or good luck. If I didn't have supportive parents I'd probably be homeless or dead by now. Donating the maximum amount to Bernie and Warren.
36 year old boomer that started a company, piggy backing on your post
it's a crime that my employees don't get good healthcare unless they go through our company plan
why is their job (me!) responsible for healthcare (which should be a basic human right)
also, please get tariff man to stop. the products we make are 90% aluminum
tfw my dad told me Trump would be great for business. stock market is higher than it's ever been, and yet I've never dealt with so much economic uncertainty
sure you start at the bottom, all depends on your qualifications
First full time out of college was skilled labor for me. I was salaried, worked 4 10s, 401k 7% max and stock options.
Even during college the major retail jobs offered all above minus 4 10s since I was part time.
People hate corporations but they are the only way to get out of poverty. Mom and pop shops will continuously fuck you over because they have to nickle and dime u
you have to have some financial advantage at the starting point to get a good degree that can qualify you for a high paying job lol
the only reason mom and pops have to do that is because of the corporations. are you retarded or trolling
Someone post link to video with sound. I need my nighttime keks.
>you have to have some financial advantage at the starting point to get a good degree that can qualify you for a high paying job lol
cope harder
me from I had nothing and I got an Electrical Engineering degree with a full ride scholarship because I busted my ass
you just have an excuse why you aren't achieving anything
the american dream means providing opportunities for people to work their way out of poverty, not using them as stepping stones for pharmaceutical and insurance company profits
if you honestly believe we live in a meritocracy you're dumber than i initially thought
Some VERY good fitness discussion in this thread.
>be me 18
>realize I dont have financial support from parents or a place to live.
>Dorm first year (forced too)
>year 2 move out and live with roommates
>Take most lower div courses at CC (easier and cheaper and the same material.
>Take summer school courses max of 3 per summer.
Graduate in 3.5 years
~13k in student loans
Part time job helped pay for living expenses and loans when I was able too.
>inb4 you must be like 50 when college was basically free
>graduated during the Great Recession.
Idk how old you are but if youre still college, work hard, avoid getting a degree in humanities and focus on Business or STEM.
Possible routes for business are
>Corporate accounting
>Financial Analyst
Both of those jobs can easily net you 50k+ not including year end bonuses
Post more AOC T-I-T's.
this is you:
>everyone who disagrees with me or has a different opinion is stupid and not enlighten like me.
>Since I didnt have the same results as others clearly the system is rigged.
do you not realize that you are doing
>everyone who disagrees with me or has a different opinion is stupid and not enlighten like me
right now
Talk fitness
lmao he has 4chanx extension, one of us
I'm thinkin bout fitness dick in her mouth.
What are the odds she becomes based and redpilled? I know she’s not dumb. In fact I doubt she believes the shit she spews. Perhaps it would be in her best interest to hop on the MAGA train and get the alt right cucks to white knight and orbit her. Would advance her career. Surely she must know that this leftist shit is trending downwards
B b-but he dont have big muscles. ..
M m-must be rich asshole right?
They told me girls only like muscles, money and assholes. So confused.
He's probably the guy spamming nigger and tranny threads on /gif/
Discipline is a muscle
>I know she's not dumb
She was a bartender with a 4 year university degree before joining Congress. She is a literal brainlet who couldn't get a real job. She just showed cleavage for tips before deciding that promising free stuff would get her a Congress spot.
t. low iq wagecuck
Do people actually think she's attractive?
Maybe if her nose didn't look like it does
Same but mostly because if the US economy collapses then the american tech industry tanks the tech industry in east asia will reap the global benefits which will flow on to me so, also hoping bernie wins in 2020 since his raising the minimum wage will be a massive boost fot he automation sections of the AI industry.
Shes a raging feminist, she couldn't date a guy who was successful since such a guy would by nature be assertive and in posession of the sort of masculine features she is vehemently opposed to.
I hope you get the rope. You'll probably give it to yourself when your entitlements run out
literal gains goblina
t. argentine
we live in a corporate oligarchy.
but to ignore the scores of stories of people working their way up from nothing is just turning a willing blind eye to success stories like mine because it doesn't fit with the worldview that makes you feel comfiest
see yah tomorrow buddy
debora perez volpin underwent an upper digestive endoscopy last year and suffered a cardiac arrest that caused her death
the journalist's family went to court and presented a complaint to clarify the fact and it became known that the case was described as "wrongful homicide"
but we still have this leftist snowbird
>not realizing that it's always today
cool see ya
1 year before I was born?
There's a place called le districts near your area if you wanna hang
I’m a conservative but nothing makes me cum harder than thinking about aoc’s big brown nipples in my mouth
>YOUR area
told you it was a larp
Jow Forums is pretty toxic. if you're looking for hugs and high fives then boy/girl do I have some message for you.
Your second sentence has no bearing on the first. The fact that the corporate oligarchy allows for ~6% of the lower classes to elevate in order to co-opt their brainpower to serve the goals of the upper classes and keep the PR lie alive isn't contradictory at all.
AOC is pretty based. Republicans are brain damaged incels
don't you insult my queen you dumb Jow Forumscuck
post body and ip address you tranny dyel
Thirsty lefty soibois do
The same kind that donate to twitch whores
what kind of autism is this?
r9k retardation mixed with left-leaning politics
the important part is he doesn't lift, nor does he get laid
sorry you aren't white
>thought threads was gonna have hot pics of aoc body
>just incels arguing about politics
This is fit you faggots. Jow Forums needs to go back and everyone else needs to just ignore these retards.
We've already lost a few good trips because of you Jow Forumscucks.
>soiboi who doesn't lift necrobumps his shitty off-topic thread
Maybe reddit is more your speed
Get the fuck out of here nigger faggot tranny lover go back to your shitty subreddit with the rest of the 150 lb faggots.
Imagine crying about people not being faggot tranny nig lovers.
Dude she literally got into congress by pandering to poor nigs and spics in her district. Anyone above a 90 IQ could get those people to vote for them if they go door to door.
Maybe stop being a subhuman who provides nothing for society.
>You wrote this document saying children should be separated from their parents
No, but I did recommend it and sign it. You're also taking it out of context
>So you recommended children should be separated from their parents
If you commit a crime you are separated from society in general
>These people are seeking asylum and aren't doing anything wrong
If you cross the border illegally you're putting children and others in danger and are committing a crime
>Seeking asylum is not a crime
Yes, if you fucking do it the legal way
>Seeking asylum is legal
Not if you fucking cross the border ILLEGALY
God I hate this cunt, and I loved watching her get bitch-slapped by Homan