Choose wisely

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path of Scooby is more like
>be gay and autistic
>lift for 40 years with shitty home-made implements because "it's cheap!"
>no children because "it's not economically wise!"
>your gay husband dies of aids
>die alone in a nursing home after a black caretaker making $9 an hour punches you in the face for shitting yourself

I’d like the path of rippetoe, but zyzz got me into lifting so i gotta choose zyzz.

Path of scooby if I can bring books

fuck you, reading the scooby one made me realize that I’m lonely and have deep trust issues that will never allow me to fully trust a woman and love her

more like
>be gay and autistic
>lift for 40 years with shitty home-made implements because "it's cheap!"
>no children because gay, but fuck children anyway I don't need them
>become engineer making shitloads
>have dope place in Florida
>your gay husband appreciates and loves you, and goes on trips with you biking through China, sightseeing in France, etc
>build a fucking airplane by yourself
>all the while giving out actual based fitness advice instead of selling pills or apps
>die surrounded by loved ones
>shit on Jeff because fuck it

Path of scooby, comfy life with a good body, great friends and a non whore wife

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path of seid.

Path of Seid, easily. Sure the first few years it would be hard to sacrifice some random child, but eventually I’d find shitty children who have done horrible things to justify it. Purely because immortality is what I crave the most.

>scooby pill
Would be the best, except you know he’s rotating through the other men and plowing them each week. That means you’re gonna be scoobies cumrag many times in that 10 year period. If yo I can live with that, then this is the path for you because aside from that it would be the best.
Live like a king, but die early.
You become a fucking super hero. Live a normal length life. Who needs a bitcha trracted to you when you’re so strong the military will cover up any of your rape crimes so long as you continue ripping the heads off of brown people in wars for them.
Not worth it at all, get stuck in traffic or have an accident or some shit and can’t do your face pulls you’re done.
Would be worth it if you got to live forever
You’ll be happy.

scooby's whole lifestyle revolves around trying to extend life
>frugal to the point of suffering
>never go outside without spf100 and sun-proof clothing
>hours of cardio every week for health
>hours of lifting to maintain mass
but he's going to die just like the rest of us. i wonder if he will have any regrets

you forgot
>start drama on your declining youtube channel

>Would be the best, except you know he’s rotating through the other men and plowing them each week. That means you’re gonna be scoobies cumrag many times in that 10 year period. If yo I can live with that, then this is the path for you because aside from that it would be the best.
that makes it worse how?

Damn I would call you a faggot but you got trips

>frugal to the point of suffering
>travels the world, builds an airplane, sees a gnome buys a gnome
pick one

Seid or Zyzz easy.

Probably zyzz because there’s not much of a reason to live a long life.

The only reason to live forever (says you’ll only die if you don’t drink the blood/kill the kid) is to do everything. The thing is after doing all the shit you’d do with zyzz most people would be done lmao. Plus it would be nice to have a bro to do all that shit with

I never understood why anyone would choose AthleanX, it's just a shitty life until you die.

lmaod at path of seid
hard to pick between scooby and zyzz desu.

AthleanX is my favorite fitness personality guy, but his path is definitely the worse. 8 hours of face band pulls every day? Hardly a life, and you are fucked if you fail even once due to getting sick or injured or something.

yeah it should be lowered to just 3 hours to make it balanced

>weak bodybuilders, bloated powershitters, dead roiders
fuck all that shit, why no Path of Klokov or Path of Kennedy

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I made the bottom row original image many years ago. makes me very happy to see this

I unironically dont think the path of Scooby has any drawbacks whatsoever. Its essenaitlly the ideal dream of everyone who enters military service, except in a far, far superior setting. You pay your dues, get perfect friends and a loving wife who isnt fat. I have no idea why anyone would want anything else

I feel much the same. I dont even know what the drawback of the scooby path is

I think the path of Scooby would be great if I was mentally well adjusted, but I'm not. I'm almost certain that I would be miserable. I think the path of zyzz would be for me. Live life like a bottle rocket and get the most enjoyment I. The shortest period of time, however shallow it may be.

path of Genova. I love the ments

This, it’s too overpowered compared to the other options. I suppose it doesn’t have any super powers like becoming a world champion athlete or gaining superhuman strength, but that isn’t what a lot of people care about.

Path of Rippetoe.

Genova. Let the frothy shores of lake cresva wash over me as the ancient dolphins regale me with the legends of the Jedi Temple it less stress

>Scooby is the best role model
>His path is clearly the best

Path of Scooby, however as long as I can live anywhere but California, preferably Alaska. If not then Piana it is.

>instead of 150 I have 130 IQ
>instead of being sad I am happy
Literally no downsides

Where is the man, myth and legend Jason Blaha? Can’t have an infographic without the aesthetic God.

>choose the Path of Larry
>have to beat women to stay strong

Neither klokov nor Kennedy are that good weightlifters, they aren't bad at all, but way too hyped
Actual great lifters:
Lu xiaojun
Lasha talakhadze
Shi Zhiyong
Apti aukhadov
Sohrab moradi
Tian tao
Kianoush Rostami

>remastered edition
>classic edition

Would have choosen path of rip but zyzz one has me hesitating. It’s the old debate between being strong or looking strong. I guess i would take rip’s advice that it’s about the quality of life and not quantity. Zyzz it is

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