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Other urls found in this thread:


1. Run regularly
2. Eliminate all processed sugar
3. Eliminate all processed food
4. Drink water

my bmi already says 18 but im still so fat. Please help me i want to become a skelly

Please help

sounds like body dysmorphia user, be careful not to develop an eating disorder if you dont alrrady have one

Why do you want to be skelly? Embrace bear mode.

>bmi says 18
You’re underweight and most likely have dysmorphia or some sort of eating disorder. Seek professional help.

Wrong board.

your idea of skelly is aushwitz mode, go swim and build an ottermode or something, the figure stays much longer than simply being skin and bone, becouse a single lapse in diet and you can get a little gut again

I don't really have body dysphormia i still have a bigger belly than most people and my upper body is skinny..

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Lift weights and measure your body fat % instead.

Literally just dont eat.

That's it. You don't have to DO anything.

I want to be skelly by September 30th

start lifting. unironically


nooooo noooo nooooooo

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Do this

Fasting is the fastest way to lose that visceral fat in your gut, also limit carbs to 50g at most

I hate fasting lol, I'm gonna OMAD on two cheesy grilled sandwiches instead


It's all about calories
don't demonize carbs
life sucks ass without carbs

>1 hour and 20 fucking minutes

start lifting, it will make u look skinnier even if ur actually putting on more weight.

>It's all about calories
If you cut carbs completely your body will burn pounds of fat a week. If you eat that 50g of carbs a day you don't burn lbs of fat a week even fasting.

How's that possible, a calorie deficit is a calorie deficit innit

Just listen to the part that interests you fucking lazy pig fucker

>How's that possible, a calorie deficit is a calorie deficit innit
Hormones, specially insulin (makes it easier to put ob fat and harder to break fat, this is because you only had access to carbs in nature before the winter so your body used then to fatten you up)

Why can't I burn 60 kilos in three days?

Dry fast

Dry fasting reduces saggy skin. Tightens skin.

why would that help?
why would that help


if u think im baiting ur stupid, gaining muscle wont get rid of fat

No I meant nice digits

My normie friends say I have body dysmorphia but I’m just a dyel my summer cut hasn’t gone so well. I can barely see my abs

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You are skinnyfat.

skelly = twink
you don't want to be skelly bro

whats your height

I doo I doo want it
I want to be a feather

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No you don't. Stay at a healthy weight, you won't regret it.



Jesus Christ man you look like you’re 12. Just lift weights


If you eat the same as before and start training, you won't just magically gain weight and stay fat, you can only weigh so much with a certain amount of calories; training will make more of those calories go to muscle mass rather than be uselessly stored away as fat(as long as you eat enough meat).

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I want to be skelly so I can start yoga and learn to fellate myself
this serves my dual desire of sucking cock anonymous as well as getting an expert blowjob.

actually you should lift instead while losing weight sry user you got the wrong path
