Milk is for babies

>Milk is for babies

Wtf I hate Arnold now

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Milk makes me fart smelly duck farts

can you disprove him? the only dairy that is somewhat healthy is quark or low fat yoghurt. unless you're still developing don't drink milk, if you're still growing drink like two litres of skim milk each day

It’s true. Why do you think people become lactose intolerant so quickly?

Austrian cope for not being able to tolerate lactose like a true aryan

>drink at least a litre of milk a day for my whole life
>ripped and healthy
What a load of shite desu

shut up retard

>Arnold is 100% right about everything fitness ever

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>lactaselets saying milk is bad because their little tummies can't digest

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He's right. I'm chuckling right now as well imagining how triggered the staunch anti alcohol people would be listening to this clip

Except milk literally is for babies. You understand what the purpose of breasts are yes? To feed babies? How hard do you have to cope to unironically ignore reality and think saying arnold isn't right about everrything fitness proves your point?


If it's for babies, why do adults have lactase in adulthood?

About the response I'd expect from somebody too inept to cook food.

But he drank alot of milk himself?

Steak meat is the muscle tissue of a cow which is predominantly used for their movement, its main purpose isnt for our consumption yet I'm sure you eat that, so is that wrong ?

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They don't, normal adults lose the production of lactase. The production of lactase in adulthood is a mutation, you fucking retard. People who produce lactase are a subset of the population who didn't evolve into adults who eat food normally. You're welcome for the biology lesson dipshit.

Arnold purposely gives bad advice. He told another body builder to scream when flexing to impress the judges, the louder the better. That dude was escorted off stage.

Arnold actually drank tons of milk during his prime.

Attached: arnold-milk-e1436137495472.jpg (363x294, 29K)

>didn't evolve into adults
top kek
imagine thinking a mutation that gives you great advantage over the world population is somehow bad
it's literally evolution, except you're on the wrong side

Diapers are also not meant for adults and mainly for babies, but I'm guessing you're part of the subset that wears them due to your low IQ and saved pictures of Brad Pitt on your hard drive.

What advantage? Your people were weak and didn't have the means to consume real food? That's like bragging about being able to digest shit like a maggot. Very impressive!

This. Retards.

How is he not bald even with all the cycles, shit, fuck my genes

they were smart enough to utilize a literal superfood from animals, while you niggers couldn't even plant a tree


fucking kek, nice cope m8. I'm sorry, you're right. Snowniggers "utilized" sucking on tits because they're genetically inferior and couldn't provide for themselves by hunting.

austrians are literally aryans...

ariana- - -> aryans - - -> austryans - - ->austria

My point still stands and milk has great nutrients for adults as well as babies. My point was also a valid comparison were yours is
>hurr durr baby toys are only for babies so you play with baby toys and wear diapers?
No we were comparing consumables foods not child products, and you have the audacity to bring up IQ? lol. Keep going and we can all laugh at you repeatedly getting BTFO. Another picture from my hard drive (of me this time) seeing as you are so bothered about what pictures are attached rather than the point being made. I drink shit loads of milk btw.

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hmmm, i wonder which continent keeps dying of famine since forever
oh yea, i remember now, it's the niggers!

enjoy your genetic inferiority, i pity the poor sods who can't even digest food, top kek

I'm not black, you know that the world isn't divided into aryan's and africans right? It's pretty common knowledge aryans are a genetic failure though. The strongest/majority of them were absolutely annihilated in ww2, and the weaker remain to cry anonymously on the internet about how blacks/jews/migrants are superior to them by taking over their country and culture.

Please delete that and stop embarassing yourself. The secondhand cringe that some faggot with tiny arms, delts, pecs, lats, traps, and a gut thinks he is BTFOing anybody besides literal twinks

Fermented milk is goat

well you're not white or european, that's for certain, therefore you're from some starving third world shithole with inferior enzymatic equipment

>they were so smart they caused evolution to occur through mutation

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>eating low fat yogurt instead of regular yogurt
you fucking moron

I'm white and european, I'm just not aryan, that would be quite embarrassing.

>aquire a great source of nutrition
>few capable specimens thrive off it while inferiors die out
wow, suddenly europeans eat dairy like there is no tomorrow

>well you're not white or european,
Not him but
>implying all european populations can digest milk

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i'm not aryan either
>white and european, incapable of digesting lactose
you're an inferior failure in that case, on the off chance you're not actually nigger

Not OP but post body otherwise this comment is irrelevant

>they were smart enough to cause evolution to occur through mutation

Thank you for proving how intellectually capable the Aryan people are. Truly spectacular to read.

Clearly, great majority can. Especially if you don't count immigrants form south and east

Here's a more in detailed graph. You have some literal African populations that can digest milk better then Europeans.

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This map is bs, North Africans have consumed milk for ages

Those graphs aren't very consistent. Europe is more detailed sure but middle africa and east china are complete opposites on both graphs

first off, i'm not aryan, never claimed to be
second, i never claimed they "caused evolution", i said they utilized a food source and evolved accordingly

i don't know which is more hilarious, your utter lack of knowledge on evolution or reading comprehension

Every ((map)) including Africa should be disregarded.
Not only Africa is fucking diverse as a continent but within the same country there’s a huge diversity compared to mono-culture mono ethnicity European countries.
Not even talking about how hard it is to collect reliable data from the African Continent

>tiny pecs
>tiny delts
>tiny arms
kek, the only second hand embarrassment here is everyone watching you cope

you are saying he has "tiny pecs" ? wtf are you on about?

ha, post yours, fatass

not even him

meant the copelord, not photo OP

I do wonder if we ever see actual true to life Arnold in Pumping Iron. He's such a dickhead in it yet everyone is clearly very gracious and fond of him when meeting etc.

