Its reset time boys, if youre a student going back in the fall or just trying get that last minute summer fling take a look in the mirror because this will be last time you look this gay. NO FAP NO EDGE NO PORN. WHO IS IN? Get your nuts in today and tomorrow because thats gonna be it

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Other urls found in this thread:

second relapse after my longest period
Its really funny how conscious i was during it and realized how stupid and irrational it is keep going but the primative urges they are very strong indeed

I think I am on day 12? I really don't know. but the addiction is gone.

my longest stint was 3 weeks and I ended up nutting in my sleep. This time I am not even having sexy dreams.

fuck it let's go

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I fapped yesterday so im in

I'm already 10 days in. I keep failing about 27ish days in. I passed my one of my coworkers yesterday and wanted to bend her over the table and fuck her fat ass.

I completely blew the streak that i started in November with the beginning of May and since then i somewhat frequently kept going until now.
What the fuck happened? Where did my Willpower go? It seemingly faded over night. Please Guys i need some Motivation/help

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I'm in. Just broke a few days ago after 2 months. Date imploded after she was grinding on my knee in the bar and I tried to get handsy in the theater

Does a "reboot" have any real effect on erection quality? I'm a 3 a dayer.

fuckbuddy is away so i'm gonna be reasonable and have an easymode version.

only fap once in 48 hours
only fap at the end of the day

should be enough to boost my energy and motivation. i don't wanna go completely noporn right now, but the less explicit the better.

Whenever I fail, and I fall into a routine of fapping its hard to break. It's really easy not to fap when you've got a streak going.

what if i fuck does it count as a relapse

No, sex is better than watching BBC blowbang porn for an hour with a shoelace tied around your cock

Day 2, done.

ok then , in your honor i will film it and post it here

On 6mo RN gonna reset for this

Don't reset

Is doing NoFap effective for discipline/willpower gains? Right now I'm thinking so because I'm 18 and I'm super fucking horny, I fap at least 10 times a week.



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Lets roll


Reminder that wet dreams don't fucking count. The only thing that counts as breaking your streak is whipping your dick out and jerking off

count me in

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>watching BBC blowbang porn for an hour with a shoelace tied around your cock

I need to try this.

Based, tell us if you like it

Doing it right now. Makes your cock harder and it feels like it won't get soft unless I take it off. Feels really good actually. Now I just need to find a porn video to watch. I tested by looking at some pics of girls in threads.

im in, just got my last fap in, 30days here I come

>Get your nuts in today and tomorrow because thats gonna be it
The mind doesn't work like that. If you're truly gonna make it you'll simply decide you already started the last time you nutted, whenever that may have been

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I'm in let's do this!


Okay this feels really fucking good. I'm doing this from now on. Fapping as this is posted.

I'm in

How do you guys even do this? Or are you all boomers?
If I don´t fap even for 3 or 4 days I get wet dreams again which are just a fucking bother honestly. Not fapping as much. sure, but I physically can´t not nut for an entire month.

look I have to edge to get that energy boost on days without coffee
day 35 btw

I did no fap for 7 days, and felt some of the positive effects like heightened motivation and energy. I would do it again, the only problem was how unbearable it felt when I had no outlet. The other day I was chilling at my cousin's house (I'm on vacation in another country) and has to rub one out because I was so unbelievably bored but so motivated to do stuff, but couldn't really leave the house.
I don't regret fapping at all in this instance, which contradicts what autistic redditor no fappers claim

Ayylmao youre welcome

Why do I find myself edging to porn constantly? I could just cum and get it over with but I keep stopping and delaying it. Is it because I'm afraid of how disgusted I'll be with myself after I cum? I think this is the reason.

Edging = "I'm deeply afraid at how disgusted I'll be with myself after ejaculation...we must wait a little longer"

Anyone else feel this way?

Also, who else likes cumming on old black shirts and watching the crust/smell build up over time?

