If you cant even bench with 45's on each side do you have any business being in the gym?

If you cant even bench with 45's on each side do you have any business being in the gym?

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This man's cracked the enigma code boys.
We all start from somewhere, and if that somewhere lands you below a 135 bench. Then you will forever stay that weak because you clearly have no business improving any muscles.

Untrained men 1 rep max for average height/weight is around 115

Im saying do that shit on your own time at home, stop wasting everyone's time taking the bench up at the gym if you dont have the proper strength

that can’t be true.

I had to put 25's on each side when I first started since I was a gamer skelly whose diet was tendies and dr. pepper. Few years later I rep with 2 45's on each side, fuck you OP for being insecure enough to try to keep up and comers out of the gym. Focus on yourself, and if you're busy focusing on others weights you're probably a closet homo.

So you wasted everyone's time for a year plus?

Just checked again, if you weigh 200lbs untrained it’s 135

Just because you go to a crowded nigger gym doesn't mean we do

Attached: Accept it and move on.png (355x399, 320K)

sounds right, I was doing 135 for 3 reps when I started in may,200lb 6ft2. Now I am at 170

It's actually 135

>uses the term "rep" to hide the fact that it's only 5
>calling others insecure

post body

t. OP just hit 1pl8 LMAO

I absolutely don't understand how people can bench so fucking much.
Bench is easily my proportionally weakest lift. I try to focus on good form as much as I can, but I just can't feel it hitting my chest for shit. It always goes to my arms and deltoids.

what if I'm a 5'5" manlet that only weighs 125

Genetic junk

The first time I stepped in a gym, I could barely lift the bar alone. I was 16 and never did any kind of exercise nor work. Not even chores.

When I was 130 5'11 as a 16 y.o kid it took me 2-3 months to bench 135

Common thing when you don't have a spotter, flare your elbows too much and going for higher and higher weights as opposed to a better mind muscle connection.

>being this much of a dick ever
Small dudes date small bitches not a big deal

Then you're a natural fucking presser unless you have disproportionally long arms.
Holy fuck. please be a bait post

>if you can't meet this arbitrary strength standard, why would you be in a place in which you can train to achieve said standard
Gee, I don't fucking know OP

shut up! girls have told me to kill myself on dating sites. always smirking at me. you're not my dad, or god, or my boss, so dont tell me what to do


Does anybody else do better on bench when they try to bend the bar?

I benched a plate before I hit 120lbs bodyweight and I got my 60yr old dad pressing a plate in a few weeks, the limiting factor would most likely be shitty technique rather than strength
>mind muscle connection.
Lmao gay

Yes, it’s a cue to keep your lats tight

Yah its pretty unfortunate that it turned out like this but I'm still gonna work with what I got.

What do? I hate spotters because lifting is like meditation for me and I need to do it alone.

I regularly decrease the weight to really feel it, but every time I slowly increase it again, the feeling just doesn't translate at all.

Bench is an easy lift comparatively and involves less overall muscles, squat and deadlifts are the true test and they are less forgiving on form. Therefore I put the minimum required bench higher compared to squat and deadlift to make it fair and compatible. Anything below 275 bench is twink level imo while the equivalent for the other two are more like 4pl8

Just because you're stronger than others doesn't mean you're entitled to more benching than others.

Imagine a fat fuck trying to cut you in line because he clearly requires and desires more food than you. That's what you're being like. In other words, go fuck yourself; establish a home gym if you're too much of a selfish prick to share your toys.

I fucking hate the bench press. It’s also my proportionally weakest lift. My OHP (favorite lift) is pretty close to my bench. Failing bench is terrifying, I don’t have full faith in my roll of shame and both times I’ve failed someone else had to bail me out. I don’t have a spotter, and I’m scared to push myself too hard now.

weights arent toys jerkoff

Its pretty easy to get to a 1pl8 bench by just doing push ups at home unless you weigh less than a child

Exactly, so stay home do that shit and come to the gym when you gain strength

You're the man

I don't have much input other than a few of your statements.
Look into this one, you might be able to extract a few insights from it.

Based and bagelpilled

How’m I gonna bench 135 if I don’t go to the gym

Gee, it's almost like I called them toys to imply you were a toddler that treated them as such. Almost like it was an insult because I dislike your shitty attitude.

Damn, are you guys me? I'm an absolute benchlet, in my 7-8 short months of lifting I haven't learned to love benching, unlike the other lifts.

