How the FUCK do you decide on an exercise program?

Starting Strength, PHUL, PHAT, PPL, GZCLP, Ice Cream Fitness, 5/3/1, Strong Lifts, WS4SB, etc.

How the fuck am I supposed to decide? Currently I’ve been doing PPL for 3 months, but spending 90 minutes in the gym 6 days a week is difficult and maybe I should do a different program with less bullshit? Or perhaps I would be sacrificing a lot of gains by doing something lower volume.

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just do SS


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if ur a beginner u do a beginner routine
if ur an intermediate u do ppl
if ur fat and wanna stay fat u do any powerlifting routine

I've picked a program from one local youtuber just because I like the guy, it has periodization and shit, maybe I'll make a thread about it once I'm done which would probably be late september.

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>8 months

No clue why you would spend more than 3 months on SS. If you're still making 5 pound weekly gains for 8 months, then you must be the strongest motherfucker on the planet.

Fuck with this

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I do Stronglifts 5x5 cuz it's so basic

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I do something like this with core/cardio on off days
+ Deadlifts on back day
+ Squats on leg day

Highly recommend Madcow 5x5.

Very good program, easy to follow, fun to train, and guaranteed gains if you can keep yourself from fucking around with what the program is telling you to do.

Literally do what it says, and don't add crap.

literally zero (0) glute volume

>shows body as if it matters for a beginner
Show his lifts

Also Starting Strength is for STARTING, you're supposed to pick a different one after. Idk if rippletoe has an intermediate one

When do u know if it's time to switch?

Isn't that an intermediate program? What are your lift numbers like?

Started a 12 weeks block off Ben Pollack's Unfuck Your Program spreadsheet. It's free on his site. Week 4 and feeling itm

By reading the book
I think The Bridge is Rippletattertots approved but not his

Is there anything as widely approved as SS in the world of bodyweight training (no convict conditionning plz)?

Just pick a simple one and stick to it.

Consistency matters more than specifics. You'll learn, and you can pick and choose once you've got 6 months experience.

Go all in as a beginner on a complex one and you'll stop within a month.

Intermediate is just a term for "I can't add weight every workout", which you should reach pretty quick doing SS / any beginner routine.

Squat : 335
Bench : 225
Deadlift : 365
OHP : 155

>new people doing PPL

Want to know a big secret? As a beginner it doesn't fucking matter, concentrate on your diet and push hard at the gym... regardless of routine.

And with what did you stars Marcos?

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Bad advice. Beginners need to simple routines that emphasize progressive overload.

Too often they spin wheels doing garbage routines with nothing to show for it.

>Do jeff's Fullbody routine (posted yesterday)
Do this for 2-6 months until you're bored or stop making good linear gains
>Switch to a 4day split
Uppwe/Lowe 5/31 whatever. Do this for 8weeks Get big Strength (TM)
>Switch to a PPLPPLx routine for hypertrophy
Do that for 16weeks then do w.e

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honestly this is the best advice ITT as a newbie you will be weak everywhere. you are weak. fullbody 3x a week AxBxA is the best option for you. Just focus on overload and nothing else you will make huge gains. After a few months (8-16weeks) swich to a 4day is solid since you'll start needing more volume. do that for another 8-16 weeks and switch to a 6day program or stick to a 4day doesnt matter much you just need sufficient volume/sets per week to make gains

Workout A
Chest compound 3x5
Back compound 3x5
Leg compound 3x5
Workout B
Chest compound 2, 3x5
Back compound 2, 3x5
Leg compound 2, 3x5

Alternate the workouts with whatever frequency you want and throw in exercises with sets of 3x10 to increase in size whatever body part you want.

5/3/1 BBB is great for hypertrophy, 4x a week and takes less than an hour every day. You basically choose a program based on your own goals and needs. All of the ones you listed work and have been proven (except for the obvious meme one) just choose one that fits your goals. If you want the intermediate between great size and great strength and want to cut down on time spent in gym then do 5/3/1 + BBB
reminder to never ever follow any of these meme programs shat out by some retard. Get on something that has been proven.
Read the book. You hop onto an intermediate program if you fail a set, deload, work your way back up and fail again. Then you know your noob gains are over

post body

this is a shit tier routine

full body 3 times a week can be quite demanding on recovery. Upper (A) Lower (B) AxBxAxBxAxB is better imo.

Individualization is the way, not dogmatic adherence.

Nice lifts bro

solid numbers, you're lacking on deadlift though

>You hop onto an intermediate program if you fail a set, deload, work your way back up and fail again. Then you know your noob gains are over

The actual point where the program starts failing you is when the Rpe's start drifting up. The rest after that is wheel spinning and wasting time.

>no shoulders

>leg curls

SS is a meme. Literally just go to failure and target different muscle groups every day

I make my own because I'm not a retard. After a year or two of exercise you should have accumulated enough knowledge to know how to make an at least decent workout that tailors to your likes and goals. If not you're never going to make it

Stop trying to find a better one and do SS. It's like 6 months of your life at most.

i think what will work for everyone is doing something like SS for like 3 months max, and then change to PPL

as a newbie, I liked Stronk lifts. It will feel a bit boring after a while, and also is less efficient when newbie gains are done. But by then you will probably have a better understanding on how you react to lifting, and what is your goal, to select a more advanced program.

Based. If you aren't smart enough to make your own program you'll never be smart enough to break the newb/intermediate barrier fully

do this dickhead, trust me

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the last part is called progressive overload, and is important unless you're a dicklet gearfag