If you have friends or want to maintain a social life good fucking luck intermittent fasting, unless you want to break it every couple of weeks and at that point what is the point of even doing it?
>go to concert with friends >can't drink/eat past 7pm >coworkers invite you to dinner at 6pm >know the food won't get to your table by 7pm so have to decline >no going out drinking with friends unless you get drunk before the end of your feeding window and then be that guy that drinks water all night because you are intermittent fasting
seriously anyone that has been able to maintain a perfect, unbroken intermittent fast lasting longer than a few months is LITERALLY a neet with no friends who just stays inside shitposting and working out all day.
If it's that much of an issue then you move your eating window to be later you dingus
Lincoln Miller
Start your eating window later then faggot
Henry Gutierrez
Good thing I don't have any friends and hate women because the only women I've known in my life (mother and sister) always made fun of me for being chubby when I was younger, calling me a bitch, saying shit like "haha user has bigger tits than me" and the rest of the family would laugh. Also my sister who was older, would get really angry at me when I was younger and sometimes press her entire weight on me so I could barely breathe and was choking me.
It just really angers me to this day that after I lost weight I would mention that I used to be chubby and they would say" No, you were never chubby, what are you talking about" or never admit to the things they've done which drives me crazy because now I'm not entirely sure even if it happened or not? I remember some moments vividly but are they an illusion? Am I going crazy and making up things?
I don't know what to believe anymore but I feel uneasy around them and my heart always skips a beat when I hear my mother's footsteps approaching me and I can't stay in the same room as my sister due to fear. Is this just a figment of my mind?
Alexander Wilson
i think i'll just kill myself because the benefits from IF are great but i don't wanna wait all the way till 2pm so i can maintain a social life when i have to wake up at 7am for work every day
Leo Gonzalez
>it's another "idiot who can't adapt his diet to his needs" episode
>break it every couple of weeks = no point doing it There's the source of your retardation. How much of a fatlard are you that you can't even manage eating normally with discipline. >IF >calorie deficit >1-2 day fasting >cardio If you can't commit on IF on a certain day, increase your calorie deficit. If you can't do IF or calorie deficit because you want to binge irresponsibly with your shit friends, do a 48-hr fast the next two days. If you're in a nostalgic mood and want to relive memories of the days when you're stuffing your fat mouth with doughnuts, do 2 hours of cardio the next day (1hr in the morning, 1hr in the evening if you're too much of a pussy to do it in one go).
tl;dr manage your diet and lifestyle by checks and balances and don't be a fatass, lazy pussyboy
Logan Reed
a) there's no call to fast everyday for the benfits of fasting, there's no way you read anywhere it has to be done everyday, your whole premise is pulled out of your ass b)work day: skip breakfast, lunch and dinner within an 8 hour window is perfectly normal and does'nt require any change to adpart to coworkers/gf schedule c) weekends. I f you have a night out planned, don't eat all day. Have breafast with you gf, stick to coffee. skip lunch, which most people do any way after a late breakfast and dinner+drinks planned later on.
tlder: you're a retard and a bitch, complaining about non-existent issues
Logan Nguyen
Move your eating window, or just compensate for interruptions. It’s not like fasting doesn’t work if you have one bad day. It’s not like fasting requires months of rigid adherence to a routine. Fasting is something you can turn on or off, and small disruptions don’t set you back much. Fasting should be used in conjunction with a reasonable normal diet, or can be used to mitigate some of the damage of a poor diet. It’s not like Atkins or some shit where you have to eat certain foods or you’re fucked. You people have such bizarre ideas about what fasting is and is not.
Kayden Edwards
If your friends don't approve of your lifestyle, find new friends.
Or better yet, become an island.
Aiden Bailey
IF is such a cope for fatties. Notice how no one ever posts their body on the fast threads
Kevin Green
>If you have friends or want to maintain a social life I don' i guess intermittent fasting is actually a perfect diet unless you're a fucking retard who actually bothers having friends LMAO....normalfags BTFO as usual. Enjoy having "fun". I'll enjoy my GAINS.
If is just cico for fat fucks who can't stop snacking you idiot.
Liam Roberts
>Wah i wanna get drunk with my friends but i gotta be wasted before 7 Waaahh >Wah i made horrible choices thus far in life and im a fat fuck so i have no choice Waaaahhhhhh
Work harder fatty
Christian Powell
This. Literally no one in /fast/ ever posts a timestamped progression photo
Only timestamped photo ive seen are of people having terrible diarrhea when they break their fast with literal shit
Im convinced more than half of the fasting positive posts are snake oil cole, shilling his bullshit diet.
I'd love to publicly beat coles weak ass on a live YouTube feed for the world to see.
Adrian Rivera
what is the point of this "eating window"
Dylan Kelly
Good call
Carter Martinez
Im doing IF for around 4 months now and lost 10kg.
i do 16/8 IF. I dont eat till 16:00 and eat my latest meal around 24:00.
I noticed im never hungry in the mornings and it is easy for me to not eat at the start of the day.
Also i work from home so i dont need the physical energy.
It has been working great for me since i lost 10kg while maintaining strength(to be fair, i only do home excersizes once per week).
Also i dont care if i once in a while go out on a friday night and would like to eat something at 3 in the morning.
you don't need to have a perfect streak to benefit from IF dumbass. nobody does. it's ok to 'break' it a couple of times per week, and then resume IF straight away, you will still be on IF, your body won't just put on weight over one evening of normal eating.
Robert Ward
Starvation isn’t a diet.
Parker Morgan
nice picture carlos needs more cocaine and beheading though.
Jayden Turner
Wow you sound pathetic
Jaxson Powell
my name is pablo
Nathan Cox
IF isn't something like ketosis where you can break it. It's just a way to make yourself eat less calories. it's ok to not meet your "window" every now and again. ngmi if this is really your breaking point
Ayden Gray
The whole point of IF is to adjust to an eating pattern somewhat similar to what we were designed to have by evolution (having a large window of not eating where we slept and hunted for food).
Realistically, this window would move around quite a bit based on a lot of factors, so you absolutely shouldn't be too nazi about it.
Eli Clark
Have you tried not being a retard? Just move your window to later you colossal mongaloid
Matthew Morgan
Adrian Hughes
Why did it take you til now to realize this? It's retarded
Henry Taylor
Intermittent fasting is not a diet. Its just a fancy way to say you are too lazy to make breakfast.