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Post what you edge to

I'm at work but I edge to partyhardcore videos where random sluts get banged by roided up strippers

I haven't jerked off in more than a week so I guess I'm already in

>already got fully prepared to do this
>realize July has 31 days not 30
oh well guess I have another day haha

IM FUCKING IN! but I will fuck my gf. but no more porn

Rolling for easy mode :
One fap allowed every week
Don't want to become sex monkey again

Just do fucking noporn. Your body gets these urges for a reason, so if you're not already having regular sex there's no reason to put yourself through the stress.

Making yourself hornier and more likely to approach real women does not make you more attractive to them and only highlights your desperation.

+400 days here

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Ok sure

Am I have a stroke or does that not emake sense or is that just me or me?

fuck it lads i'm in for no porn :^)

I'm in already 3 days

Could you say something more about it?

2 days in. Decided on no fap and no new porn until september 1. Longest streak was 12 days.

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A few of my week long no nut streaks ended with tied shoe laces or strings wraped around the shaft. But never too tight. Same reason as for why I never tried any pumps. Fear of beeing one popped blood vessel away from limp-dick-forever.

What can I say? Life is good, no more anxiety or depression, self- confidence over the top, constant mires from everyone, reencounter faith in God.

Stop watching porn, lift, and do something productive for your community, that'll help greatly

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Felt a bit down in the weekend, decided to stop fapping to be more "manly" towards girls.
I haven't fapped in 4 days
Didn't even pop a morning wood
Dunno if i's hormone shit, I feel relieved but no libido isn't really funny.

I'm already at the 1 month mark now and it was honestly pretty easy. Desire to watch porn is practically non-existent, erections feel stronger but that could also be from the kegels.

>20 days in
>SO is preggo and does not want to sex
I kinda want to fap but I don't want to break my streak

No porn is fine. No fap is fucking dumb.

Believing this daft shit does something mystical to you is akin to being an anti vaxxer or flat earther.

i just edge to get the biggest, fattest nut my balls can manage. i also enjoy watching porn



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>"beneficial for one’s physical, emotional, and relational health."

>"masturbation now is regarded as a normal, healthy sexual activity that is pleasant, fulfilling, acceptable, and safe."

>"the medical community considers masturbation to be a natural and harmless expression of sexuality for both men and women. It does not cause any physical injury or harm to the body, and can be performed in moderation throughout a person's lifetime as a part of normal sexual behaviour."

>"Masturbating is totally healthy, and totally normal. There are tons of myths out there meant to scare you into thinking masturbation is wrong or bad. But the truth is masturbation is perfectly safe. Masturbating won't make you blind, crazy, or stupid. It won’t damage your genitals, cause pimples, or stunt your growth. It doesn’t use up all your orgasms or ruin other kinds of sex."

>"Masturbating frequently could significantly reduce a man's risk of prostate cancer.
>"What qualifies as frequently? According to recent research from Harvard University, men who have 21 or more orgasms per month could cut their odds by 33%

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Is this a meme? It seems like a meme at this point

I went for nofap because I finally started dating on Tinder and I thought to myself, that I should abstain and keep that energy for potential sex, even when the urges were really strong. Long story short no one liked me and I masturbated yesterday because I felt so bad about my failures.

If I was even remotely attractive to women, I would never masturbate because I wouldn't feel the need to do that.

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It's one guy reposting this shit all day in any thread mentioning nofap. I don't think it's a bot because the "person" is inept. There's palpable benefits to nofap like making you so horny you take risks and ask out girls on the street, unwires your brain for instant gratification and restores your dopamine receptors, and generally builds willpower.

Will there's other effects of it that aren't as great, you need to understand we as humans never had access to porn quite like this and it's killing us neurally.

It is. It's become like "dullest franchise" posting but has even less chance at being funny.

I'm in.

You don't have sex with her, she has sex with you.

>Getting contradictory information. Heard that to build muscle mass its good to go heavy with rest days inbetween.

True, depends on what you're doing too though. You'll be fine doing heavy compounds three times a week with a AxBxAxx type schedule.

Advice? Yeah, stop freaking out about women.

Women are people. They burp, fart, like to fuck, are obsessed with shit others think is stupid, and they like and dislike similar things in new people.

Here's what you do: get out more. Don't go to clubs and bullshit like that. Go to places and join activities that you're actually interested in. I've had great luck socializing at climbing gyms (virtually everyone I met in 2005 - 2009 was from the climbing gyms in my old area). I've also had great luck joining groups from or whatever to do organized hikes, dinners, etc.