Watch this youtube.com/watch?v=Ji5ieq8JdnQ

your bench probably sucks always room to grow and this guy is a good teacher with a low number of meme shit when teaching

it may sound rough, but if you can't bench 135 you probably are better off staying out of everybody's fucking way and definitely not breeding, because why make another weakling like yourself

if I have to endure weaklings taking multiple years to hit 225 bench I'm going to complain on an Indian basket weaving forum

> your bench probably sucks
No doubt about it, lol. I just need to try harder on it and I'm planning on doing just that in the next few months. It's just annoying when I have so much success on increasing my OHP and so little on my Bench.
Thanks for the video recommendation

People who bench 95lbs have a better reason to be in the gym than people who bench 415lbs.

If you're not afraid of possibly looking like an autist, throw a bench in the squat rack and put the pins on right at your chest level. It's even safer than having a spotter. Even if you fail and it looks embarrassing you are guaranteed never to get fucked up by the bar.

My gym only has a few squat racks I could do that in. I might just switch to dumbbell press, Scott Herman says the dumbbell press is better anyways.

That better be kg.

“Rep” is singular.

>Scott Herman says the dumbbell press is better anyways
impossible, Scott Herman always goes for the BAHHHHBELL

No. Niggers have no business in the gym. Any white person has business in the gym.


8:40 he says which is better.

Switch. The roll of shame is actually still pretty dangerous, people have died from internal bleeding or organ injury after rolling it on their soft belly. You are likely to get nasty bruises even if you’re not seriously injured. Removing the clips to slide the weights off each side can fuck your wrists from the sudden weight change on one side plus possibly injuring another gym goer if the barbell goes crazy. Dumbbell press will build stability while also working out your left arm equally to prevent an imbalance.

You have to push yourself.

Be the man that you are genetically destined to be

I agree.

Squeeze the bar and try to pull your your fists together. Try it with pushups a few times to get a feel for it.

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I started failing sets of 65lbs and now rep 2pl8 kill yourself

>refering to 1pl8 as "45's on each side"
no, do you have any business being in a gym

I have a metal plate slapped on my collar bone and all forms of bench make my rotator cuffs hurt to the point I can barely lift anything in a front raise motion.

IDK what to do to fix it. Can't afford physical therapy, definitely can't afford surgery.

Imagine forgetting that it's the gyms equipment and not your equipment

Fucking kek, enjoy getting cucked by my dues

You need to be in the gym most of all.

If you cant even bench with two 45's on each side do you have any business being in the gym?

If you cant even bench with three 45's on each side do you have any business being in the gym?

We can keep going. I’ll still be in the gym. Will you OP?

gatekeeping the gym that people use to get better is fucking retarded.

6 months top, fagot. stop being lazy

Why do some of you guys have a massive hate boner for people who are weak? Why do you think they're in the gym in the first place?Everyone starts from somewhere.

it's funny how most of the guys here are beta asf but talk down on others as like they are all Jay Cuttlers. Gtfo you were all noobies whne you started. The first time I did chest in my life, I had 2x 14kg dumbells in my hands. 3 years ago, not they are 2x 42kg. Its all about motivation, dedication and teh will to improve.

275 bench is immensely more difficult than a 4pl8 dead lift. Also post your numbers twink boi

Holy shit that guy has a fucking speech impediment.

>Using a service you paid for is wasting somebody's time
Maybe you should stop going to crowded nigger gyms if we're going to play this game

On my first day of lifting, I tried to bench 30kg, but couldnt get it up once. It felt so weird because I probably never really used my chestmuscles in my life.
I was seriously malnourished as a kid, eating about 10 to 20g of protein a day from animal sources, the rest of my daily calories usually came from white bread and one proper meal at lunch. In this country (switzerland) however proper meal means about 500kcal total with mostly carbs and very little meat because it is too expensive.
So I started to adjust my diet which was money well spent. I have been training since this year and bench now 80kg, The 1 2 3 4 plates goal I will reach this year.


I started lifting I could only lift the bar and two 7.5kg plates (35kg)

Now I'm I'm to 80kg in 8 months.

I shouldve just stopped when I started right op.

Almost sure I also heard Rippletoe say that (and that it was more complex and why he didn't end recommending it).

Make social gains you faggots. Ask friendly looking people to spot you.

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You can fuck right off, I started at 90lbs, now I'm at 190 and i don't plan to stop.