Hey /fit, I am currently at 17% body fat and want to decrease it to 12%-13%.
What should I do? Should I stop eathing fatty foods alltogether?
Can I keep eating avocados, nuts, olive oil and other healthy fats or should I cut them down?
Also, my training regimen (3x-6x a week) is mainly calisthenics with a few weights here and there and I don't do cardio although I walk a lot everyday. Should I alter it in anyway?
Thanks in advance!
Body fat %
Most garbage chart of BF i’ve seen
Count calories you fucking retard
10 to 14 looks unfair because all his bloat is in his abdomen
To reduce body fat % I should reduce my weight?
Sorry if I'm a fucking retard but I've never tried reducing body fat % before in my life, so I don't quite know how it works
Fatty Food does not become fat on your body. Excess calories becomes stored as fat, no matter if its carbs, fats or protein. If you want to lose body fat you need to eat in a caloric deficit. Eat enough protein, minimum of 1g protein per 1lbs of bodyweight and lift heavy to maintain msucle mass.
literally just eat less
>He thinks dietary fat makes you fat
How did you come far enough to cut with this little knowledge of nutrition?
This chart sucks ass. First pic isn't anywhere near close to 5%. Others are similarly wrong.
you eat less > your body burns some fat as fuel > do this for 8-12 weeks until you are at desired body fat percentage
No, it's 99% dietary fat that gets stored as fat. Carbs are stored as glycogen and proteins are stored as muscle, connective tissue or converted to carbs. Fat is stored as fat (that's why it's called fat)
>tfw 28%
> How did you come far enough to cut with this little knowledge of nutrition?
My genetics are just good enough that I never had to worry much about nutrition in the first place
Not OP, but have this one.
Who the fuck goes up in 4-5% increments for anything below 20 anyway?
Besides me, I mean. But I'm a hypocrite.
The only decent chart of this nature I've ever seen was made by Jow Forums itself, a very long time ago.
Even it didn't purport to work in exact bf% measurements.
Not an advocate of extreme diets but unironically do the carnivore diet or some form of keto. and also install myfitnesspal
That is good. Although, rough estimates of bf% is nice just for reference on what to aim for.
Full House of truth.
kill this poster
I went from 17 to 13 in two months by IF. I ate a pack of cookies and a bowl of oatmeal with milk every day (less than 700 calories) and sometimes eggs. I did lose a bunch of muscle as well but a couple of months afterwards I had the best physique I've ever had.
How do I enter builtfat mode? Currently in ottermode
Am I builtfat yet?
I doubt you're at 17%. Most people over-estimate their bodyfat by 3-4%.
Do OMAD PSMF. I've dropped 10 lbs of fat over six weeks, no muscle loss (DEXA actually showed 0.2 lb gain). That's with 4-5 "free" days of drinking and eating whatever
Nice gyno.
Probably always less than 99% but yes, mostly dietary... lipogenesis is real but minor when it comes to weight
It's fat
At least I was said so 10 years ago when it was checked
you're halfway there, now you just need to add the "built"
keep protein really high while being in a caloric deficit will make you lose weight and skew the weight loss towards losing fat and maintaining muscle.
going from 17 to 12 is like a 2 month cut which is nothing
Is it possible to lose body fat while building muscle at the same time?
assuming no drugs, it depends on how close you are to your natural limit.
maxed out, you will lose some muscle and strength.
if you're skinny fat, then you can gain tons of muscle
Yes. If your lbm stays the same during a cut then you’ve put on muscle. Adipose tissue is approx 10% water and 2% protein so for every 10 pounds of fat you lose, 8.8lbs is fat mass and 1.2lbs is lean mass.
I'm between F 6 and E 6
Eating fat has nothing to do with how much fat your body holds. Keep your macros in check and simply continue your training but adjust your diet to have a 500 Cal deficit each day. It will slowly melt off. You will lose muscle with it, but that's the con of being a natty.
If you are a beginner, yes.
If you are on roids, yes.
Otherwise, probably not but only one way to see. Do you continue increasing your lifts in a deficit?
lift heavier, run farther
The only way to get rid of bodyfat is to make your body use it for energy. The only way to do that is eat fewer calories than your body uses. You can either eat less, exercise more, or preferably both. Download My Fitness Pal.
So if I eat like 2000 kcal per day, deficit should be 500 kcal? Isn't that too much?
>no such thing as lipogenesis and glycogenesis