Your goal should be to 1) do interesting activities that will enrich you as a person and 2) meet others who enjoy similar things.

Once you come across the right woman, either things will just flow effortlessly, OR she will be forgiving of your awkwardness and help you through it.

By the way, never forget this: there are plenty of women with whom you're incompatible. Rejection from one woman says nothing about your chances with the next. Also, just because she's a woman, or pretty, doesn't mean she's intelligent, sexually talented, interesting, or even socially competent. I've met my share of socially retarded women who were quite physically attractive.

It depends. Is your bar a magic bar that weighs nothing? If so, go ahead and ignore it. Otherwise, of course you count it, what a stupid question.

Most of us know it's retarded. Depending on where you work and who you're around you don't have to worry about it though. Anyone who's gone to college or done scientific work understands the metric system.

Anyway, a few weeks passed, and a similar post was put up. 10 minutes later, it was gone. Never to be seen again...I was a bit confused, but let it slip.

i know this sound stupid nut is there anything like limewire used to be?
also Jow Forums

NoFap is stupid.
Thin or fat - doesn't matter.
Only excuse for NoFap is that you own a cow or something and it's the easiest/cheapest way for you to get calories.

Its kinda weirdly formatted for my stupid brains to get what you do on one day or do you switch shit around

"le" is still fucking stupid. You cannot add it to your meme/FPS/whatever without sounding like a junior high school girl, no matter how ironic you're trying to be.

I don't get this. What do they plan to achieve? Do they plan to shelter these women who are scared of men for their whole lives? Is this going to spill into every facet of our lives? Are there going to be women only areas in restaurants, trains and in the workplace?

It's just stupid to me.

Also, this is a terrible example. A man has much more testosterone and will build much more muscle in six months, not to mention men usually eat more too.

>tfw I don't do NoFap but I know alot about it
>tfw NoFap is just normal exercises
>tfw Jow Forums is retarded jelly

It's like getting fit and healthy is less important then going to a gym powerlifting and or bodybuilding.

even if you win, you could get injured easily, which would cost you more than whatever's in your wallet

>Only excuse for NoFap is that you own a cow or something and it's the easiest/cheapest way for you to get calories.


next post that you stapled your hand by accident and were surprised when it hurt

Oh, and does anyone else get horny when they play San Andreas?

Whats your bodyfat like? Once I started lifting consistently and went on a slow cut I just got horny as hell.

don't think like that. It's just another bodily fluid like saliva. Really doesn't taste like anything. If you want to try it, just make sure you're super horny at the time and you won't give a shit what it tastes/feels like. And you'll probably realize it's not bad. Maybe not, idk

Just go out and fuck bitches, dude. It's not all that difficult. They're just as horny as you, dude.

>How do you guys even do this? Or are you all boomers?
Like literally wrestle her to the floor and make bear noises

>im in, just got my last fap in, 30days here I come
Horny, but if they died like that how would the photographer explain that to the cops.

did anyone here tried this?


was looking for a supplement. i heard horny goat weed works well.

it doesn't increase your test levels by even one point

it directly makes you horny, even if you're 100% healthy
Here's a study for you as well.
You'll probably find a lot more where that came from.

also frank yang talks to his food. make a connection with your food, like the food is horny to be eaten, like a woman, u imagine the food is saying "eat me! eat me!"

Can I get some opinions on Tinder? What's the deal

Nigger are you a bot? This was a reply to a post about jerking off with a shoelace around your dick

>Can I get some opinions on Tinder? What's the deal
Girls get hit on by a factor of 75%-99% more in a single day everyday while they're out than a single male does. Women are experts at flirting because every horny guy is always teaching them by flirting

okay enough samefagging we get it. you dont mind if your gf comes over and sucks my alpha dick because shes horny and i lift more than you.

It's just going to make you feel horny and will have no impact on your strength or athletic performance

That's what I was thinking. It just seems like a cream with a bunch of natural substances, like horny goat weed extract (mushroom tip etc), l-arginine and others