Tried to watch it with my gf yesterday and at the start in the gym he totally rekz a roastie for no reason kek.

>low fat yoghurt
>skim milk
dumb ass tranny



It is normal in white countries.


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Everyone is healthy at 28. I'm not saying that milk is bad tho

>implying aryans are a thing, not a shit hitlerites made up
They made up a story of the aryan "gene" or whatever being present on some Japanese Island to justify the alliance with them. Next thing you gonna classify people the way scientologists do

steroids are for losers

Lactose intolerance is the sign of not being white.

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thats because youre not very clever

He wa always a faggot.

Just got lucky that americans are so dumb. Literally all sb from the EU has to do is move to the US and they automatically become CEO or actors or some shit.

Yes, arnold, a objectively unique successful politician, celebrity, actor, bodybuilder, and businessman, is a loser, and you sitting on Jow Forums posting on a thread discussing him, are not.

If anybody needed a reminder that this board is full of DYEL's, this physique is considered attractive

Everyone's missing the real point. Milks for babies. You ever see how fast a fucking infant expands it's body mass %? shit nigger, I want me some exponential mass gains too.

Arabs aren't white. Thanks for playing. Now get out.

Imagine being proud of being white in 2019 when your race has been absolutely cucked by migrants blacks and jews.

amerikan education everybody!

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Imagine being so unevolved that your body rejects the life giving forces of other mammals. Imagine coping with the fact that you either have no European heritage, or are an omega subhuman, or both.

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>not being able to drink baby food from mummies titty


>or having my entire race be globally embarassed and humiliated, manipulated by jews, and overran and ridiculed by migrants and blacks to the point where I can't even be proud of my heritage without being socially chastized, fired, or kicked out of school, and am forced to hide in my room and anonymously talk about how "great europeans are"

Somehow I'll manage :^)

Shitskin cope. Imagine admitting to being non-white who can't tolerate nature's most potent form of nourishment

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If you are american you have to choose both
Based Siitoin

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Ok, I was on the fence before, but because you posted a funny meme of woody from toy story, I will admit, it is a lot worse not being able to drink baby food from my mommies titty, than having my race be the laughing stock of the world.

there is a 100% probability that whatever race you belong to has been humiliated by whites, and continues to be so. Consider the following: You live in a white country and your life revolves around white inventions and creations because your own race is incapable of building civilization. Keep coping shitskin. Glad I ain't you.

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I didn't say only Aryans are white, just that YOU are not. Off you go now , some goat is lonely in the night missing you.

>projecting this hard

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Looks like I hit a soft spot, huh? What white country are you talking about, exactly? The ones in europe where migrants are given free pass to come physically and culturally rape the natives? Or in america where blacks are literally granted more rights through affirmative action? Or both where you'll lose your job for speaking your views, so you hide anonymously like a beta basedboy and put on your multiculturalism face when you go outside?

To be embarrassed, you have to have been in a position to be embarrassed from. Since shit skins are historically the bottom of the pile, they can't descend any lower.

Even the Poos drink milk.

>listening to Arnold ever

Lmao. He purposefully gave his opponents bad advice and pretended to be friendly just to fuck with them and have more chance of winning himself.
He also rejected the Republican mindset after Republicans turned their backs on him for his maid fuckery.

Arnold is garbage.

who hurt you user

Notice how when white people are confronted about how pathetic their race is (which they love to bitch about ironically), they get triggered and change the subject to unsubstantiated insults like a 12 year old who's mad they lost an argument.

You can't really be racist to white people though. It's like calling Michael Phelps a bad swimmer. Like what are you trying to say nigger?

Like I said I'm not black, but saying nigger on Jow Forums holds no value. All it enforces is the fact that the only place you feel safe saying it is on an anonymous board and are afraid to express your views in real life.

Best part about this picture is that the pictures of the USA are where niggers live and the pictures of Africa are where the whites live.

Am enjoying a protein shake with milk right now which is more than 50g of protein and it's fucking delicious

Even at our lowest points we are still at the top of the food chain. we readily admit to being a peg below our Glory days. Yet you subhumans still live in our shadows. That includes progressives, you are the reason we're backpedaling.

Also, nigger.

fuck i love kefir

So what are you? A small penis manlet from Asia? A poo in the loo Indian? or perhaps an inbred Arab? At what point in history was your race subjugated and raped by whites? What year, exactly, did we steal all your land and rape your women?

Let's face it. Admitting that you're not white is throwing in the towel. You lost the debate, now you're just trying to desperately save the last of your dignity in front of a bunch of anons.

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He looks pretty good desu, let's see a picture of you if you're so quick to judge

I'm confused, do you think saying nigger word for me? I'll admit, it's a bit amusing imagining you sitting there thinking saying nigger at the end of your sentence is going to trigger me or something, even a bit cute.

You got me, I "lost the debate", your collection of meme pictures and lack of any substantive point or retort closed the deal.

imagine being so ashamed of your race that you're afraid of telling people what it is, even anonymously.

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Not gonna lie that guy pretty much make you look like a fool lmao

But that is a baby Arnold picture

Milk is white supremacy.

Toppest of keks,shut the hell up you fucking fuckwit,if the guy was posting in CBT and not calling you a faggot everyone would be asking for routine and if natty

>>Milk is for babies
didn't he have a pig valve fitted to his heart instead of a mechanical one?

>Trusting a guy who launched his entire career by frauding and is promoting fucking veganism of all things

Which proves my point exactly, you're a DYEL fuck if you think that's an attractive physique, let alone questioning natty. You're embarrassing yourself show and have been lifting for 2 months max. Also it's pretty cringy riding some random mans torso so hard that you get flustered and start cursing at me.

Dude has always tricked his competition. He probably did drink milk.