Why do so many girls do this?

Why do so many girls do this?

Is it the best ass exercise of all time?

>Should I do it if I want my ass to be firmer?

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To signify to chad that their body is prepared

>girl exercises
just no

Like Captain America

Strengthens their vagoo muscle so they can have a 100% success rate of trapping you with a baby

>cant control face
>cant controll boobs
But they can controll the shape of their ass (one of top 3 key women areas) so no wonder they do it

What are db lunges
What are pistol squats

They can control their face to a degree, they're just too stupid to not wear makeup everyday and ruin it. Doing squats and meme workouts is easier than self control.

Whoever invent makeup was an evil genius.
>start with only little to hide minor imperfections
>that little bit makes other parts of your skin worse
>buy even more makeup to fix your newly bad skin
>repeat until you're dead

Isn't this just a retarded version of a deadlift?

It really is one of the most marketable thing in the world. Not to mention that women will want even more makeup when they get older and hit the wall. It's a vicious cycle.

Whats the difference between this and bridges?

makeup dates back to prehistory, it's unlikely any single person can claim to have invented it

Fucking gay.

Will this exercise give me a higher thrust power?

Also they do this on a incline bench/flat while other men wants to use it to db bench press

fuck women

Hip thrusts are good ass-istance exercise for deadlift/squat lockout. Apart from looking amusing when a cute girl do them facing the middle if the weight room, idgaf what girls do in the gym if they're not interfering with my routine.

What can I replace this with?

I want to follow a routine but it has this. I'm not about to make love to a barbell in the gym.

RDL's, as long as you make sure you're contracting both your ass and your hammies they're pretty similar in benefits.

This is a good exercise, if you’re afraid about looking silly in the gym you’re probably DYEL and should get over yourself.

i heard this make having sex better. true?

Can't girls just do some squats? I only do squats for 5 sets twice a week and most people compliment my ass. Posted a pic here once (with compression shorts to make it look like yoga pants) and people thought it was a girl's ass. Some of the asses I see even at the gym are absolutely pathetic yet I don't see a single one of them doing some 5x5 or 5x8 squats

I'm about to max out the leg curl machine at my gym. What else could i do for hamstring/butt hypertrophy?

This is the first intelligent, non-dyel post I’ve seen in this sad fucking thread. Hip thrusts are an essential glute accessory.

It's better than sex

well it literally works out your glutes and (for all intents and purposes) your hips, so probably
tho ive never had sex because im an incel so i cant tell you that for certain

part of it is probably my weird lank body shape
the other part is too many years sedentary in chairs
but my glutes just weren't being properly taxed by compound lifts that should have been hitting them as a prime mover
i decided doing focused exercises on weak areas should help correct posture/structure (in part by promoting "normal" tone)
doing weighted glut bridges has helped squat numbers in ways conventional programs previously hadn't
I used to think it was just a meme thot exercises but multiple sources claimed it was the optimal motion for gluteal activation

thats why I do them. girls probably do them because they want fat asses for whoring.

I prefer Romanian deadlifts feel the stretch.

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Reminder that glutes is one of the biggest movers in any lower body exercise and hence a strong glute is essential in advancing in squats, DL or both of the oly lifts.
Also it made my ass look better than most of my girl friends'

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Yes. Unironically.

This. Even The Rock does them. Look it up.

Because theyre too lazy to squat

it's good for planting that last bit of the 18" strapon

yes unless your masculinity is too frail

When loaded heavy (almost universally 3pl8) it is by far the best exercise.
The problem is most girls don't go heavy enough.

If you want a big arse then have a day when this is your main exercise, and then do it on two other days where another lower body lift in the main focus (squats/deads)

Squats tax the glutes less than this exercise.

Yes it is the best, no joke. Im a man but I do it cause my gluts were always lagging, single handedly brought them up.

Bridges have high mean activation, hip thrust have higher peak activation

A better question is why do so few guys do this? It's a great fucking exercise and you can load it pretty heavy, girls always do it lightweight but its unironically one of the most alpha looking exercises if youre lifting heavy.

You think girls are impressed by how much you can bench? Imagine how much theyll be mirin when they see you can LIFT their WHOLE BODY with your FUCK MUSCLES.

>Given best exercise in existence
>Immediately wants to change because he feels silly

Wrong answer
Wrong attitude
Wrong mind
Wrong actions
Wrong results

Right answer:
"Hai! Senpai, the path to greatness will be difficult and often painful, uncomfortable, tiring or awkward! However I shall endure these hardships and do my best to persevere! Through this effort and suffering I shall work on this path towards excellence!"

>why do so few guys do this?

We don't cum when we do it but girls do which gives them positive reinforcement.
They get to masturbate in the gym whenever they want but when I do it I get banned for life.


It's part of the training regimen for my women's self-defense system, Vagoo Fu.
>train weighted crotch thrusts 8xfailure
>legs-over-head squats 5xfailure
>queefing for time (HIIT)
This allows a Warrior Woman to take back her femininity and utilize the ultimate anti-rape jutsu, the Power Clit, in which she punches her attacker in the benis with the raw force of a testosterone-enlarged battle clitoris.


I dunno if RDL is a good replacement since if you work the hamstrings and more than the butt, you'll end up getting anterior pelvic tilt or the deadlift butt.

Maybe walking lunges are better? They are killer even doing it with 20lbs (my 1RM for squar is 315lb for reference).

OP, this and along with band resistance training and squats

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i agree

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Hip thrusts are for alpha men. Why aren't you doing them user?


Nevermind. Not walking lunges, reverse lunges activate the hamstring the least and the glutes the most.

I'll be doing reverse lunges instead.

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wtf how did he not break his spine doing this

ye, like the cable squat is a fucking retarded exercise too. i tell you man, if i didn't think myself a 6-7 i'd say she was begging me to rape her doing that stupid thing.

>Go to any NFL gym and you'll see nobody is doing deadlifts. People who get paid for their physical performance don't deadlift
Really makes you think

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Everything but normal, tried and tested exercises
otherwise how can you show everything in the gym how special and hip you are?


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It is literally one of the best glutes exercise.

It actually does

I think that's because they feel it's less technical than squats and allow them to lift more weights than lunges (which can be a bit of a challenge as well).

Someone invented it first

I do a RDL and bridge superset.