Weekly Asceticism Challenge

Good morning Jow Forums, welcome to another week of the asceticism challenge in which we, for one week at a time, focus on eliminating our vices and focusing on what matters most - lifting, eating right, spirituality, etc.

This week was difficult for me to achieve my goals of NOFAP, NOPORN, and NO4CHAN, but I look forward to overcome these through consistent efforts. I've noticed that the first week I did successfully I had a clarity and grip over my life that was overwhelming but felt powerful. However, as I fail my goals, I can't get to this feeling. I will try even harder this week this get these three things out of my life.

State what you'll drop this week and lets work towards being the best we can be

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Ill drop some knowledge for you puritan fags

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i want to stop smoking weed because it makes me binge eat, and i'd like to stop masturbating 5 times a day as well.

I would like, this week, to not eat any sweets, drink any carbonated drinks, and not eat any pastries. Oh, and nofap. Today I succeeded, I only hope to maintain this discipline through the week.

(((Not just your lack of willpower)))

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Good luck guys, you got this. If you ever start thinking about those temptations, immediately start doing something else, doesn't matter. The longer you think about it, the more likely you're likely to cave in. Don't let your brain win
This is for training willpower, one week at a time

thanks man, I'll try to deny my lizard brain the satisfaction of seeing me fail.

I am free from the her herbal for almost a month. Best decision ever.

I just wait until it's legalized here since they spray shit on weed here on the germoney.

from the herbal jew

>day 58
No weed (not actively trying to quit, just keeping the use reasonable)
>day 3

Still cripplingly addicted to the internet, hopefully my vacation before the semester starts will give me a good opportunity for a digital fast

>don't smoke weed
>don't drink
>don't fap
>don't watch porn
>don't drink coffee
I'm just bored to hell and back honestly, the only vices left are drinking soda and eating sweets and playing vidya when I can't take the boredom.

What's the point of this shit?

I feel the same way sometimes.
>no fap 343 days
>no vidya
coffee and anime are my vices. i plan to break the latter when I move out and don't have internet. The former I imagine will die when I get out of school and can be consistent with my sleep.
Anyways sometimes I'm extremely bored and go for walks. At the same time, I have two really interesting hobbies I pour a lot of time into. I think it's natural to have ups and downs.
>What's the point
I see ascetic activities as the quickest way to grow as a man. suffering is growth. I know for a fact if I hadn't sold my xbox, I would not be so practiced on the piano. If you are removing a lot of things from your life, make sure you have a hobby ready to fill the void. if not you'll just waist time on youtube or this site

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replace them with something useful and or wholesome
>smoke weed
>dont drink
do a social sport join a club
>dont fap
work out
>dont watch porn
watch documentarie read a book
>dont drink coffe
drink green tea
and so on and so on
the point is to become a better person and leave behind what most people can for the goal of self improvement.

I haven't had kratom in two weeks. Really want a small dose rn though.

The point is to stop relying on these degenerate acts for fulfillment. You could do so much more, but yet you smoke weed and play vidya for hours. Imagine what you could become, if only you didn't limit yourself. This goes for most of the things you mention - weed, fapping, porn - those are actively suppressing you. Coffee is more arguable but sure, overreliance on a bean to be productive. Find something productive to replace these with that you're interested in. Ever wanted to learn a new language? Pick up duolingo and get yourself a private online teacher for cheap, you'll spend your evenings productively. Want to learn how to play an instrument? There you go. The main difference between learning guitar and smoking a joint is effort. Do you really want to rely on short-term pleasure, or would you rather put in the work and feel great knowing you were the best man you could be?

There you go you got this, what major?

This week I will not miss a workout
I will not masturbarte
I will not drink

I go to the gym for my hedonist need for love and attention, I go to school for my hedonist need for money and respect.

What reason would have to eat, if it not were to satiate some kind of want...

OP, you just motivated me to stop indulging in lustful thoughts for the next week. God bless.

That's the spirit

You should eat out of necessity, not hedonism...

What about sex with your wife?

>had to buy gummy bears for work
>took them home after we were done with them
>have been eating 5+ hand fulls of gummy bears a night

Alright boys I'm tossing them and giving up refined sugar (again).

Friars have the best drip

If you really jerk off 5 times a day, you should know that nofap is half meme, half true. It gives you focus, but busting nuts is part of life, almost like food. Think of it like a non-stoner thinks of smoking weed. If you do it first thing in the morning, you're wasting your day, hands down. Go ahead and observe this if you want, you'll have to try no-fap to even see. Wasting a day can be nice if you're on top of shit. Also, just like smoking weed, it can help you sleep. Nofap is great, but some people can't handle falling off the wagon and relapse all the way to rock bottom or whatever and have no concept of forgiving themselves or moderation and it's sad to see them repeatedly set themselves up for failure.

Also, don't wake and bake. Weed might not be degenerate but only degenerates wake and bake. Just shoot your discipline in the head and get it over with.

>this and /fitlit/ is allowed but /sig/ is off topic


The more sex you have, the more used to it you'll get and it won't be as significant, so limit yourself but still do it to please her and yourself?

Honestly, try to avoid sex for a week or two stretches. And just be an absolute degenerate horn dog when you finally do have sex. Makes it 10x better. Sex 3-5 times a week makes it stale

Idk, works for me. Keeps me faithful and all that. The key is to make the abstinence your choice. When it becomes her choice then it’ll just piss you off. Never tell her what you’re doing

>waking and baking
Agreed, degeneracy. I can understand baking a couple hours before bedtime after you've finished everything and just want to unwind, but first thing in the morning? Like shooting yourself in the foot

Well, it's 7am here, had a nice sleep. Ate my morning cereal and that's about all the "sweets" I'll allow myself. I'll get a nice coffee from the subway, then I'll be on my way to work.
NoSweets Day 2
NoFap day 2

Current weight: 105 kg

And to the OP, thank you for this thread, it really gives me an exterior accountability. :)

>It gives you focus
on how horny you are. Just don't watch porn and fap when you need to unless you "need" to a lot.

Skipped last week because I told myself I'd join in this week. Going to go offline for a week to help with mental clarity and productivity. I haven't done this in years, with the exception of the road trips or river trips I do most summers.