Redpill me on collagen

I read your collagen decreases 1% every year once you hit 20, and collagen = youth

some say tretinoin improves collagen production or is it a meme?

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bump and is it possible to improve it naturally

use sunscreen

Fuck no

I tried this and it tastes like a rotting corpse that was dusted with Ovaltine. Is there a less disgusting way to eat collagen?

Attached: bonebroththumb.jpg (600x900, 106K)


Then keep sunbathing to a minimum

Don't leave the basement then

have you considered making actual bone broth you goddamn retard?

you can just take collagen pills

alternatively take 200% daily recommended value vitamin c, thats what your body uses to produce collagen

Does bone broth improve collagen production ?

it contains all the building blocks of collagen and heals the gut lining

So do I just collect bones from, say, chicken, make them boil and put them in a blender with veggies?

>and put them in a blender with veggies?
you may be onto something here...

There used to be a lady who sold chicken feet at the local food market, too bad she's not here anymore

You retards are buying what is essentially just expensive dried chicken soup. Just drink some fucking broth. Good God, Jow Forums. Every day you get dumber and dumber. Literally facebook mom tier.

this is a better bet to all this nonsense since your body dissociates any ingested collagen into its protein constituents and there is only anecdotal evidence that it will actually put it back together

I was actually gonna explain the process of making broth from chicken feet to you but I stopped myself

yeah look for chicken feet, if you can't find it at a place like walmart try a mexican market, the mexicans always have shit like that in their meat market

or if you're into rotisserie chicken you could boil the carcass of that

Any downside to overreaching your daily Vitamin C intake ?

>mexican market
Europe here so it's not really an option.
Carcass will do though, I never thought about using it for soup.

I take grass fed collagen protein. I think it's working, my eczema is gone completely, fine lines are starting to fade and skin appears whiter(I used to have dull tanned looking skin). I heard it can take up to 6 months to a year to start getting results.

But I also started started doing /skincare/ around the same time.

You piss out any excess vit c

So basically it doesn;t work ?

basically, yes.
put roughly a coup of some form of vinegar (most use apple) in there to get the minerals out of the bone.
read a study that basically said the longer you keep it simmering the better the mineral profile becomes.
i use a crock pot that always stays at a low temperature (~50$) and also go to the local chinese guy to get chicken feet that i throw in there, too.
keep it simmering for 1-2 days (yes.) and cool it down quickly when its done. i instantly fill the hot liquid into a mason jar, put it into a sink filled with warm water, then cool the water down continuously until its ice cold like 30 mins after (paranoid of the glass breaking from the heat and pressure difference), then store in the fridge.

one general vague rule about food is that the better the food is, the more quickly it will deteriorate - if microbes don't want it, you shouldn't either (pasta, sweets store forever etc.). if you've ever had organ meats left over in the summer, you'll know what i'm talking about - well bone broth attracts microbes like a magnet and because of the time it takes to make it, you'll want to make large batches, so make sure you cool it down quickly, keep it cool and actually use it up within a few days.

supposedly its a good substitute for coffee aswell, as it can just be taken as a hot, savory drink on its own.
also you don't need veggies at all, they literally add nothing whatsoever. if you want to use it as a base for stews then add the veggies at the very end (minutes before eating after cooking it for days)
different bones take different time to finish. i mostly use beef marrow bones which are quite thick, hence the long cooking time of usually 48h, for chicken 12h will probably cut it.

Doesn't Vitamin A cream like Retin-a cause collagen production?

A friend of mine swears by collagen sups. He is closing in on 40 and still looks great, so I'm inclined to believe it

Baby faced men age like shit, their only hope is to get leaner and leaner until they die

cont.: and don't watch the most popular youtube videos on it. there is some facebook-mom-tier author that wrote a best-selling book about how awesome bone-broth is that does everything wrong that you possibly could (no vinegar, wrong bones, no marrow, no collagen-rich stuff like chicken feet, tons of veggies, way too short cooking time, high temp).
the cunt makes glorified veggie soup that will have no effects whatsoever and is the most popular result for "bone broth".

pretty much most baby faced men heads are shaped like the moon, I feel bad for them. I don't think getting leaner will help their retarded bone structure unfortunately.

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someone in the last thread mentioned cooking fish heads

Of course not. Vitamin C also fights with glucose in the blood, the higher your blood glucose the lower your vitamin C absorption.

If there was any one singular surefire thing that could reduce or delay the effects of aging it would be universally known and everyone would do it. There wouldn't be new shit fads for low IQ spastics to grasp onto constantly.

Just ordered some of this. Have you used it at all?

Getting lean would accentuate their cheekbones by melting their cheekfat tho

nice repost faggot

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Sweets store because they dehydrate bacteria though

they store because they are not food.

The guy in your picture is half Korean, so he's going to look kind of different anyway.

No, that's completely wrong. Do you think million dollar fed batch reactors include a glucose feed for funs sake? Sugaring preserves food because like salting it is such a sugar-rich environment that the osmotic effect that causes sugar to extract water from the other side of the cell membrane is strong enough that it kills all bacteria dead. Pasta is also stored through dehydration.


Is it really as good as everyone says?

Leo still looks good in that pic.


That’s neat, I just eat a dozen eggs a day and wash it down with a protein shake

How do I not get a bloated face as I get older?

low bodyfat and no salt

Not that guy, but yes and no. All the health effects are real but real steroids are better.

I love the fast recovery from it, I work at a farm for the summer. It's a hard job and mk667 makes it better. I take 1ml in the morning and 1ml before sleeping.

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Daily reminder that "bone broth " is just a really gay way to say "stock"

Why not?

"stock" and "broth" are culinary terms for slightly different items.

Redlight therapy
Vit C, MSM and Sunscreen
Dermarolling w/ Vit C powder

Attached: (750x937, 75K)

I took Mk677 for the skin gains (was already Jow Forums before taking it). Shit changed my life. I had terrible acne and scarring to the point where it affected by social and even academic life (wouldn't go to class for how ugly I looked some days). Having terrible skin but a great physique is an excruciating dilemma.

As for the gains, I'm overall slightly larger, especially in the arms. Realistically, the gains I got from MK677 were pretty minimal and could have 100% been done natty, maybe just taking a bit longer.

main stream media?